Professor EmeritusEducational Measurement Systems LLC

ArizonaStateUniversity2221 E Turquoise Avenue

E-Mail: hoenix, AZ85028




1977University of Chicago, Ph.D. in Education in the measurement, evaluation, and statistical analysis (MESA) program; cognate in psycholinguistics

1969BostonCollege, M.Ed., Educational Psychology

1968BostonCollege, A. B., Mathematics

Professional Experience

2004 - 06Interim Dean, College of Teacher Education, Arizona State University West

2000 - 01Interim Dean, College of Teacher Education, Arizona State University West

1996 - 01Faculty Director, Craig and BarbaraBarrettHonorsCollege

1996 - 97Director, Division of Collaborative Programs, ASU West

1995- 04Director, Research Consulting Center, ArizonaStateUniversity West

1995-06Professor of Education,Arizona State University West

1994-Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education,

1995University of South Carolina (USC)

1992-Director, South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of

1995Student Learning (CEASL), College of Education, University of South Carolina

1990-Co-Director for Technical Support and Consulting Services, Office of

1995Research, College of Education, University of South Carolina

1978-92Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, USC

1982-83Research Associate, South Carolina Department of Education, Office of Student Assessment and Research

1982-Guest Lecturer, College of Education, BostonCollege, (sabbatical leave)


Honors and Awards

Inaugural Fellow, American Educational Research Association, 2008

Outstanding Performance in Teaching(University of South Carolina, 1977, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1993), awarded by the faculty based on student evaluations and peer review, Department of Educational Psychology.

Outstanding Performance in Scholarship(University of South Carolina,1992), awarded by the faculty, Department of Educational Psychology.

President, Arizona Educational Research Organization, 2000- 2002

President, Eastern Educational Research Organization, 1980-82


Books and Chapters

Ryan. J.M., & Brockmann, F. (2009). A practitioner’s introduction to linking and equating with primers on classical test theory and item response theory. Council of ChiefStateSchool Officers: Washington, DC.

Ryan, J. M. (2006). Practices, issues, and trends in student test score reporting. In S. Downing and T. Haladyana (Eds.),The Handbook of Test Development. Lawrence Earlbaum Associates:Mahwah, NJ.

Garcia, D., & Ryan, J.M. (2004). The condition of school accountability in Arizona: 2004. In Alex Molnar (Ed.),The condition of Pre-K-12 Education in Arizona: 2004. Educational Policy Studies Lab. ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempe,AZ.

Freed, M. N., Hess, R. K., & Ryan, J.M. (2002). The educator’s desk reference: A sourcebook for educational information and research (2ndEd.). ACE-Praeger: WestPort CT.

Ryan, J.M. (2002). Issues, strategies, and procedures for applying standards when multiple-measures are employed. In G. Tindel and T. Haladyna (Eds.),Large-scale assessment programs for all students: Validity, technical adequacy, and implementation. Lawrence EarlbaumAssociates:Mahwah, NJ.

Ryan, J.M., & DeMark, S. (2002). Variation in achievement scores related to gender, item format, and content area tested. In G. Tindel and T. Haladyna (Eds.), Large-scale assessment programs for all students: Validity, technical adequacy, and implementation. Lawrence EarlbaumAssociates:Mahwah, NJ..

Freed, M. N. (Series Editor), Ryan, J. M., & Hess, R. K. (1990). Handbook of statistical procedures and their computer applications to education and the behavioral sciences. Phoenix: Oryx Press.

Freed, M. N., Hess, R. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1989). The educator's desk reference: A source book for educational information and research. Phoenix: Oryx Press.

Ryan, J. P. (1984). A conceptual explanation of latent trait analysis with a brief comparison to item response theory. In W. Hathaway (Ed.), New directions for testing and measurement: Testing in the schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.

Articles and Papers – Refereed

Ryan, J. (2011a). A practitioner’s introduction to equating and linking with a primer on classical test theory and item response theory: major concepts and basic terms. Examination Research (Published in Chinese), 1, (80-94).

Ryan, J. (2011b). Equating designs and classical test theory equating procedures: A practitioner’s introduction to equating and linking with a primer on classical test theory and item response theory. Examination Research (Published in Chinese), 2, (83-95).

Ryan, J. (2011c). Item response theory equating procedures: A practitioner’s introduction to equating and linking with a primer on classical test theory and item response theory. Examination Research (Published in Chinese), 3, (80-94)

Ryan, J.M. (April, 2004). Testing the alignment of state’s mathematics test to standards and grade level expectations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Organization. San Diego, CA.

Ryan, J.M. (April, 2004). Differences in assessments concepts and procedures for general education assessment and alternate assessments for students with severe cognitive disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Organization. San Diego, CA.

Ryan, J. M. (June, 2004). Evaluating the sufficiency of measurement state assessment programs. Paper presented at the 34th Annual National Conference on Large Scale Assessment. Boston, MA.

Ryan, J. M. (June, 2004). Technical issues associated with the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act. Paper presented at the 34th Annual National Conference on Large Scale Assessment. Boston, MA.

Osborn Popp, S., Ryan, J.M., Behrens, J.T., Thompson, M.S. (2003). Operationizing the rubric: The effects of benchmark selection on assessed quality of writing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Il.

Ryan, J.M., & Miysaka, J.R. (2003). Technical analyses of the Arizona Assessment Collaborative (AzAC) assessment instruments.Paper presented at the 33rd Annual National Conference on Large Scale Assessment.San Antonio, Texas

Gusthart, L., Harrison, P., Moore, P., Ryan, J. (2003). An examination of college students’ insights into how they make overall evaluations of teaching effectiveness. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching . 13 (2).

Gusthart, L., Harrison, P., Ryan, J.M., & Moore P. (2001). The impact of individual instructional characteristics on the global assessment of teaching effectiveness across different instructional contexts. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.

Ryan, J. M. and Hess, R. K. (1999, April). Issues, strategies, and procedures for combining data from multiple measures. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal.

Rice, D. C., Ryan, J. M., and Samson, S. L. (1998). Using concept maps to assess student learning in the science classroom: Must different methods compete? Journal of Research in Science Teaching,35 (10), 1103-1127.

Ryan, Joseph M. (1998, June). Classifying students using conjunctive standards applied with a compensatory procedure. Paper presented at the 28th Annual National Conference on Large Scale Assessment, Colorado Springs.

Mehrens, W., Popham, J., & Ryan, J. (1998). How to prepare students for performance assessments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 17 (1), 18-22.

Onwuegbuzie, A., Da Ros, D., & Ryan, J. M. (1998). Components of Statistical Anxiety: A phenomenological study. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 19 (4), 11-35.

Ryan, J., & Franz, S. (1998, April). A gender-by-format interaction perspective on the use of free-response and selected-response assessment formats. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Ryan, J. M. & Hess, R. K. (1997, June). Weighting assessment indicators to maximize the accuracy of students’ Title I classifications: An overview of technical issues. Paper presented at the 27th Annual National Conference on Large Scale Assessment, Colorado Springs, CO.

Harrison, P.D., Ryan, J. M., and Moore, P. S. (1996). College students’ self-insight and common implicit theories in rating of teaching effectiveness. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 775-782.

Slater, T. F., Ryan, J. M., and Samson, S. L. (1997). Impact and dynamics of portfolio assessment and traditional assessment in a college physics course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 255-271.

Ryan, J. M., & Mehrens, W. A. (1996, April). The purpose, extent, and technical aspects of Statewide Performance Assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.

Ryan, J. M., & Harrison, P. D. (1995). The relationship between individual instructional characteristics and the overall assessment of teaching effectiveness across different instructional context. Research in Higher Education, 36 (5), 577-594.

Ryan, J. M., & Miyasaka, J. R. (1995). Current practices in testing and assessment: What is driving the change? National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 79 (573), 1-10.

Johnson, W. L., Johnson, A. M., Ryan, J. M., Edens, K. M., & Dixon, P. N. (1995). A Rasch analysis of factors derived from the Charles F. Kittering Ltd. school climate profile. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55 (3), 456-457.

Ryan, J. M., & Harrison, P. D. (April, 1995). An examination of college students' insight into how they make overall evaluations of teaching effectiveness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Ryan, J. M., & Miyasaka, J. R. (April, 1995). Teaching strategies for classroom measurement. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Slater, T. F., Samson, S. L., & Ryan, J.M. (1995, April). A qualitative and quantitative comparison of the impact of portfolio assessment procedures versus traditional assessment in a college physics course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco.

Martin, L. E., Carpenter, J. R., Ryan, J. M., & Astwood, P. M. (1994). Evaluation of an advanced earth science seminar series for earth science teacher resource agents. Journal of Geological Education, 42 (4), 351-357.

Popham, W. J., Ryan, J. M., & Mehrens, W. A. (1994, June). Ten or fewer commandments about how to prepare students properly for educational performance tests. Paper presented at the 24thNational Conference on Large Scale Assessment, Council of Chief State School Officers, Albuquerque, NM.

Potter, D. C., Turner, L., & Ryan, J. M. (1994, June). Restructure assessment practice: The South Carolina experience in K-16 collaboration. Paper presented at the 24thNational Conference on Large Scale Assessment, Council of Chief State School Officers, Albuquerque, NM.

Carpenter, J. R., Astwood, P. M., Ryan, J. M., Smith, K. & Widoma, I. (1993). An overview of the South Carolina earth science resource project. Journal of Geological Education, 41 (4), 329-334.

Rischbieter, M. O., Ryan, J. M., & Carpenter, J. R. (1993). Use of microethnographic strategies to analyze some affective aspects of learning-cycle-based minicourses in paleontology for teachers. Journal of Geological Education, 41 (3), 208-218.

Ryan, J. M., & Kuhs, T. K. (1993). Assessment of preservice teachers and the use of portfolios. Theory into Practice, 32 (2), 75-81.

Slater, T.F., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Laboratory performance assessment. The Physics Teacher, 31 (5), 306-308.

Ryan, J. M. (1993, December). The state's role in stimulating partnerships for professional development: Perspectives from a center director. Paper presented at the Fourth National Conference on School/College Collaboration, the American Association for Higher Education, Pittsburgh, PA.

Ryan, J. M., Harrison, P. D., & Zia, Y. (1993, April). The relationship between individual instructional characteristics and the global assessment of teaching effectiveness across different instructional contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA.

Rice, D., Samson, S. L., & Ryan, J. M. (1993, April). Using concept maps for instruction and assessment in seventh-grade life science classes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Samson, S. L., Rice, D., & Ryan, J. M. (1993, April). Using concept maps and multiple choice tests to assess students' classroom achievement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Ryan, J. M., Rice, D., & Samson, S. L. (1993, April). Achievement and demographic correlates of students' performance on concept maps. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Ryan, J.M. (1992). Reviews of "Test of Written Language-2", and "Brigance Early Preschool Screen for two-year and two-and-a-half year old children", in Kramer, J.J., & Conoley, J.C. (Eds.). Buros Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook, Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

Martin, L. E., Carpenter, J. R., & Ryan, J. M. (1992). Improving teacher attitudes toward science and increasing their knowledge of earth science. Journal of Geological Education, 40, 216-221.

Ryan, J. M., Martin, L. E., & Carpenter, J. R. (1992, March). Critical features for an advanced earth science seminar series. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Cambridge, MA.

Samson, S. L. & Ryan, J. M. (1992, March). Participants' perceptions and instructional impact of an earth science research/work internship project: A preliminary analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Cambridge, MA.

Griffith, P. L., Rose, J. R., & Ryan, J. M. (1991). Student-curriculum maps: An application of the Rasch latent trait model to curriculum and instruction. Journal of Research Education, 1 (2).

Articles and Papers – Non-refereed

Ryan, J. M. (October 1996). What have we learned from where we have been: Ten years of state and local assessment reform. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research Association, Phoenix.

Ryan, J. M. (1994, July). Parallel and interactive professional development in assessment for PK-16 staff. Paper presented at the international conference, "Classroom assessment: The key to unlocking student achievement", Portland, OR.

Williams, R., & Ryan, J. M. (1994, July). Higher education's role in preparing teachers to assess well in the classroom. Paper presented at the international conference, "Classroom assessment: The key to unlocking student achievement," Portland, OR.

Ryan, J. M., & Samson, S. L. (1992, February). Participants' perceptions and instructional impact of an advanced earth science seminar series. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research, Columbia, SC.

Carpenter, J. R., Astwood, P., & Ryan, J. M.(1992, February). Regional networking conferences held in conjunction with the South Carolina earth science resource program: A preliminary evaluation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research, Columbia, SC.

Ryan, J. M. (1991, February). Basic concepts and computer applications for analysis of variance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Education for the Practical Use of Research, Columbia, SC.

Ryan, J. M., Martin, L. E., & Carpenter, J. R. (1991, February). Participants' perceptions and instructional impact of an advanced earth science seminar series: A preliminary analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research, Columbia, SC.

Ryan, J. M. (1990, February). A comparison of the achievement of retained and promoted first graders and second graders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research, Columbia, SC.

Ryan, J. M. (1989, March). Curriculum referenced standard setting: A different approach that works with other procedures. Paper presented at "Applications of the Rasch model for interpreting curriculum- and instruction-referenced assessment," training session at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco.

Ryan, J. M., & Heidari, K. (1989, March). A curriculum-referenced comparison of retained and promoted first and second graders. Paper presented at "Applications of the Rasch model for interpreting curriculum- and instruction-referenced assessment," Training Session at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco.

Ryan, J. M. (1987, March). Changes in curriculum and instruction based on a re-analyses of statewide basic skills data: A case study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Division G Regional Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Ryan, J. M. (1986). Comparing equipercentile and one-parameter equating of norm-referenced and criterion referenced tests. Paper presented to the Association for Research in Education, University of South Carolina.

Monographs and Technical Reports

Ryan, J. M. (2003). An analysis of item mapping and test reporting strategies. Technical Report, SERVE :

Ryan, J.M., with others, in Haertel, G. (2002) A review of the Washington assessment of Student learning in mathematics: Grades 7 and 10. SRI International technical report for the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Washington.

Caterall, J. S., Mehrens, W. A., Ryan, J. M., Flores, E. J., and Rubin, P. M. (1998, January). Kentucky instructional results information system: A technical review. Technical report prepared for the Commonwealth of Kentucky Legislative Research Commission.

Ryan, J. M., Haladyna, T., Franz, S., & Hammond, D. (1997). Substantive and psychometric relationships among reading, writing and mathematics achievement with an analysis of gender and format-by-gender interactions. Technical report prepared for the Oregon Department of Education.

Ryan, J. M. (1995). Current practices and procedures in testing, measurement, and assessment. Professors of Secondary School Administration and Supervision Iinstructional Leadership Series. National Association of Secondary School Principals, Reston, Virginia.

Roeber, E., Grummon, P., Johnson-Lewis, S., Linn, R., & Ryan, J. (1994, September). Commentary on the Blueprint 2000 Goal 3 Assessment Plan. Report of the External Review Committee to the Assessment Committee of the Florida Commission on Educational Reform and Accountability, Tallahassee, FL.

Roeber, E., Grummon, P., Johnson-Lewis, S., Linn, R., & Ryan, J. (1993, December). Issues and options for the development of the Florida Blueprint 2000 assessment system. Report of the External Review Committee to the Assessment Committee of the Florida Commission on Educational Reform and Accountability, Tallahassee, FL.

Ryan, J. M. (1993). Scaling procedures for the Ohio ninth-grade proficiency tests. In W.A. Mehrens (Ed.), Ohio ninth grade proficiency tests Forms A-D: Technical summary. Ohio Department of Education: Columbus, OH.

Ryan, J. M. (1993). Equating procedures for the Ohio ninth-grade proficiency tests. In W.A. Mehrens (Ed.), Ohio ninth grade proficiency tests Forms A-D: Technical summary. Ohio Department of Education: Columbus, OH.

Ryan, J. M. (1993). Interpreting students' subscale level performance on the Ohio ninth-grade proficiency tests. In W.A. Mehrens (Ed.), Ohio ninth grade proficiency tests Forms A-D: Technical summary. Ohio Department of Education: Columbus, OH.

Austen, C. K., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in language arts. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 165).

Austen, C. K., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in social studies. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 164).

Hewitt, C. B., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in fine arts. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 166).

Hewitt, C. B., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in foreign language. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 162).

Smith, L. H., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in science. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 160).

Smith, L. H., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in mathematics. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 161).

Smith, L. H., Kuhs, T. K., & Ryan, J. M. (1993). Assessment of student learning in early childhood education. College of Education, University of South Carolina: South CarolinaCenter for Excellence in the Assessment of Student Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 358 163).