RUBRIC - iMovie Project MP-4 THEME: ______

TEAM: ______

TASKS / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Teamwork / Team worked exceptionally well, stayed focused, shared responsibilities / Team worked well together / Team seemed not to use time wisely, needed prodding
Time limit / "Commercial" lasted 1-2 minutes / "Commercial" was slightly over / under the time limit / "Commercial" did not meet the time requirements
Team members' names / There was an opening scene including the theme title and team members' full names / There was an opening scene, but not with team members' full names / There was no opening scene, but team members' full names were listed / There was no opening scene with team members' names
Sources / There was a closing screen with "credits" URLs of audio and image sources / There was no closing scene listing "credits"
Images / Graphics / Images were appropriate to the theme, attractive (size & colors) / Some images were unattractive but all did support the theme / All images were attractive but some did not support the theme / Several images were unattractive and did not support the theme
Audio / soundtrack / Audio enhanced the content & "feel" of the presentation / Soundtrack did not seem to fit the theme / Soundtrack did not fill the time limits or seem to fit the theme / There was no soundtrack
Text style & formatting / Fonts / formats seemed carefully planned to enhance readability and content / Fonts / formats made reading a little difficult / Fonts / formats made reading very difficult
Scripts / All scripts were in the language and all scenes identified or scripted / All scenes were not scripted / identified / Not all scripts were in the language
Content / Spelling and Grammar / No errors in spelling, grammar or content information - grammmar & vocabulary were within course content / Some errors in spelling and/or grammar / Frequent errors in spelling and/or grammar / Content was not in the language
Originality / Presentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness - ideas were presented in a unique and interesting way / Presentation shows minimal thought or originality

Base Score (if project was submitted / otherwise = 0) = 70

Points Earned = ______

Total Score =