Royal View PTA Meeting
April 13th, 2017
CALL TO ORDER– 9:37 am
- Motion to approve – Leigh Fischer
- 2nd – Kim Ponting
- Taken $300 out of contingency fund to pay for rental for the Middle School for Shamrock Shaker
- Motion- Kati Meyer
- 2nd – Kim Ponting
- Took out $75 more for the National PTA Award, rather than the $50 for just the State PTA Award
- Motion- Nellie Wislocki
- 2nd – Kati Meyer
CORRESPONDENCE – Tanya Artzberger
- One thank you note from Mrs. Becker for birthday wishes
PRESIDENT – Marla Rzeszotarski
- Family Movie Night tonight – Zootopia 6:30 start time
- No ice cream fundraiser – it didn’t quite work out
- Popcorn will start popping at 6:00 pm
- Teacher Wish Lists – Mrs. Trunzo
- Mrs. Trunzo wants to do a school wide project to do painted rocks
- Wants everyone to participate
- Needs $120 for supplies and will order- PTA would reimburse her
- Northeast Ohio Rocks
- FOUR volunteers needed for the Kindergarten Scavenger Hunt on May 25th from 6pm-7pm
- 4 volunteers needed: Mrs. Morris, Barb Davis, Kati Meyer, Melissa Postma
- Kids that are going to be in kindergarten; brief overview and then stations set up in the library, gym, etc. The kids have a card that they go around with and do different tasks or find certain things, the volunteers would just check off the card they have.
- Next PTA Meeting on May 11th will be from 11am-1pm at Matteo’s Restaurant
- More of a luncheon; provide an appetizer
- Send out a sign-up genius to see who can attend
1st VP – Kati Meyer– Membership – 211 members
Extra Mile Award- Courtney Bokoch (Shamrock Shaker) and Mrs. Trunzo (Art Show)
- Courtney sent Kati a thank you note to everyone who helped out at the Shamrock Shaker
2nd VP – Leigh Fischer– invoice has been paid; send an email out to the teachers to tell them how much money they have for books
3rd VP – Lisa Adcock– Pictures/Yearbook
- Sold 301 yearbooks; already getting the emails from people that forgot to order it
- Put people on a list, once she has their check
- Spring pictures went well, but not sure of the numbers
- Thanked both Kim and January for the yearbook help and to Kim for taking care of the spring pictures
- Lisa is going to provide a yearbook to the student who’s
4th VP – Carly Horiba
Council Delegates
- High school is opening up a DNA lab- splicing DNA from Cold Spring Lab; from grant money from last year.Everyone will have a chance to do it.
- Debate team next year
- Art show was last night
- Senior Clap Out is May 15th- will go around to their respective elementary schools
- Maybe spirit week with the kids that day
- Probably sometime in the morning when they arrive at the elementary schools- 9:35 or so
- 1994 the levy only passed by 2 votes- so please continue to tell people to vote
- April 29th/30th door to door campaign
- Founders Night is April 20th
- Jackie Arndt- involved with the state for testing
- Muffins w/ Mom – Lisa Lane – May 8th-11th
- Using Sunny D for drinks- if anyone can go to Costco to pick up a case, we need about 20 cases
- Sign up genius will go out for both providing Sunny D and someone each day to remove labels
- Banana choc chip muffin this year and will also have bananas, for people who don’t want a muffin
- Staff Appreciation Week – Kim Ponting
- Finalizing things this week
- Tuesday of next week an email will go out for volunteers and donations
- Just needs the total number of staff- 73
- Math Superstars – Carly Horiba
- Program up and running before the year is up
- Sending home worksheets and kids will get prizes for participation
- Sign up genius went out for volunteers
- Field Day – Jennifer Smith
- Confirm with Lisa about snow cones
- Zoo to You booked the rain out date; hopefully there won’t be an issue; if there is rain we’ll have to adjust
- Carnival games instead of the obstacle course
- Dunk tank further up instead of so far back
- Audit Committee: Kim Ponting and Kati Meyer
- Thanks to Jennifer Smith for the movie screen for tonight’s movie- January’s event was very well attended, so expecting a good turn-out tonight. Zootopia to go along with the Wild About Reading theme.
- Wild Wednesdays / Tame Tuesdays throughout the year- everyone should wear their shirts. Guest readers on the smart boards and kids can watch the readings. This year they had a student; 1st grader, Ben, taped his at home- just from watching the guest readers record theirs.
- Thank you to Lisa for the spring pictures and the yearbook.
- Honored several students at the board meeting for the reflections program.
- Board meeting had a lot of different presentations, even from former students about the STEM program, etc.
- RISE fair was on March 22nd.
- Art Show was really good- Mrs. Trunzo did a wonderful job as usual
- Door to door volunteers on the Saturday/Sunday right before the Tuesday election. Close to the finish line, we need to finish the momentum
- Thank you to the PTA for everything; whether it is PTA related or just helping out
- Personally thank Alexandra Geffert for helping with her class this year
ADJOURN – 10:33 am