ENG IVI-Search Evaluation Rubric
Target (A to B+) / Acceptable (B to C-) / Unacceptable (D+ to F)THE PRODUCT: TO BE COMPLETED 1ST SEMESTER
I-Search Purpose and Focus / Asks and answers a research question. Research is placed so that reader knows what to read for. / Doesn’t clearly ask the research question, but answers it / No clear presentation of a question or an answer
Organization / Includes all 3 parts of an I-Search; uses clear transitions between sections; uses clear transitions within sections to create coherence. Reader can follow the steps in the research process. / All 3 parts are included, but transitions are sometimes weak between or within sections. Reader may have some trouble following your research process. / All 3 parts not included. Very weak links between parts and within sections. No noticeable sequence to research process. Ideas jump around.
Development of ideas / Offers substantial information toward answering the research question. Writer’s questions and ideas drive the paper forward. May also include conflicting information. / Some information is substantial toward answering the research question. Writer has offered some breadth, but not much depth. Writer’s ideas surface, but content appears more as a listing of resources. Resources rather than the writer control much of the paper. / Offers little in answer to research question. Too much about self; too little about the research. Writer is unable to offer significant insights based on the research.
Style, including intro and conclusion / Writer engages reader with interesting wording, examples, & sources. Writer’s voice shows enthusiasm for this topic. Intro captures attention. Conclusion draws information together, offers writer’s analysis and synthesis. / Writer often engages reader, but not consistently. Writer’s voice has enthusiasm for this topic. Intro not as attention-getting as possible; conc. OK, not great. / Writer is distant from reader. Seems unaware sometimes of what a reader needs. Little enthusiasm apparent for the topic. Weak intro; conc. Doesn’t offer closure.
(-10 if Fix-it page missing from portfolio or incomplete) / Correct. Fewer than 2 small-scale errors per page (spelling, punctuation). Fix-it page errors are addressed. / Mostly correct. Small errors in proofreading distract reader to some extent (3 or more per page). Writer is attempting to address Fix-It page errors. / Serious large-scale errors (run-ons, fragments, pronoun inconsistencies) or such frequent small-scale errors that reading is impaired. No change in Fix-it page errors.
Use of sources / Sources identified within sentences. Woven into paragraphs smoothly. Presented in writer’s own words and/or with appropriate quotation marks. / Identified, but somewhat awkwardly. Presented in writer’s own words and/or with appropriate quotation marks. / Not identified. Questionable wording; not all writer’s own, but not marked with quotation marks.
Research / Multiple credible and varied sources offer depth. / Multiple sources. Some significant information appears, but some research is “light.” Writer has offered some breadth, but not much depth. / Sources have dubious credibility; little substance.
(-10 if missing) / All sources listed. Info provided makes each one retrievable. / Most sources listed; 1-2 forgotten or not retrievable with given information / Missing; not matched to paper; more than 2 sources not retrievable with given info
3 selected items in portfolio / Writer selected 3 significant portfolio items. Post-it attached to each thoroughly explains how the item helped writer to complete the paper. / Writer selected 3 significant portfolio items. Post-its don’t adequately explain how each item helped the writer to complete the paper. / Portfolio items not chosen selectively (portfolio becomes an information dump) and/or post-its are missing.
(-20 if this page is missing) / Writer carefully and thoroughly describes steps taken to complete this paper. Identifies at least one specific strength and one specific weakness. Explains risks, changes from previous paper. Shows strong insight into own writing process. / Lists steps taken to complete the paper. Identifies one strength and one weakness, but possibly in general terms. General or only brief statement about risk & change from previous paper. Shows some understanding of own writing process. / Does not identify elements of the writing process, strengths or weaknesses, risks or change from previous paper. Writer has little or no grasp of own writing process.
Deductions for not following manuscript form; -5 points for each violation:
- At least 7 full pages + bibliographyBlack ink12-point fonttitle for your essay
- Page number on each pageName on 1st pagedouble-spacing