Complete this form only:

(a) if you wishto use Confidential Data*to conduct new Research; or

(b) if you are currently using Confidential Data in your research; or

(c) if you have working papers (whether in circulation or not) based in any part on Confidential Data; or

(d) if you have submitted papers for publication using Confidential Data (which have not been published by 10February, 2016).

*Confidential Data is defined as Broker ID on Orders and CentrePoint Orders included in ASX Data.Confidential Data has no usage rights without written ASX Approval.

Note: Successful applicants may be required to agree to Special Terms and Conditions as specified by the ASX in relation to the use of ASX Data.

Name: (Lead researcher to complete)

Contact Number:

Email Address:


Academic Position:(Tick the box)

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Research Assistant

Assistant Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor


Not an Academic

PhD Student


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Qualification being studied:(Tick the box)

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Discipline: (Tick the box)

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All Other Affiliations (including employment, sponsorships, commercial relationships, etc., not described above):

Please specify affiliations of all project team members - use additional page/s as required.

Project Title: (20 words or less)

Keywords: (100 words or less)

Research Questions:(150 words or less)– brief summary of what researchers seek to undertake

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Details of Research Team: (please include all team members and supervisors)

Name / Contact Number / Email Address / Academic Position / Qualification Being Studied / Discipline / University

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Timescale: (If ASX approval is given, how long do you expect it to take to complete your research (number of weeks)?)

Paper Delivery Date:

Please Note: It is a condition for ASX approval that all papers generated from any Confidential Data be supplied to the ASX for their review at least 45 days before any distribution outside each researcher’s university. This includes distribution of working papers, conference papers, seminar series papers and private webpages, as well as submissions to journals for publication. ASX reserves the right to veto the distribution of any such work. Attach any paper already written from analysis using Confidential Data and clearly indicate in responses here any additional work remaining to complete that work.

Contribution to Literature and/or Policy:(400 words or less)

Research Approach/Method:(300 words or less)

Details of Data Required or Used:
(Please Note: Applications failing to clearly specify all required/used fields will be rejected. Also specify exactly the required/used date range.)

This page is to be completed only by the SIRCA Data Research Committee

Date Submitted:

ASX Research Committee Date Request is considered:

Decision of ASX Research Committee:

Date decision communicated to applicant:

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