Company Information

Advantage Development, Inc.

925 Bassett Road, Suite A

Westlake, OH 44145

(p) 440-808-1250

(f) 440-835-3415

Point of contact: Michael Collins

Contract Information

Contract number: GS-35F-0191U

Schedule number: 70

SIN numbers: 132-51, Information Technology (IT) Professional Services, 132-34, Maintenance of Software

SIN #132-51: IT Professional Services Labor Categories and Descriptions

Master Architect


·  Knowledge of processes, information sources, data models, and interactions of domains of architecture

·  Extensive architecture, system engineering and simulation and modeling background

·  Product Development and Project Leadership

Functional Responsibility:

·  Creating, integrating, analyzing, validating and testing echelons of architecture

·  Analysis and development of Courses of Action of operational plans to identify State and Rule

·  Directing processes to discover, “divine”, and enrich architecture descriptions

·  Integrating Requirements, System Engineering, test, exercise, training, etc in the architecting process


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

·  Masters work in advanced engineering and sciences, systems engineering preferred, or equivalent

Senior Architect


·  Strong computer skills, especially Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio

·  Knowledge of requirements, allocation processes, validation and tracking of their implementation

·  Previous modeling background, including process or activity modeling, discrete event modeling, object modeling, or state and sequence modeling

·  Product Development and Launch experience in areas of information and Communications products

Functional Responsibility:

·  Creating, analyzing, validating and testing structured models derived from open source and doctrine

·  Analysis of descriptive domains to identify and validate the model components and relationships

·  Creating new processes to “divine” new areas of coverage and provide breakthrough results

·  Tying system architecture views and back to operational views and validating relationships


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

·  Post undergraduate engineering training



·  Emergent computer skills, especially Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Visio

·  Previous modeling background, including process or activity modeling, discrete event modeling, object modeling, or state and sequence modeling

·  Experience working with system development and system topologies

·  Must be able to hold a Department of Defense SECRET

Functional Responsibility:

·  Creating and enriching structured models using knowledge discovery tools

·  Discovery of source content and application of this to provide rich component and relationship descriptions

·  Linking of system components to operational components


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering or science

Master Operational Expert


·  Previous modeling background, including process or activity modeling, discrete event modeling, object modeling, or state and rule modeling

·  Extensive operational (field) and/or training experience with military systems

Functional Responsibility:

·  Testing and validation of Operational Vignettes created from Operational Models

·  Enrichment of descriptive domains to identify and validate the performance metrics for the model

·  Updating and articulating new inputs to the operational and system views of the model

·  Significant end user, customer and affiliate interfacing


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

·  10 plus years of experience, including operational military experience in a combat development environment or similar

Senior Operational Expert


·  Previous academic or developmental program computer modeling experience, including process modeling, industrial control modeling, or programming in either of these

·  Broad military exercise planning experience

·  Experience with deployment, training, and application of military systems

·  Must be able to hold a Department of Defense SECRET

Functional Responsibility:

·  Reviewing, Verifying, and Preparing Test Metrics for Operational Models

·  Analysis of Operational Vignettes to establish the component performance relationships of the model

·  End User and affiliate interfacing


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

·  5 plus years of experience, including operational military experience

Master System Engineer


·  Simulation and Developmental Test and Evaluation, verifying the systems' Measures of Performance

·  Development of Systems' Measure of Performance (MOPs) and Measures of Suitability (MOS)

·  10 plus years of experience, including operational military experience in system development environment

Functional Responsibility:

·  Creating, Integrating, Analyzing, Validating, and Verifying System Performance Models

·  Analysis of descriptive domains to identify, compare, and validate system topologies

·  Developing system Measures of Effectiveness (MOE), Measure of Performance (MOP) and Measures of Suitability (MOS)

·  Articulating new system reports and architecture views

·  Significant customer and affiliate interfacing


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

Senior System Engineer


·  Previous modeling background, including system performance modeling using advanced modeling tools

·  Experience with Test and Evaluation of military systems, the development of performance metrics and the incorporation of these in the requirements process

·  Deployment familiarity of military systems and field operations

·  5 plus years of experience, including operational military experience in a combat development environment or similar

Functional Responsibility:

·  Creating integrations of Structured Models

·  Analysis of system descriptions and specifications to capture system topological information for the model

·  Articulating new system architecture views (TO BE VIEWS)

·  Integration and management of customer data model and strategy


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

System Engineer


·  Previous modeling background, including process or activity and object modeling

·  Requirements management experience with appropriate requirements tools familiarity

·  Familiarity and background in System Design Specifications and System / Subsystem Specifications

·  2-3 years of experience, in engineering discipline

·  Must be able to hold a Department of Defense SECRET

Functional Responsibility:

·  Creating System Topologies and Performance Models

·  Analysis of System Descriptions to properly capture all relevant information for the model

·  Identification and incorporation of customer data model and strategy


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering

Master Knowledge Analyst


·  Extensive background in document publishing tools and ability to apply XML

·  Training in knowledge discovery and fusion of results across the entire meaning based environment

·  Ability to fuse text information with imagery, audio, and structured data; presentation layer as well

Functional Responsibility:

·  Position will lead in the development of rich models and knowledge portals

·  Position will articulate new information structures and visualization of these for delivery to customers

·  Oversea the entire organization's leadership in this area to include emergence in Test & Evaluation and Exercise


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering or English

·  Graduate degree in Library Sciences, or experience in formal Research methods

Senior Semantic Analyst


·  Experience and training in knowledge search and / or discovery tools

·  Linguistics and semantics background to support the development of semantic completeness and richness

·  Capability of exercising discovery variables to elicit taxonomies and topologies of information

Functional Responsibility:

·  Position will work with architecture and knowledge discovery tools to develop semantically rich architecture descriptions

·  Create semantically rich descriptive documents used to describe operational vignettes and system reports


·  Undergraduate degree in engineering or English

·  Post undergraduate training in writing skills and the Syntactics and semantics of English

Emerging Technology Expert


·  Extensive background in Microsoft wools and understanding of SGML, XML and OWL

·  Hard Sciences background with some demonstrated training in math and science

·  Comfortable and skilled at using advanced knowledge tools, i.e., search engines, knowledge discovery, etc.

·  Must be able to hold a Department of Defense SECRET

Functional Responsibility:

·  Position will work with architecture and knowledge discovery tools to provide text parsing, knowledge parsing and taxonomical linking.

·  Position will not have to know the subject area but must be able to recognize association of information between textural model and structured model


·  Undergraduate in engineering or English, with strengths in the other, 2-5 years of experience; background might be library sciences with hard science background

Information System Development


·  Windows Administration (some UNIX background a plus)

·  Network familiarity and ability to learn Cisco VPN Administration

·  PERL/TCL Scripting experience and ability to work in JAVA

·  System Engineering and /or Software Design tools experience

·  Position must be able to hold a Department of Defense SECRET Clearance

Functional Responsibility:

·  Backup information system administration and management

·  Provide backup server and network administration and security management

·  Development of interfaces and integrations between design tools so that there is a complete and clean working process being supported.

·  Longer tem should become part of software design team working with object databases and complex systems

·  Position is expected to grow, especially in the area of tools integrations, JAVA, system and network security and design processes


·  Undergraduate in engineering or science, 3-5 years experience

SIN #132-51: Price List for IT Professional Services

Labor Categories / GSA Rates
W/IFF Year 1 / GSA RatesW/IFFYear 2 / GSA Rates
Year 3 / GSA Rates
Year 4 / GSA Rates
Year 5
Master Architect / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55
Senior Architect / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64
Architect / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71
Master Operational Expert / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64
Senior Operational Expert / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71
Master System Engineer / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55
Senior System Engineer / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64
System Engineer / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71
Master Knowledge Analyst / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55 / $149.55
Senior Semantic Analyst / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64
Emerging Technology Expert / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71 / $95.71
Information System Development / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64 / $119.64

SIN #132-34: Price List for KBSI Software Maintenance

SIN / Manufacturer / Products / GSA Price W/IFF Single Unit / GSA Price W/IFF 5-19 Units (each) / GSA Price W/IFF 20+ Units
(each) / GSA Price W/IFF Base Network
5 Seats / GSA Price W/IFF Each 5 Seat
132-34 / KBSI / AIØ WIN® / $287.14 / $239.28 / $191.43 / $861.41 / $717.84
132-34 / KBSI / PROSIM® / $574.28 / $478.56 / $382.85 / $1,722.83 / $1,292.12
132-34 / KBSI / PROSIM® Lite / $287.14 / $239.28 / $191.43 / $861.41 / $717.84
132-34 / KBSI / PROCAP® / $143.57 / $143.57 / $143.57 / $430.71 / $287.14
132-34 / KBSI / SmartER® / $287.14 / $239.28 / $191.43 / $861.41 / $717.84
132-34 / KBSI / SMARTCOST®
Designer Set / $215.35 / $167.50 / $143.57 / $646.06 / $502.49
132-34 / KBSI / Enterprise Architect
SMARTCOST® / $985.84 / $765.70 / $574.28 / $2,957.52 / $2,297.10