Spring 2016


Health Careers Division

RSPT 1411 Respiratory Care Procedures Two

General Syllabus


RSPT 1411. RESPIRATORY CARE PROCEDURES TWO: Four hours credit. Provides students with the essential knowledge of airway care and mechanical ventilation. Airway care includes; indications, techniques, equipment, and hazards and complications. Mechanical ventilation includes indications, initiation, modes, clinical application and, management, complications and weaning. Forty-eight lecture hours and sixty-four lab hours. Prerequisite: RSPT 1410. End-of-Course Outcomes: Select, review, obtain and interpret data pertaining to airway care and mechanical ventilation; setup equipment; troubleshoot equipment malfunctions; maintain patient records and communicate relevant information to members of the health care team; and initiate, conduct, and modify therapeutic procedures.

INTENDED AUDIENCE : First-Year student already enrolled in the Respiratory Care Program.


Instructor’s Name: David Henson, BS, RRT, RPFT, PPS CHT – 222A

Office Hours:09:00 – 11:00 Friday; Tuesday/Thursday 1:00-2:00

Phone:(936) 633-5418

E-mail Address:


A. Core Competencies – (Basic Intellectual Competencies)

1. Reading: Reading at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials – books, articles, and documents. A core curriculum should offer students the opportunity to master both general methods of analyzing printed materials and specific methods for analyzing the subject matter of individual disciplines.

2. Writing: Competency in writing is the ability to produce clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience. Although correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are each a sine qua non in any composition, they do not automatically ensure that the composition itself makes sense or that the writer has much of anything to say. Students need to be familiar with the writing process including how to discover a topic and how to develop and organize it, how to phrase it effectively for their audience. These abilities can be acquired only through practice and reflection.

3. Speaking: Competence in speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience. Developing this competency includes acquiring poise and developing control of the language through experience in making presentations to smallgroups, to large groups, and through the media.

4. Listening: Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication.

5. Critical Thinking: AngelinaCollege defines critical thinking as the dynamic process of questioning preconceptions and biases through the gathering and evaluation of data to reach new conclusions that consider realistic implications and consequences.

6. Computer Literacy: Computer literacy at the college level means the ability to use computer-based technology in communicating, solving problems, and acquiring information. Core-educated students should have an understanding of the limits, problems, and possibilities associated with the use of technology, and should have the tools necessary to evaluate and learn new technologies as they become available. (The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (“Report of Subcommittee on Core Curriculum”, March 1, 1989).

B. Exemplary Objectives – (Found in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Document. Titled: CORE CURRICULUM: ASSUMPTIONSAND DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS Dated: April 1998)

(Not applicable for Respiratory Care Program)

C. Course Objectives – (common to all sections)

1. To introduce the student to various methods mechanical ventilation.

2. To promote a proper understanding of the respiratory cycle and its many components.

3. To develop critical thinking skills in care of patients suffering from ventilation failure.

4. To introduce the student to noninvasive ventilation NIV.

5. To gain adequate knowledge and psychomotor skills in airway management.

6. To introduce the student to various methods noninvasive monitoring of mechanically ventilated patients.

7. To familiarize the student with basics of long term and home ventilation .

D. Course Objectives - (not applicable)


A. Assessments for the Core Intellectual Competencies –

1. Reading – Competency in reading will be assessed through the student’s reading and understanding of course materials and critical-thinking patient case study exercises.

2. Writing – Competency in writing will be assessed through written responses to the critical-thinking patient case studies

3. Speaking – Competency in speaking will be assessed through oral responses and participation on small and large group oral discussions of the critical thinking patient case studies.

4. Listening – Competency in listening will be assessed through the student’s verbal response to questions and following instructions for the large and small group critical thinking activities

5. Critical Thinking -Competency in critical thinking will be demonstrated through their participation in critical-thinking patient case studies which involves both oral discussion and written activities.

6. Computer Literacy – Competency in computer literacy will be assessed through in computer clinical simulations and required internet research assignments.

  1. Assessments for the Exemplary Objectives Specific to the Course –

(Not Applicable for the Respiratory Care Program)

C. Assessments for Objectives Specific to the Course

CORE COMPETENCIES: SCANS – (Secretary’s Commission on Academic Necessary Skills)

Students are expected to demonstrate basic competency in academic and workforce skills. The following are competencies with evaluation are included in RSPT 1410.

SCAN SkillsAssessments

Foundation SkillsWritten Assignments

Oral Presentations

Required Readings

Critical Thinking Case Studies

Demonstrated Competency in Clinical

Workplace CompetenciesComputer Assisted Instruction

Critical Thinking Case Study Assessments

Demonstrated Competency in Clinical

  1. Assessments for the Objectives of the Course as determined by the Instructor –



The methods of instruction used in this course includes but not limited to the following: Lecture, lab, discussion, performance, audiovisual, computer assisted instruction and critical-thinking patient case studies.


A. Required Textbooks, Materials and Equipment –

Wilkins, Robert.(2012) Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care (10th Ed), Mosby,.

Wilkins, Robert.(2012)Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Workbook (10th Ed), Mosby.

Instructor lecture notes and assignments will be posted on Blackboard.

Communication between Student and Instructor will be via AC Email

The student will use only the basic calculator provided by the uniform store

A medical dictionary would be helpful but not required.

A student can recorder lectures.

Cell phones must not be used during class and not on desk or visible.

All assignments must be completed on time.

  1. Assignments – Class meets Monday and Wednesdays10:30pm -12:00pm,Lab 1:30 – 4:00

Week 1 (Jan18 – 20)MLK Holiday-Syllabus Review

Week 2 (Jan 25 – 27)Egan Chap 33 Airway management Jan 27 Nursing Students

Week 3 (Feb 1 – 3)Egan Chap 33 airway Management – Transport via BVM device

Week 4 (Feb 8 – 10)Unit Test I Egan Chap 40 Airway Clearance Suctioning,

Week 5 (Feb 15 – 17) Performing ABGs – Running Sample & QC

Week 6 (Feb22 – 24) Setting Up and Becoming Familiar with 840 - I:E Ratio

Week 7 (Feb 29 - Mar 2)I:E Ratio - Unit Test II

Week 8 (March 7 – 9) Spring Break March 11 Spring Break

Week 9 (March 14 – 16) Initiating and adjust Vent –Volume, Pressure

Week 10 (March 21 – 23)Ventilation Alarms– Non Invasive Ventilation

Week 11 (March 28 –30)Vent SIMV Pressure Support

Week 12 (April 4 - 6)Unit Test III – Weaning Measurements NIF VC

Week 13 (April 11 –13) ETCO2 monitoring EKG SPO2

Week 14 (April 18 – 20) Discontinuing Vent Support

Week 15 (April 25 – 27)Cardiopulmonary Rehab Respiratory Care Alt Settings

Week 16 (May 2 –4) Respiratory Transport Vent May 5 Unit Test IV

Week 17(May 9 – 11) Review and Final exam

  1. Course Policies – (This course conforms to the policies of AngelinaCollege as stated in theAngelinaCollege Handbook and the Respiratory Care Program Handbook)

Academic Assistance – If you have a disability (as cited in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) that may affect your participation in this class, you should see Karen Bowser, Room 200 of the StudentCenter. At a post-secondary institution, you must self-identify as a person with a disability; Ms. Bowser will assist you with the necessary information to do so.

Angelina College AC admits students without regard to race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, disability, or age. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of AC should be directed to: Dr Patricia McKenzie, Vice President and Dean of Instruction, 3500 South First, Lufkin, Tx 75904, telephone 936-633-5201

Attendance – This course will follow the guidelines as prescribed in the AngelinaCollege Handbook.

Additional Specific Requirements for this Course – When a student does not officially withdraw in the Office of Admissions, an F will appear on the transcript for the course (s) in progress at that time.

All exams and written assignments become the property of the Angelina College Respiratory Care Program.


  1. Content/ Topics –

Unit1:Ensuring Basic Oxygenation and Simple Positive Pressure Ventilation

After completion of this unit the student will be able to:

1.Define the basic term and concepts of ventilation

2.Identify the normal mechanics of spontaneous ventilation

3.Define the lung characteristics and its time constants

4.Indentify and define the work of breathing and using increased FIO2 to treat same

5.Discusshow to ensure patients are receiving correct FIO2 regardless Vt or RR

6.Identify normal variations in gas exchange

7.Describe how to properly administer IPPB to treat various conditions

8.Describe the basic methods of adjusting IPPB to achieve proper volumes

9.Discuss the various controls on Bird Mark 7 or 11 IPPB machine

Unit 2: Establishing and Maintaining a patient Airway

After completion of this unit the student will be able to:

1.Identify and describe the indications for manual ventilation with BVM

2.Describe the application and use of suction to clear non artificial airways

3.Describe the application and use of suction to clear artificial airways.

4.Describe oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airway and proper insertion

5.Describe different types and parts on endotracheal and tracheal airways

6.Describe the methods inserting and securing and maintaing artificial airways

7.Describe the application alternative airway devices

8.Describe trama and side effects of artificial airways

9.Describe LMA its goals, insertion, use and removal

Unit 3:Application of mechanical ventilation

After completion of this unit the student will be able to:

  1. Identify common problems of ventilators circuits and other systems.
  2. Describe the Respiratory Cycle and peak flow
  3. Describe methods of improving ventilation by adjusting peak flow on ventilators
  4. Describe standard steps ensuring vent readiness by using EST.
  5. Describe and explain the different modes of ventilation and their use.
  6. Describe the proper administration of PEEP and CPAP.
  7. Identify common ventilator alarms and their function.
  8. Describe proper humidification when using artificial airways on mechanical airways

Unit 4: Different modes of ventilation and Mechanical Ventilation Case Studies

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

  1. Understand and explain modes of ventilation such as Pressure control SIMV and Reverse I:E Ratio
  2. Describe and explain determining readiness for weaning using SBT, RSBI, QS/QT ratio
  3. Describe and explain determining removing artificial airway and patient treatment after
  4. Make decisions in the process of mechanically ventilating COPD patient
  5. Make decisions in the process of mechanically ventilating Asthma patient
  6. Make decisions in the process of mechanically ventilating Head Injury patient
  7. Make decisions in the process of mechanically ventilating Trauma patient
  8. Make decisions in the process of mechanically ventilating Drug Overdose patient
  9. Make decisions in the process of mechanically ventilating ARDS patient

B. Additional Content – (None)


A. Grading Criteria –

1. Lecture:Assignments/Quizzes30%

Unit Examinations40%

Final Examination20%

2. ComputerLaboratory Assignments 10%


B. Determination of Grade –

The alphabetic grading for this course is as follows:

A = 92 - 100

B = 83 - 91

C = 75 - 82

D = 70 - 74 Fail

F = 69 & below Fail

C.Students must be present and on time for all examinations. If the students miss a Unit or Final exam, the studentmay apply to the instructor for a makeup exam. The makeup exam will be at a time determined by the instructor and will not be the same exam others have taken. Daily quizzes will have no makeup. You will receive an 'O' for a daily quiz that is missed. Usually one daily grade chosen by the student is dropped for the semester. All exams (and written assignments) become the property of the Respiratory Care Program.


The instructor may modify the provisions of the syllabus to meet individual class needs by informing the class in advance as to the changes being made.