RPS Informational Meeting

Date: December 11, 2017

Time: 10am-11:30am

6th Floor Conference Room

Hasbrook Building

Marion County Public Health Department

3838 N. Rural St.

Indianapolis, IN 46205

Attendance is strongly encouraged, but is not required for applicant agencies.

Date: November 1, 2017

From: Michael Wallace, Director

Ryan White HIV Services Program

Marion County Public Health Department

Re: Proposals for Professional Services

The Marion County Public Health Department is seeking Proposals for Professional Services for service provision under the Ryan White Part A/MAI Program for grant year 2018-2019.Proposals will be accepted in accordance with the schedule set out in the enclosed proposal guidelines. Please note that forms are included which are required to be submitted with a funding request. Grant funds will be available March 1, 2018.

Proposalsmust be received no later than 5:00 pm, January 8, 2018. You may mail or hand-deliver one complete original proposal along with five (5) copies to:


Ryan White HIV Services Program

Marion County Public Health Department

2951 East 38th St., Suite 203

Indianapolis, IN 46218

It is essential that all requested information is received by the deadline date and time. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for funding.

If you have questions regarding this request for proposals, please contact:


Ryan White HIV Services Program

Marion County Public Health Department


Please feel free to share with agencies in your area or service region.

Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County

doing business as

Marion County Public Health Department

Ryan White Part A/MAI Program

Dates of Service Provision

March 1, 2018 through February 28, 2019


One original and five copies (six intotal) must be received by:

Date: January 8, 2018

Time: 5:00 pm

Send or deliver to:


Ryan White HIV Services Program

Marion County Public Health Department

2951 E. 38th St., Suite 203

Indianapolis, IN 46218

Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County


Marion County Public Health Department

Ryan White Part A/MAI Program

Request for Professional Services

Section 1.0: General Information, Requested Proposals for Professional Services (RPS), General Program Requirements


The Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC)dba Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD)is requesting proposals from qualified public or private non-profit health and support service providers (respondents) to provide core and supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS in the Indianapolis Transitional Grant Area (TGA). Counties included in the TGA are: Boone, Brown, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan, Putnam, and Shelby.

Ryan White Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) arefederal initiatives that providefunding to core (medical) and supportive service providers who offer low-cost comprehensive health and social services to individuals infected or affected by HIV. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through theHealth Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funds Ryan White Part A and MAI. TheRyan White Part A/MAI Programoperates in accordance with federal and state policies and under the administrative and financial policies of HHCthrough its Public Health Division, MCPHD.

1.2Purpose of the Proposal for Professional Services

The purpose of this proposal request is to select respondents that satisfy HHC/MCPHD’s requirements to provide core and supportive services to eligible and enrolled individuals living with HIV/AIDS in the Indianapolis TGA. It is anticipated that HHC/MCPHD will enter into more than one contractual agreement as a result of this process. The initial term of the contract to be awarded is for a 12-month period which shall commence March 1, 2018 and continue through February 28, 2019.

1.3Philosophy of Service Delivery

To ensure comprehensive care, successful respondents will be required to function as part of a coordinated service delivery system; adhere to the National Monitoring Standards for Ryan White sub-recipientsand to the RWSP Standards of Care for HIV Services for the Indianapolis TGA; and ensure that Ryan White funds are used as the Payer of Last Resort. In addition, respondents will be required to participate in staff training and development; track patients who have fallen out of care and devise a policy by which to bring patients back into care; agree to make referrals to other approved Ryan White providers, when appropriate; and facilitate linkage and entry into care within the Ryan White provider network. Respondents should maintain an overall philosophy of cultural and linguistic competency, inclusion and non-discrimination to service providers, minorities, persons living with HIV/AIDS, and, the public.

1.4No-Show Rule

Successful respondents have the right to suspend, temporarily or permanently, any or all services to clients who habitually miss provider appointments (defined as three or more). Successful respondents who wish to use the “no-show rule” must include the rule in their client agreement (consent to receive services) form and the form must be signed by the client.

1.5Priorities and Service Provision Requirements

The services included in this proposal request will be provided with priority to medically underserved, indigent individuals who are infected with HIV (or, for delivery of testing services, at risk for infection), reside in the Indianapolis TGA, and who meet current Federal Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines. These services will be assessed on a sliding-fee scale according to FPL guidelines. Ryan White Part A/MAI funding is considered to be the Payer of Last Resort.

1.6Eligibility for Consideration of Funding

  • Non-Profit Status

Public or private non-profit agencies are eligible to apply for funding through the Ryan White Part A/MAI Program. Non-profit service providers must demonstrate proof of non-profit status by submitting appropriate documentation (i.e., a Letter of Determination issued by the Internal Revenue Service) in the name of the proposing agency and any partnering agencies as part of the proposal. Failure to provide said documentation will deem the proposal ineligible for consideration.

  • Medicaid Certification

In accordance with National Part A Fiscal Monitoring Standards:

  • Respondents who apply for Ryan White Part A/MAI funding to provide services that are Medicaid reimbursable are required to be certified to receive Medicaid payments or to describe their efforts to obtain certification for each service for which they are applying. Documentation of current efforts to become certified for the requested services, including a timeline, must be attached at the end of the application. Failure to comply with this standard will prohibit funding for that service.
  • If respondents have been funded for a Medicaid eligible service for more than two consecutive years, they must demonstrate that they are currently billing Medicaid. (Documenting application for Medicaid is no longer sufficient in this situation). If respondents do not have the capacity to bill after this time, they will not be funded to provide the service until such time that documentation from Medicaid allowing billing is received by the RWSP. If there are extenuating circumstances delaying the authorization from Medicaid, respondents will need to present this to the RWSP for funding determination. These instances will be considered on an individual basis.
  • If funded for Medicaid reimbursable services, respondents must document and maintain files of their Medicaid status, including any agreements with Medicaid managed care companies.

Services which are eligible and ineligible for billing through Medicaid are listed below. In addition, Medicaid billing eligibility is indicated for each service listed in Section 7.0: Services Eligible for Funding 2018-2019.

Medicaid BillingEligible / Not Medicaid BillingEligible
AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (Local) / Early Intervention Services (EIS)
Emergency Financial Assistance
(Pharmacy) / Emergency Financial Assistance
(Food, Utilities)
Medical Transportation / Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals
Mental Health Services / Health Education/Risk Reduction (HE/RR)
Oral Health Care / Health Insurance Premium
And Cost Sharing Assistance
Substance Abuse Outpatient Care / Linguistics Services
Substance Abuse Services (Residential) / Medical Case Management
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services / Medical Nutrition Therapy
Non-Medical Case Management
Short Term Housing
  • National Monitoring Standards

All respondents who apply for Part A/MAI funding must agree in writing to comply with the National Monitoring Standards for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part A and Part B Grantees (see Section 3.2: Cover Letter).This includes the universal, fiscal, and programmatic standards. The standards document may be obtained from or by contacting the RWSP. Failure to comply with these standards will prohibit future funding eligibility.

  • Indianapolis TGA Standards of Care

If funded, respondents must be able to meet all elements outlined in the TGA standards of care for each service for which funding is granted.The standards document may be obtained here by contacting the RWSP.Failure to comply with these standards will prohibit future funding eligibility.

  • E-Verify
  • Employment Eligibility Verification is required by Indiana Code 22-5-1.7-11.
  • Effective July 1, 2011, government agencies and vendors providing services to government agencies are required by law to utilize E-Verify for the purposes of determining the employment eligibility status of all new employees. See
  • No agency will be awarded a contract for services if they do not sign and include in their application a signed affidavit affirming compliance with this law.SeeAttachment A for theaffidavit and contract provision.
  • Access to Care for Indianapolis TGA Eligible and Enrolled Clients

Respondents must clearly demonstrate their ability to provide the service(s) to any eligible and enrolled client residing anywhere within the ten county TGA before consideration of funding will be given.

  • History of Satisfactory Performance

Respondents who have previously been awarded Ryan White Part A/MAI funds must have no record of unsatisfactory performance. Respondents whose performance is or has been seriously deficient, including contract termination, during either the current funding period or within the last three years, in the absence of circumstances properly beyond the control of the respondent, shall be presumed to be unable to meet this requirement.

  • Administrative and Fiscal Capability

Respondents must have the administrative and fiscal capability to provide and manage their proposed services and to ensure adequate tracking for audit purposes. Respondents must have the ability to begin delivering proposed services by March 1, 2018.

  • Whistleblower Protection

Recipients of federal grant funds are subject to the Pilot Program for Enhancement of Employee Whistleblower Protection (“Whistleblower Protection Program”). This program requires federally funded agencies to inform their employees working under this agreement that they are subject to the whistleblower rights and remedies of the Whistleblower Protection Program. Employee notification of whistleblower protections, as provided in 41 U.S.C. § 4712 (including, but not limited to, the protection that an employee of a federally funded agency may not be discharged, demoted, or otherwise discriminated against as a reprisal for whistleblowing), must be provided in writing and in the predominant native language of the workforce. Whistleblower protections cannot be waived by any agreement, policy, form, or condition of employment.

1.7Required Policies and Procedures

1.71 Non-Discrimination

Respondents must ensure that services provided under this RPS will be available to eligible and enrolled clients, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, or disability. A policy of non-discrimination must be conspicuously posted in the respondent’s offices and clearly indicated in public information materials, employment applications, and personnel policies.

1.72Grievance Policy Procedure

Respondents must have written policies and procedures in place for addressing grievances of both clients and employees. Procedures pertaining to clients must be available and visible to clients in the office setting. These will be subject to review at the time of each RWSP site visit.

1.73 Accountability for Expenditure of Funds

Successful respondents are required to establish and implement the following items to ensure accountability for expenditure of Part A/MAI funds:

  • Fiscal and general policies and procedures that include compliance with federal and Ryan White programmatic requirements;
  • Flexible fiscal reporting systems that allow the tracking of unobligated balances and carryover funds and detail service reporting of funding sources; and
  • Timely submission of independent audits (A-133 audits, if required) to the RWSP.

Part A funds may not be used for the following purposes:

  • Development of materials designed to promote or encourage intravenous drug use or sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual;
  • Purchase of vehicles without written Grants Management Officer (GMO) approval;
  • Marketing promotions or advertising about HIV services that target the general public(e.g., poster campaigns for display on public transit, TV or radio public service announcements, etc.);
  • Broad scope awareness activities about HIV services that target the general public;
  • Outreach activities that have HIV prevention education as their exclusive purpose;
  • Influencing or attempting to influence members of Congress and other federal personnel; or
  • Foreign travel.

1.74 Business Management

Successful respondents are required to ensure that the following items are in place:

  • Documented policies and procedures and fiscal andprogrammatic reports that provide effective control over and accountability for all funds in accordance with federal and Ryan White programmatic requirements;
  • Demonstrated structured and ongoing efforts to avoid fraud, waste, and abuse (mismanagement) in any federally funded program;
  • Corporate Compliance Plan (required by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services if providing Medicare or Medicaid reimbursable services);
  • Personnel policies;
  • Code of Ethics or Standards of Conduct;
  • Bylaws and board of directors policies;
  • File documentation of any employee or board member violation of the Code of Ethics or Standards of Conduct;
  • Documentation of any complaint of violation of the Code of Ethics or Standards of Conduct and its resolution;
  • Documentation of provider bylaws, Board of Directors Code of Ethics, and business conduct practices;
  • Documentation of adequate policies and procedures to discourage soliciting cash or in-kind payments for:
  • Awarding contracts;
  • Referring clients;
  • Purchasing goods or services; or
  • Submitting fraudulent billings.
  • Documentation of employee policies that discourage:
  • Hiring of persons with a criminal record;
  • Hiring of persons being investigated by Medicare or Medicaid; and
  • Large signing bonuses.

1.8Meeting Requirements

  • Respondents who receive funding under this RPS are required to participate in quarterly fiscal site visits and annual quality assurance and quality management site visits (audits) conducted by the RWSP.
  • Attendance is required at Ryan White Planning Council monthly meetings. Meetings take place the first Thursday of each month. HHC/MCPHD shall make every effort to notify subcontractors of each required meeting at least fourteen days prior to such meeting.
  • Attendance is required at Quarterly Provider Meetings. Dates will be included in the scope of work included in contracts for 2018-2019.
  • Successful respondents shall make key staff (those responsible for implementation of the agreement) available for administrative meetings, conferences, and trainings as determined appropriate and mandatory by HHC/MCPHD at no expense to HHC/MCPHD.

1.9Drug Free Workplace and HIPAA Compliance

Respondents must adhere to a drug free workplace policy. Respondents must also institute and adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) policies, procedures and requirements in the delivery of service provisions agreed to under this request. See .

1.10Proposal Clarifications and Discussions and Contract Discussions

  • HHC reserves the right to request clarifications on proposals submitted in response to this request. HHC also reserves the right to conduct personal discussions, either oral or written, with respondents.
  • HHC/MCPHD may require successful respondents to participate in negotiations and to submit revisions to pricing, technical information, or other items from their proposal(s).
  • Site visits may be conducted to verify information submitted in the proposal or to determine if proposed facilities are appropriate for the proposed service.

1.11Payer of Last Resort

Services funded through the Ryan White Part A/MAI Program that are billable to a third-party payer must be reimbursed by such payers and should be determined before Ryan White funds are used to pay for care, making Ryan White funding the “payer of last resort.” Ryan White funding may pay for services that fill the gaps in coverage of these other private or public health care programs; however, Ryan White funds cannot be used to balance a bill for services that should be reimbursed or paid by other payers.

1.12Program Income

  • Program income is gross income earned by the recipient that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of the award (see exclusions in 45 C.F.R. part 74.24, subdivisions (e) and (h)). Program income includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for services performed, collection of client co-pays, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under federally-funded projects, and interest on loans made with award funds. The Ryan White legislation states that income resulting from fees for services performed (e.g., direct payment or reimbursements from Medicare and third party insurance) can be considered program income. [45 C.F.R. part 74.2]
  • All program income is to be used by the respondent to provide Ryan White-eligible services to Ryan White-eligible clients and to be tracked and reported to HHC/MCPHD.

1.13 Financial Management

Respondents, if funded, are required to provide the RWSP access to:

  • Accounting systems, electronic spreadsheets, general ledger, balance sheets, income and expense reports, and all other financial activity reports of the respondent;
  • All financial policies and procedures, including billing and collection policies and purchasing and procurement policies; and
  • Accounts payable systems and policies.

Respondents, if funded, are required to ensure adequacy of agency fiscal systems to generate needed budgets and expenditure reports.Respondents, if funded, are required to document all requests for and approvals of budget revisions.