RRS Videoconferences–2014 Site Host Responsibilities
First, all of us at RRS want to thank each of you for all that you do. We could not put the videoconferences on without your assistance. In order to make it easier for you, I have created this sheet which should answer most questions for all site hosts. Any questions, contact:
- Jennifer Beedle 919-513-3937 (office) or 919-593-6921 (cell) or
- LuAnn Bryan 828-296-4690 (office) or 828-775-9590 (cell) or
All the information you need can be found at:
You will need to visit this site to obtain the necessary forms for each videoconference- Registration, Handouts, Rosters, and Evaluations.
The most up to date list is on this site. It will provide you with a list of participants at each site. Use the excel spreadsheet to determine number of handouts to print out and distribute to your attendees at your site..
If the presenters have provided us with handouts and/or slides prior to the videoconference they will be found here. Any materials provided by presenters, including presentation slides, will be shared with all registered attendees prior to videoconference. It is up to your discretion as to the number of handouts you wish to take with you to your site. We suggest you bring a few just in case there are those in attendance who forget to bring their copies.
These are critical. The rosters will need to be printed out for attendees to sign in.
There are two rosters. One for those that want CEU’s and one for site hosts, guests, consultants, other quests who DO NOT want CEU’s. These new rosters are in response to accreditation at NCSU for the Continuing Education Units.
We need the rosters filled out by the participants (not the site host) then signed and dated by the site host. We need their birth date or their NCSU assigned CEU number. NCSU is not using social security numbers any longer. If they have attended previously, their CEU number was mailed to them, but if they do not remember it, we must have their birth date in order for them to obtain CEU’s.
This form is also on the website. If a presenter is at your site, please have them sign this form if they have not previously signed one. Whoever obtains the speakers should make sure that they sign this form, and notify the site host, Pete and LuAnn.
Please give one to each participant at the beginning of the videoconference. CUT evaluation pages, they print two to a page. These forms are mandatory and part of the CEU award process. There will be new forms for each videoconference.
Please return both rosters and evaluation forms within 5 days of the videoconference to RRS by either scan/e-mail, fax or US Mail:
Jenn Beedle NSCU, RRS, Box 8004, Raleigh, NC 27695-8004
919-513-4531 (fax) 919-513-3937 (o)
Please arrive a half hour (30 minutes) early to each videoconference site to ensure your site is open and connected to NCREN.
If any issues, please call me immediately at919-593-6921
Discuss any details and restroom locations with the videoconference staff at each site so you can pass the information onto your attendees.
Your site will be brought up prior to the beginning of the videoconference by NCREN.
Please ask your technical staff at each site to TURN OFF all the microphones once the workshop is running and toONLY OPEN the microphones for interactive communication for the question and answer portions of the workshop, as shown on the agenda.
If anyone at your sites has questions, have them please state the site name, their name and ask the question. If for some reason someone at your site has a question and we don’t get to it, please write it down along with the person’s e-mail address and send it to RRS so we can get back to them.
Please put forth a special effort to make the attendees feel welcomed and do everything you can to help them have a positive experience.
Parking Information is available on the Videoconference website:
Site Host Contact Information: To be used in the event of an emergency. This information will not be shared or made public.
Site Host / Location / Cell / EmailJenn Beedle / NC State / 919-593-5921 /
LuAnn Bryan / Mills River Extension Center / 828-775-9590 /
Vonda Martin / Winston Salem State University / 336-399-9651 /
Steve Moler / East Carolina University /
Pete Armstrong / 252-903-5179 /
Stephen Poulos / Appalachian State University / 828-719-8245
David Griffin / Gateway Technology Center- Rocky Mount / 252-343-3142 /
Craig Lands / Institute for Marine Sciences – Morehead City / 252-422-3918 –cell/252-241-7317—work cell /
Shannon Newton / UNC-Pembroke / 910-318-8956 /
Londa Strong / UNC-Charlotte /
Kristie Grubb / UNC-Wilmington / 910-620-5913 /
Jonathan Allen / Mt. Olive College / 919-628-2140 /
Jerry Allen / Mt. Olive – RTP / 919-625-4290 /
CONSULTANTS: Please call all your sites at least twodays before to confirm that the site will be ready for you the next day. Info for each site is listed below:
ASU / ECUMD / ECSUDarrell Laws / Robert E. Spencer / Loretta Powers
/ /
828-262-7122 / 252-744-3237 / 252-335-3112
Fax 828-262-3003 / Fax 252-744-3776 / Fax 252-335-3426
Appalachian State University / Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University / Elizabeth City State University
Instructional Technology Center / Center for Health Sciences Communication / 140 Information Technology Center
Belk Library Building / 600 Moye Blvd., 2E-96 / 1704 Weeksville Rd.
Box 32093 / Greenville, NC 27834 / Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Boone, NC 28608 / Alternate Contact # / NCSU
Control Room #
(828) 262-4894 / (252) 744-3210 / Bob Klein *
Caps Room # / James Lewis / 919-515-3683
(828) 262-7027 / / Fax 919-515-6107
Mills River Extension Center / 910-521-6563 / North Carolina State University
Bryan Konsler / Fax 910-521-6564 / Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications
/ UNC-Pembroke / Campus Box 7502
828-684-3562 / UCIS / Partners 1 Suite 2450
Mills River Research and Extension Center / 1 University Drive / 1017 Main Campus Drive
455 Research Drive / Pembroke, NC 28372 / Raleigh NC 27695-7502
Mills River, NC 28759 / UNCC / UNCW
WSSU / Natasha Stracener* / Dan Noonan
Karen Dominique / /
/ 704-687-2435 / 910-962-3928
336-750-2680 / Fax 704-687-2682 / Fax 910-962-4022
Fax 336-750-2686 / UNC-Charlotte / A/V Services
Winston-Salem State University / Video Production Services / Information Technology Systems Division
Anderson Center C114B / J. Murray Atkins Library / UNC-Wilmington
PO Box 19473 / Charlotte, NC 28223 / 601 S. College Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27110 / Atkins Control Room # / Wilmington, NC 28403-3297
Control Room # / (704) 687-6111 / Randall Library
(336) 750-2685 / Fretwell Control Room # / (910) 962-3928
(704) 687-2651 / ITSD Center
MOC – Mount Olive and RTP / Institute of Marine Sciences-Morehead City / (910) 962-3041
Richard Orr / Kar Howe / (910) 540-4963 Dan
Institutional Planning and Support / Video Conferencing AV Technician / (910) 200-4621 Kenny
Information Technology / Phone: 252 726-6841 Ext. 164 / (910) 540-4965 Bill
Phone 919.658.7895 / Email: / (336) 240-4008 Zach
Gateway Technology Center / 3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557
Sara Hughes / 277 Coker Hall
Phone: 252-446-2585 Ext. 7019
Program Assistant of ECU/NCSU
Academic Programs
3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd.
Rocky Mount, NC 27804