RPDS Happenings ~ 10-13-06
Showell Elementary School:
· The Circle of Education occurs when elementary students grow up, graduate high school, choose education as a career, and return to intern in their very own classes with their very own 'old' teachers. At Showell our 'Circle' continues to grow with new interns.
Delmar/North Salisbury Paired Site:
· Many mentor teachers, site coordinators and administrators have spent long hours with our SU Liaison, Dr. Bing, preparing for the MSDE/NCATE accreditation visit. An extensive explication paper was prepared summarizing our PDS activities and joint accomplishments since our inception. We collected well over 100 artifacts to solidify our claims and look forward to “telling our story”. The visit will be held from 8:45-noon at Delmar Elementary School.
Wicomico Middle School:
· The SURF (Salisbury University Reading Friends) program has begun its second year at Wi Middle with 10 Wi Middle students in the After-school program working with 13 SU foundation students.
Salisbury Middle School:
· We are happy to say that we are currently hosting approximately 25 SU
observation candidates in our building at this time. Many of the interns
have already begun planning lessons and activities with their mentors
and some have stepped up to the plate in building relationships with
their students. We have at least 2 mentors in the building who are
currently serving as adjunct instructors at SU.
Piney Orchard Elementary School:
· Ten mentor teachers attended on-site new mentor training in August provided by Stacie Siers. The training included information on the SU elementary education program, the intern handbook and contracts, effective mentoring and the collaborative internship. Piney Orchard currently has four interns this semester. In addition to the training, a plan for how to handle “C” Block interns was developed as well a new rotation plan for observations.
Fruitland Elementary Paired Site:
· Fruitland Intermediate has a new Site Coordinator, Janelle Cropper, and a new member of the CC, Holly Fuller. Fruitland Primary has a new principal, Darrell Morris, and a new CC member, Karen Engleman. A section of ELED 411 is being taught at Fruitland Intermediate School by Susie Jones, Fruitland Primary Site Coordinator, and Sue Cormier.
Prince Street Elementary School:
· As the 2005 spring semester came to a close, the PSES Coordinating Council completed the Professional Development Schools Site Description, created a portable bulletin board for the school, and developed a presentation for the 9th Annual RPDS Conference. This presentation, "Caution! Coordinating Council Crew at Work: The Rebuilding of PDS at Prince Street Elementary School," was presented by PDS Liaison and Supervisor Teena Gorrow and Supervisor Suzanne Loeffler from Salisbury University, and Principal James Redman, Site Coordinator Heather Davidson, and First Grade Teacher Dana Bisker from Prince Street Elementary School. As the Fall semester begins, we welcome new Principal Wauchilue Jackson-Snyder, and new Site Coordinator Tana Ellis, to the PSES PDS Family and are in the process of defining our vision for the future.
Stephen Decatur Middle/High Paired Site:
· Stephen Decatur Middle and High schools combined efforts to prepare for the upcoming MSDE/NCATE accreditation visit on October, 25th. An explication paper was written capturing all the PDS activity happening at both schools. Many artifacts were collected by the each faculty and narrowed down to just 75 pieces of evidence to support the work that we do. A special thanks to SDMS/SDHS faculty &administration as well as our many friends in the Worcester County’s central office for their ongoing and incredible support