Rubric for Resident Assistant Evaluation
Resident Assistant Self-Appraisal
Villanova University Office for Residence Life
Resident Assistant: Date:
Part 1: Administrative Responsibilities
CommunicationRating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Exceeds Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Generally responds to emails in less than 24 hours.
- Checks RA mailbox daily and is willing to pick up fellow building staff mail and disseminate as needed.
- Checks email regularly throughout the day.
- Is consistently proactive in scheduling meetings with supervisors.
- Generally responds to requests for information within 24 hours.
- Checks RA mailbox several times a week.
- Checks email a few times each day.
- Is generally proactive in scheduling meetings with supervisors.
- Promptly communicates resident/staff/facilities concerns to supervisor.
- Emails to residents demonstrate enthusiasm and creativity.
- Keeps supervisors in the loop on floor issues.
- Generally responds to requests for information within 48 hours without prompting from supervisors.
- Schedules 1:1s with supervisors as requested.
- Honors meeting times.
- Checks RA mailbox 2x/week.
- Checks email daily.
- Appropriately communicates resident/staff/ facilities concerns to supervisor.
- Follows proper protocol when emailing residents.
- Posts current flyers and removes outdated postings.
- Usually takes more than 48 hours to respond to requests for information.
- Has missed at least one 1:1 with a supervisor.
- Usually checks RA mailbox once a week.
- Checks email occasionally.
- Communicates resident/staff/facilities concerns occasionally.
- Has neglected to copy supervisors on email communication to residents at least once.
- Some outdated flyers are left hanging in hallway.
- Rarely responds to requests for information without prompting.
- 1:1s with supervisors often missed and need to be rescheduled.
- Rarely checks RA mailbox and usually requires reminders to do so.
- Checks email infrequently.
- Does not communicate resident/staff/facilities concerns.
- Consistently neglects proper protocol when emailing residents.
- Rarely hangs new flyers or removes outdated ones.
Rating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
- Provides highly detailed and specific information on RA Reports.
- Regularly submits service requests for common area damage and follows up on all requests.
- Provides detailed information on RA Reports.
- Consistently submits service requests for building maintenance and custodial issues.
- Provides adequate information on RA Reports to cover past month of RA work.
- IRs, PCs, RCs are thorough, accurate, and appropriately detailed.
- Submits service requests for floor maintenance and custodial issues.
- RA Reports occasionally lack information or details.
- IRs, PCs, RCs, etc., have at times been missing important details.
- Some maintenance or custodial issues on floor have gone unreported or unnoticed.
- Rarely provides adequate detail on RA Reports.
- Reports are frequently lacking important details.
- Seems unaware of and rarely submits service requests for floor maintenance concerns.
Rating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Exceeds Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Immediately forwards all paperwork related to resident incidents or concerns, including IRs, PCs, RCs.
- Forwards all paperwork related to resident concerns within 24 hours.
- Regularly submits Incident Reports within 24 hours following an incident.
- Forwards all paperwork related to resident concerns within 48 hours.
- Regularly submits paperwork and responds to requests for information on time.
- Roommate Living Agreements are completed promptly.
- Occasionally late with resident concern paperwork.
- Has needed a reminder on more than one occasion to submit a report or form.
- Roommate Living Agreements are late.
- Does not submit resident concern paperwork on time and/or does not complete paperwork related to resident concerns.
- Failed to submit at least one Incident Report as required
- Has failed to complete a Roommate Living Agreement for every room.
Administrative Strengths:
Administrative Areas for Growth:
2. Community Development
CB Planning and ExecutionRating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Exceeds Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Consistently organizes CBs that meet resident needs/interests across all categories.
- Often takes the lead in organizing larger CBs or multiple co-programming efforts with other RAs, yet shares responsibilities.
- Demonstrates impressive creativity when planning CBs.
- Uses creative and innovative methods for advertising.
- Offers ideas and feedback to Coordinator for Residential Learning.
- Coordinates details of larger programs with appropriate members of the staff.
- Has CBs that meet resident needs/interests across all categories.
- Seeks to co-program CBs and supports the efforts of other groups and individuals.
- Has surveyed residents at least once about their interests, needs, and availability.
- Involves residents in planning and implementation of CBs.
- Uses many resources as basis for CBs.
- Seeks feedback for CBs.
- Uses multiple methods of advertising.
- Actively follows up on CB logistics and takes initiative to handle details as appropriate.
- CBs generally meet resident needs/interests across all categories.
- Has balanced floor CBs with co-programming opportunities.
- Supports the efforts of other groups/individuals in CBs.
- Uses some resources as a basis for CBs.
- Provides inclusive programs.
- CBs are offered at a time convenient for residents.
- Seeks to improve CB performance
- Advertises a week in advance for CBs
- Coordinates and follows up with all parts of the CB (van, food orders, etc.).
- CBs do not consistently meet the needs/interests of the residents.
- Rarely co-programs effectively and/or only seeks to co-program while only offering 1-2 floor CBs.
- Seeks credit for CBs they did not fully participate in.
- Resources are underutilized.
- Has CBs at inconvenient times for residents.
- Demonstrates lack of follow-through when given suggestions for improvement.
- Advertises for only a limited time prior to a CB (day of, a few days before).
- Has overlooked details of a CB (i.e. van reservations, MPE requests, etc.).
- Does not seek out opportunities to co-program.
- Does not co-program effectively and/or has not offered any floor CBs.
- Does not use resources for CBs.
- CBs are not spaced out appropriately throughout the semester.
- CBs lack creativity and relevance for residents.
- Does not seem interested in CBs
- Does not advertise for CBs.
CB Proposals and Reports
Rating: Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Exceeds Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Has implemented several CBs over and above what is required.
- Indicates semester plan forCBs at the beginning of the semester (via proposals or other communication).
- Submits CB Reports within 24 hours after the CB.
- Utilizes alternative sources of funding for CBs.
- Has implemented a few extra CBs.
- Consistently submits CB Proposals two weeks in advance or earlier.
- CB Reports are submitted within a week following the CB.
- Proposals and Reports are highly detailed and demonstrate thoughtful planning.
- Has implemented the required number of CBs.
- With rare exception, submits CB Proposals two weeks in advance.
- Submits CB Reports by the deadline each month.
- Proposals and Reports are accurate and appropriately detailed.
- Spends programming funds appropriately and submits paperwork as required.
- Is missing at least one required CB.
- CB Proposals have been submitted less than two weeks in advance on more than one occasion for required CBs.
- CB Reports have been late at least once, and staff member has required reminders to submit them.
- Is missing several required CBs.
- CB Proposals are consistently submitted less than a week in advance.
- CB Reports are consistently submitted after the deadline or not at all, even after reminders.
- Has failed to communicate changes to a CB to the Coordinator for Residential Learning.
- Programming funds are used without approval or inappropriately.
Bulletin Boards and Door Tags
Rating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
- Bulletin boards are completed before the deadline each month.
- Bulletin boards are usuallyinnovative and educational.
- RA regularly replaces worn or vandalized door tags and bulletin boards.
- Invests significant time and creativity in door tags.
- Hallway and bathroom areas are also nicely decorated.
- Invests time in making creative bulletin boards.
- Makes a door tag for any new resident who moves onto the floor.
- Door tags demonstrate care and creativity.
- Posts bulletin board by the monthly due date.
- Bulletin boards follow the guidelines as listed in RA Manual.
- Hangs clearly labeled door tags at the start of each semester.
- Hall decorations communicate a sense of pride in the community.
- At least one bulletin board has been late.
- Bulletin boards generally lack creativity.
- Bulletin board has contained inappropriate content at least once.
- Torn or vandalized decorations are left hanging in hallway.
- Has missed and/or was late with more than one bulletin board.
- Bulletin boards lack time investment and creativity; utilizes mainly pre-made bulletin boards.
- Hall decorations communicate a lack of care for the community.
Community Development Strengths:
Community DevelopmentAreas for Growth:
3. Resident Responsibilities
Hall LeadershipRating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Exceeds Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Demonstrates persistence in getting to know all residents.
- Actively works to make connections among residents.
- RA has instilled a sense of hall pride among residents.
- Residents identify with their floor and encourage one another to be involved.
- Utilizes more than one advertising strategy for hall meetings.
- Is viewed as an integral and visible part of the hall community.
- Residents have a strong connection to their RA and the floor community.
- Actively creates an environment that is welcoming and affirming of student identities.
- Consistently introduces residents to one another.
- Offers informal opportunities to build community in hall.
- Demonstrates to residents an ethic of care and investment in the community.
- Floor meetings are well-attended and are a time for group discussion about common concerns.
- Community Living Agreement is regularly referred to and revisited.
- Spends a great deal of time in the hall with door open.
- Takes initiative to seek out residents to get involved.
- Works to promote respect for diversity on the hall/wing.
- Works to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among residents.
- Holds floor meetings as required to disseminate information and to address common issues and concerns.
- Fosters a safe and welcoming environment for all residents.
- Community Living Agreement has appropriate content.
- Community Living Agreement is posted in a prominent location in the hallway.
- Is a regular and visible presence in the hall.
- Is generally accessible to staff and residents.
- Promotes resident involvement in IHC, RAMP, and/or RA.
- Makes an inconsistent effort to build resident connections.
- Floor meetings are not well publicized or attended.
- There is little sense of community; some residents feel invested and others do not.
- Community Living Agreement is difficult to locate, lacks clarity, or has not been replaced if vandalized.
- Does not always make presence on the floor known.
- Has limited availability outside of duty hours.
- Atmosphere on hall encourages inappropriate jokes and comments that may be offensive to specific student(s) / groups.
- Demonstrates little effort and/or interest in engaging residents in the floor community.
- Has not held all the required floor meetings.
- Community Living Agreement contradicts the Code of Student Conduct.
- No Community Living Agreement is present or visible.
- Is rarely in the building and does not take initiative to interact with residents when in the hall.
- Has limited understanding of the floor dynamic.
- Has engaged in / encouraged behavior that is offensive to fellow students and violates the University’s Community of Respect.
Resident Relationships
Rating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
- Knows residents of other floors by name in addition to own residents.
- Anticipates conflicts and takes proactive measures to address them before they become an issue.
- Has genuine interest in the health and well-being of each resident.
- Meets one-on-one with every resident or with roommates at least once during the year.
- Has provided increased outreach to students of concern / students not connecting.
- Knows the first and last name of every resident.
- Addresses residents by name.
- Is aware of individual resident issues and needs and actively works to address them.
- Is comfortable and calm in handling a variety of conflicts.
- Follows up with residents without reminders.
- Proactively works with residents to update Roommate Living Agreements throughout the year.
- Can identify students of concern / students not connecting and has informed supervisors of concern.
- Knows the name of every resident.
- Has taken the opportunity to get to know residents on a deeper level.
- Appears genuinely invested in the success of each resident.
- Works to develop a sense of rapport to both counsel and document concerns.
- Is generally comfortable, balanced, and fair in addressing issues and conflicts.
- Follows up with residents promptly and communicates information to supervisor.
- Assists with Roommate Living Agreements in person.
- Does not know the names of all residents.
- Has only a basic knowledge of residents.
- Overlooks resident problems.
- Struggles to maintain objectivity when managing conflicts.
- Follows up with residents only when prompted.
- Has a limited knowledge of how residents interact with one another and with the Villanova community.
- Only knows a few residents on the floor by name.
- Does not know personal information about many residents.
- Actively avoids conflict situations.
- Has not gotten involved in assisting with issues on the floor.
- Does not follow up on resident concerns..
- Roommate Living Agreements were not completed with in-person assistance from RA.
- Cannot identify residents who are frequently present on the hall and in the Villanova community.
Resident Responsibilities Strengths:
ResidentResponsibilities Areas for Growth:
4. Duty
Duty ProceduresRating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Exceeds Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Where applicable, meets with Public Safety Officer at start of PS shift.
- Completes extra rounds when it is perceived to be an active night in the building.
- Can be relied on to hold fellow staff members accountable for proper duty procedures.
- Consistently uses duty hours to build hall community.
- Informs a supervisor if duty procedures are not being followed.
- Utilizes appropriate resources prior to calling a supervisor with questions.
- Regularly submits service requests for common area damages on duty nights.
- Removes outdated fliers during duty rounds.
- Reports for all assigned duty consistently on time.
- Completes thorough and timely rounds on a regular basis.
- Completes final rounds at assigned time.
- Consistently keeps door wide open while on duty.
- Utilizes Professional On-Call when necessary & for all “key-in” situations.
- Abides by the quiet hour policy while on rounds.
- Always stores master key in a safe, appropriate location.
- Calls in facilities and custodial needs and emergencies to Public Safety.
- Occasionally late for duty.
- Does not complete thorough rounds (i.e. through bathrooms, common areas).
- Has failed to complete final rounds.
- More often than not has had a guest in roomduring duty hours.
- Calls Professional On-Call or supervisor to answer questions that are found in the manual.
- Occasionally only props door open a crack.
- Does not consistently address facilities or custodial needs while on duty
- Consistently fails to report to duty on time.
- Has left the building during duty hours for non-emergencies.
- Rarely or never completes thorough rounds (i.e. checking bathrooms or common areas).
- Regularly has a guest in room during duty hours.
- Has missed duty completely without notification.
- Has had door closed while on duty.
- Master Key has been lost or misused.
- Actively ignores facilities and custodial needs in hall.
Duty Scheduling and Notifications
Rating:Select OneSignificantly Exceeds ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
- Consistently plans well in advance and duty switches are for true emergencies only.
- Steps up to take duty responsibilities in an emergency.
- Often assists other RAs with duty switches.
- Communicates requests off and duty switches thoroughly in advance.
- Maintains accurate duty board.
- Posts signs indicating “on-duty” and “on-rounds” appropriately.
- May make late duty switch requests or complete multiple and frequent duty switches.
- Duty board information is occasionally outdated.
- Signs indicating “on-duty” and “on-rounds” are missing or misused.
- Switches duty with staff without notifying AC or Professional On-Call.
- Makes unauthorized modifications to the duty structure.
- Requires frequent reminders to update duty board.
Break Procedures
Rating: Select OneMeets ExpectationsFalls Below ExpectationsSignificantly Falls Below Expectations
Meets Expectations / Falls Below Expectations / Significantly Falls
Below Expectations
- Completes share of break duty and closing responsibilities.
- Completes and submits appropriate paperwork for fire safety checks prior to leaving for break as assigned.
- Turns in and picks up Master Key at break periods.
- Has left early for at least one break with little notice to supervisors.
- Paperwork for fire safety checks was turned in late.
- Requires reminders to drop off or pick up Master Key before or after a break
- On at least one occasion has left early for break without permission.
- Does not complete fire safety inspections as required.
- Does not turn in Master Key prior to leaving for break.
Duty Strengths:
Duty Areas for Growth:
5. Policy Enforcement