RPAS Information for ReOC holders
Contents 1
ReOC Renewal information 3
How to apply for a Permission or Area Approval 3
Permissions 3
Area Approval 3
Procedure to obtain permission to operate in R405A and R405B 4
Night Operations 5
What you need to do 5
Operations outside of Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) – Night Operating Conditions 5
Procedural guidance and sample text 6
Procedural Guidance 6
Suggested sample text for inclusion in the Operations Manual 7
Suggested structure to be included within Part C of the sample operations manual for the purpose of training and testing for operations at night. 7
N-VLOS-DS: Night visual line of sight - Description of training 8
N-VLOS-P: Night visual line of sight - Practical 9
Flight test requirements 9
Knowledge requirements 9
Practical flight standards 9
N-VLOS-T: Night visual line of sight - Theory 9
Suggested text for inclusion in the RPAS Operations Procedures (Library) 10
Operations within 30-15m of people – non-company personnel 12
Variations 12
How to apply for a variation to your ReOC 12
Desktop Assessment 12
What to do when your CASA approved Chief Remote Pilot leaves your organisation 13
How to add/change the size/category on a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) - previously called a UAV Controller Certificate 14
Responsibilities of all persons operating under the privileges of a RPA Operator Certificate 14
Dangerous Goods - Lithium batteries 16
Update your Address/Contact Details 19
Aircraft Radio Operators Certificate (AROC) 19
How to raise a NOTAM 19
Airservices Australia – Tower Contact Details 20
ReOC Renewal information
Upon certification, ReOCs are valid for an initial 12 months, requiring the operator to renew after one year of operating. Upon renewal, ReOCs are then valid for three years.
The ReOC renewal process involves:
- CASA will issue operators with a notice to renew three months before the renewal date.
- Applicant pays the renewal fee of $480.00
- CASA will contact applicants requesting information pertaining to the past 12 months of RPA operation
- CASA will review the information submitted.
- If satisfactory, the application will be endorsed for renewal
- CASA will issue the renewed certificate to the operator.l
How to apply for a Permission or Area Approval
Please complete the RPAS Flight Authorisation Application form (attached) if you want to apply for any of the following:
· To operate within 3NM of a controlled aerodrome
· To operate within the movement area of a controlled aerodrome
· To operate within the movement area of a non- controlled aerodrome
Make sure you provide all the information requested and submit to for assessment.
When we receive your application we will send you an Estimate for the anticipated number of hours it will take to assess and process your application. Assessment of your application will commence once payment of the Estimate is received.
CASA works with Airservices Australia in relation to these applications so please ensure sufficient time is provided to assess and process your application (usually 21 business days from date of payment of your Estimate).
Area Approval
Please complete the RPAS Flight Authorisation Application form (attached) if you want to apply for any of the following:
· Above 400 ft AGL in controlled airspace
· Above 400 ft AGL outside controlled airspace
· Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)
· To operate within a restricted area where CASA is the controlling authority (see below for separate process for operations within R405A and R405B)
Make sure you provide all the information requested and submit to for assessment.
When we receive your application we will send you an Estimate for the anticipated number of hours it will take to assess and process your application. Assessment of your application will commence once payment of the Estimate is received.
The assessment timeframe for an Area Approval can take between 7-28 days so please ensure sufficient time is provided to assess and process your application.
Note that BVLOS applications can take longer as CASA Office of Airspace Regulation is involved in the assessment and final recommendation.
To apply for a flight authorisation you will need to complete the Flight Authorisation Application form and return to together with a detailed safety case to support your application.
Procedure to obtain permission to operate in R405A and R405B
The procedure for RPA operators to obtain permission to operate in the Sydney Harbour airspace (R405A and R405B) has been streamlined. You will not require an area approval to be issued by the RPAS Office, but you will require permission from the controlling authority for R405AB for each operation. The controlling authority for this airspace is the CASA Sydney Regional Office.
To obtain permission, you should provide the following information at least two working days before a planned operation:
· the Operator Name, ReOC number and ARN
· details of approval to fly within 3NM of an uncontrolled aerodrome or heliport
· details of any approval to fly at night
· date and period of operation (a date range and times of operation each day would be acceptable)
· the location (the name of the location and the coordinates from Google Earth)
· the radius of operation (typically in metres)
· the mass of the RPA (typically <20kg)
· the height AGL or AMSL (not above 400 feet AGL without approval from the RPAS Office)
· a description of the operation (over water, over land, following a vessel on the harbour, etc.)
· contact details for the UA controller (a mobile phone number of a person on site during the operation)
This information can be summarised in an e-mail and CASA will issue permission and a NOTAM on the basis of the above information. Note that there is no charge for this service. Apart from advising other airspace users of the RPA activity, the NOTAM will also satisfy the requirements of CASR 1998 subregulation 101.065 (3), for the controlling authority to provide a written statement to the RPA operator of the conditions of entry to R405AB.
When the NOTAM is issued, a copy will be forwarded by e-mail to you. Please note that operations in the Sydney Harbour airspace may take place only if the RPA operator has received this e-mail similar to the above.
Please send your requests for access to R405AB to Leonard Yates at with a Cc… to and
Night Operations
What you need to do
If you have not yet converted to the latest RPAS Operations Manual and the RPAS Operations Procedures (Library) you will need to:
1. Incorporate the processes, procedures and sample text provided in this document under ‘Procedural guidance and sample text.
2. Ensure that you have clearly identified the changes you have made either by using Track Changes or using a colour to highlight the changes made.
3. Submit your updated documents to for review and acceptance.
If you are using the latest RPAS Operations Manual and RPAS Operations Procedures (Library).
1. Incorporate the processes, procedures and sample text provided in this document under ‘Procedural guidance and sample text.
2. Submit your updated documents to for review and acceptance
Operation of RPA at night, allows an operator to apply for acceptance of their operating procedures as an “acceptable means of compliance” by which they can demonstrate to CASA that operations of their RPA will meet or exceed an acceptable level of safety and will not pose an increased risk to any third party either other airspace users or persons on the ground.
To assist operators in applying for acceptance under the Instrument of Approval, CASA has developed supporting processes and procedures that are provided within this document.
Please note an applicant may submit an alternate means of compliance which they believe meets or exceeds the procedures documented by CASA, however any alternate means of compliance may incur a fee. For more information in this regard, please contact .
Operations outside of Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) – Night Operating Conditions
The information below sets out the conditions that must be met or exceeded by any persons or organisation intending to operate a RPA in other than day VMC conditions.
1. The RPA may only be operated by:
(a) the chief remote pilot; or
(b) a person authorised by the chief remote pilot.
2. Before authorising a person to operate the RPA, the chief remote pilot must be satisfied that the person:
(a) has the knowledge and practical abilities to operate the RPA; and
(b) has received appropriate training and testing in relation to the operation of the RPA; and
(c) has been approved by the operator to operate the RPA in accordance with the operator’s documented practices and procedures and Instrument of Approval 103/16; and
(d) holds a remote pilot licence that authorises the person to operate the RPA.
3. The operator must have documented practices and procedures that address the following:
(a) appropriate training and testing of each remote pilot in relation to the operations conducted under this approval;
(b) recording details of the training and testing undertaken by each remote pilot;
(c) retention of records relating to training and testing for a period of 2years;
(d) risk assessment and mitigation processes for operation of the RPA at night
4. CASA may test a remote pilot on the pilot’s knowledge and practical abilities to operate the RPA..
5. Subject to clause 6, the operator must conduct operations in accordance with the operator’s documented practices and procedures.
6. In the event of an inconsistency between a provision of the operator’s documented practices and procedures and Instrument of Approval 103/16, the instrument prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
7. Details of Instrument of Approval 103/16must be included in the operator’s documented practices and procedures.
8. Before any operation under Instrument of Approval 103/16 is conducted, a risk assessment must be carried out by the chief remote pilot in accordance with the procedures mentioned in paragraph 3 (d) above.
9. Take-off and landing areas must be illuminated, for example, by portable lighting or airfield lighting, so that the position and orientation of the RPA can be established and maintained by the remote pilot by visual reference.
10. The RPA must be fitted with all of the following:
(a) serviceable equipment for a GPS hold and return to home function;
(b) serviceable equipment for a GPS lock with a minimum of seven (7) GPS satellites.
11. The RPA must be operated with orientation lighting, such as LED lights on the front and rear arms of the RPA.
12. Ground station software must be used to assist in assessing the RPA’s position.
13. The remote pilot must ensure that:
(a) visual line of sight contact with the RPA is maintained at all times; and
(b) the RPA is only operated in VMC
14. The operator must not operate the RPA outdoors:
(a) in rain; or
(b) if thunderstorms are observed or reported within 5 kilometres of the location of the proposed operation.
Procedural guidance and sample text
Procedural Guidance
The information below is provided by CASA for the use of approved RPAS operators who have a CASA accepted operations manual based upon the CASA Sample Operations Manual and Sample Operations Procedures (Library) which can be found on the CASA website at: https://www.casa.gov.au/aircraft/standard-page/commercial-unmanned-flight-gaining-your-remotely-piloted-aircraft-pilot
The information may also be used by CASA approved RPAS operators who are using an alternate operations manual accepted by CASA, however, please note a fee may apply for assessment of non-standard applications.
CASA would encourage operators not currently using the sample operations manual to consider migrating to an operations manual and operations procedures (library) based on templates provided on the CASA website. Use of the sample manuals will ensure operators can continue to operate in the most flexible and efficient manner and also ensures that any updates promulgated by CASA can be easily incorporated into your manuals without the need for further assessment by CASA. Should you require further guidance in this regard please contact
Suggested sample text for inclusion in the Operations Manual
Section 0.5
The operator must complete the revision log noting the addition of the approval to operate at night and indicating where edits have taken place within the manual.
Part C Section 3.5
Operators must ensure that suitable training material for night time VLOS flights is contained here.
Sample text describing a training and testing program for night operations is provided below.
Section 4.2.1 (Will the operation be compliant with CASR Part 101?)
Operators must consider amending the section at bullet point 9 with reference to operations in other than day VMC conditions.
Section (Operations at night, in cloud or in conditions other than Day VMC)
Operators must amend this section to take account of the general night approval.
Appendix 2 (Permissions, Exemptions and Approvals)
Operators should include a copy of the general conditions relating to operations at night and a copy of any email or other written correspondence with CASA which indicates that an operator has been accepted to operate with the general night approval here.
Suggested structure to be included within Part C of the sample operations manual for the purpose of training and testing for operations at night.
The following material must be contained within Part C of the sample operations manual. Operators must keep records of all training and testing of any remote pilot operating under this general night approval.
Operators may develop an alternate training and testing program, however, assessment of any alternate means of compliance may attract additional assessment fees.
N-VLOS-DS: Night visual line of sight - Description of training
1 Unit description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate an RPA at night time.
2 Elements and performance criteria
2.1 Pre-flight preparation
The remote pilot confirms that:
(a) the RPA meets the equipment requirements for an N-VLOS flight.