Rubrics for writing: AP Spanish LanguageToubman
This rubrics was designed by Patricia Smith and revised by E. Toubman in the fall of 2007
9/10 Demonstrates Superiority
- Fully addresses and completes the task
- A very well developed, organized, and relevant essay that convincingly and explicitly reacts to all sources required
- Analyzes, synthesizes, and integrates the texts without summarizing texts individually
- Treatment of the topic is relevant, thorough, and well organized
- All or almost all information is accurate
- Demonstrates insight or originality
- Accurate social and/or cultural references included
- Control of a variety of structures and idioms. Occasional errors may occur, but there is no pattern
- Rich, precise, idiomatic; ease of expression vocabulary
- Excellent command of conventions of the written language (orthography, sentence structure, paragraphing and punctuation)
- Register is highly appropriate
7-8 Demonstrates Command
- Appropriately addresses and completes the task
- A well-developed, organized, and relevant essay that explicitly reacts to the required sources
- Synthesizes and integrates the sources without summarizing the texts individually
- Treatment of the topic is relevant and well developed
- Information is generally accurate
- Generally accurate social and/ or cultural references included
- May show originality or insight
- Synthesis of information outweighs summary or mere quotation
- Evidence of control of a variety of structures and idioms, although a few grammatical errors may occur; good to very good control of elementary structures
- Considerable breadth of vocabulary
- Conventions of the written language generally correct
- Register is generally correct
5-6 Demonstrates Competence
- Addresses and completes task
- Refers to most if not all the sources in the essay
- Attempts to synthesize, but commentary is relatively superficial
- Treatment of topic is relevant
- Information is generally accurate, although there may be some inaccuracies or lack of precision
- Generally appropriate social and/ or cultural references included
- Individual summaries or quotations outweigh synthesis
- Students paraphrases information, without giving own opinion
- Essay is organized with adequate cohesiveness
- Errors may occur in a variety of structures
- Appropriate vocabulary; occasional second language interference may occur
- May have errors in the conventions of written language
- Register is generally appropriate
3-4 Suggests Lack of Competence
- Partially addresses and/ or completes task
- Essay is so general that it suggests that the student has not adequately understood the question and/or the sources
- Essay may only refer to some but not all of the sources
- Inadequately organized
- Little or no synthesis of information
- Treatment of the topic may be irrelevant
- Information may be limited or inaccurate
- Inaccurate social and/or cultural references may be included
- Frequent grammatical errors may occur even in elementary structures; there may be some redeeming features, such as correct advanced structures
- Limited vocabulary; frequent second language interference may occur
- Frequent errors in the conventions of written language may be present
- Register may be inappropriate
1-2 Demonstrates Lack of Competence
- Does not complete the task
- Essay is chaotic, confused, disorganized
- The response indicates a lack of understanding
- Refers poorly to only one or two of the sources in the essay
- Information is very limited and mainly inaccurate
- There may be no synthesis of information
- Inaccurate social and/ or cultural references included
- Numerous grammatical errors impede communication
- Insufficient vocabulary; constant second language interference
- Pervasive errors in conventions that may interfere with communication
- Minimal to no attention to register
0 No credit
- Blank paper, off-task or meaningless response
- Written in a language other than Spanish
- Restatement or rewriting of the topic or information in the sources