research ethics committee

annual report 2000/2001

Report for period 1 January 2000 – 31 March 2001 (report timeframe adjusted to come into step with financial year)


The Research Ethics Committee is responsible for protecting the rights of research participants and ensuring that all research involving human subjects carried out within the Imperial College School of Medicine (Hammersmith Campus), the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust and its immediate geographical area conforms to the highest ethical standards.

All research projects involving human subjects at any of the hospitals of the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust must be approved by a Research Ethics Committee. Currently, protocols undertaken at either Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea or Acton hospitals are considered by the Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea and Acton hospitals (HQC & AH) Research Ethics Committee. Applications for projects to be carried out at Charing Cross Hospital are considered by the Riverside Research Ethics Committee based at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


The Committee currently has 16 members (as of 31st March 2001), including the Chair and Vice Chair. The full membership is listed at annex 1.


September 2000:

Katie Scales resigned from the committee to take up a new position as a Nurse Consultant.

Dr Dolores Iorizzo resigned from the committee for personal reasons.


The Committee welcomed the following new members:

Dr Columba Quigley - Palliative Care, Medical Oncology, Charing Cross Hospital (joined September 2000)

Ms Fiona Freedland - Lawyer (joined November 2000)

Dr Sunil Shaunak – Infectious Diseases (joined February 2001)


September 2000:

Ms Kam Datta – Human Biomaterials Resource Centre Manager

Dr Bryony Dean - Principal Pharmacist Clinical Pharmacy Services and Director of the Academic Pharmacy Unit (APU).


·  “Report of A Review of The Research Framework in The North Staffordshire Hospital NHS Trust"

The committee received the report of the review of the research framework in the North Staffordshire Hospital NHS Trust which was instigated following allegations made against Professor Southall by parents of children recruited into the CNEP ventilator trial.

It was noted that many of the issues raised in the report were beyond the immediate remit of the research ethics committee and would be taken up by the "research management working party" chaired by Dr Andrew George. The research ethics committee would be kept informed of any recommendations that were made by the working party.

·  "Draft report of the research management working party", of which The Chairman, Vice-Chair and the Secretary were members.

·  Draft guidelines on informal collection of blood samples from colleagues within Imperial College - from Dr Alan Swann of the Occupational Health Service.

It was felt that the committee could not approve or licence these guidelines. The committee took the view that the approval of a research ethics committee should be sought for all research involving blood taken from human donors. The removal of this step from the research appraisal process was considered to be an erosion of the protection afforded to all research participants by ethical review. It was requested that the committee's view that REC permission should be obtained in all cases of blood collection for research at the Hammersmith and Queen Charlotte's hospitals should be indicated in the final guidelines.

·  Supplementary operational guidelines for REC’s : “Ethical review of multi-centre research in the NHS where there is no local researcher”

·  MRC Guidelines – Personal information in research (Executive Summary)

·  Human Genetics Commission consultation document (www.hgc.gov.uk) regarding storage, protection and use of personal genetic information.



following confusion concerning studies carried out in different countries by one investigator the following wording was introduced in the application form to elucidate in which countries the research would be taking place:

(vi) The site(s) where the research will take place (e.g. which hospital(s), medical school(s), GP clinic(s) etc. - include all UK multi-centre sites and all overseas sites (if greater than 5 overseas sites please give co-ordinating centre only):


During the committee's deliberations the issue of how investigators should deal with abnormal results derived from research investigations e.g. MRI, PET scans etc. was discussed. The committee decided that participants should be made aware in the information sheet of the possibility of abnormalities being discovered and the procedure that would be followed in such an event.

The following paragraph was added to the information sheet template for studies where the possibility exists that information might be discovered which could have implications for the participants’ health (e.g. MRI/PET studies):

You should be aware that there is a possibility that the methods used in this study may produce an unexpected result that may have relevance for your health. In the unlikely event of this happening, we will discuss this with you and, if necessary, provide any support that you may require, such as arranging follow-up tests and/or treatment.


A covering letter was produced which is to be submitted by the principal investigator with all SAE notifications, which asks them to confirm that they have assessed the adverse event(s) and are happy for the study to continue.


The table “Definitions of Types of Tissue Sample" included in the HGC document was incorporated into the committee's guidance notes in order to help researchers explain to participants the relative "anonymity" of data obtained from them.

Question 4(5)(e) "if samples are to be taken for genetic studies, will the samples be rendered anonymous?" Was expanded to indicate the type of anonymisation:

“Please indicate method used (refer to REC guidance notes for definitions):

Anonymous (unidentified):

Anonymised (unlinked):

Coded (‘linked’ or ‘identifiable’):




The committee decided that in future it could not give its approval for any collection of human tissue that was unconnected to any specific research proposal. It was felt that approval of such collections would be entirely outside of its current remit. However, specific research proposals using tissue collections would only be approved by the committee if those tissues were collected, stored and distributed according to the MRC guidelines.

The committee recommended that the Trust needed to take responsibility for approving all such collections involving tissue from patients of Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust. The Chairman reiterated the committee's position that we are unable to ‘approve’ tissue banks, which should be governed by their relevant institution, but that we would provide the custodian with advice regarding the activities of any tissue collections within their remit if approached to do so. This ‘advice’ would not constitute ‘approval’.


The committee also discussed the implications of genetic testing for research participants. If genetic testing was not anonymised in the course of performing a study and a result found which might indicate that further clinical genetic testing would be appropriate, then it was felt that this result (i.e. one which indicated a need for further investigation) should be fed back to the participants with appropriate counselling. The participants should then be urged to seek clinical genetic testing to confirm the tentative research result.


The committee felt that the Polkinghorne consent sheet should be modified to give participants the opportunity to find out about the research being proposed if they so wished. It was aware that thisdecision went against the Polkinghorne guidelines and it took this decision because it believed that a prohibition on informing patients (who wished to know) about the nature of the research went against the important principle of facilitating patient autonomy and the principle of ‘informed’ consent.


The Committee met on eleven occasions in 2000/2001.

No. of applications reviewed by Full Committee 145

No. of applications “approved” by Full Committee (as of 31-3-01) 100

No. of applications “approved” by Full Committee without amendment 1

No. of applications “approved” by Full Committee following amendment 99

(as of 31-3-01)

No. of applications “approved in principle” or “not approved” by Full Committee 45 awaiting final approval (at 31-3-01)

No. of applications “not approved” and awaiting resubmission to Full Committee 4

(at 31-3-01)

No. of applications “withdrawn” 1

No. of applications reviewed by MREC Sub-Committee 52

No. of applications “approved” by MREC Sub-Committee (at 31-3-01) 46

No. of applications pending (at 31-3-03) 6

No. of applications reviewed by Chairman’s action 115

No. of applications “approved” by Chairman’s action 115

Total new applications considered: 312

No. of applications for amendments reviewed by Chairman’s action 228

No. of applications “reviewed” in previous year finally given approval by Chairman’s action 23

A full list of protocols considered/approved during 2000/2001 is at annex 2.


1.  Committee Membership

2(a). Studies “approved in principle” in previous year given final

approval in 2000/2001

2(b). Studies Approved by Full Committee without Amendment

2(c). Studies approved by full committee after amendment

2(d). Studies Approved by Chairman's Action

2(e). Studies considered by Full Committee - Still Pending (i.e. Approved

in Principle/Not approved)

2(f) MREC approved studies approved by sub-committee

2(g) Withdrawn studies

Appendix 1


Dr A George MA, PhD, MRCPath, Reader in Molecular Immunology, ICSM, (Chairman)

Professor P Bennett BSc, Phd, MD, MRCOG, Professor in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ICSM

Dr S Brett MB. MD, ChB, FRCA, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, HHT

Miss J Butler-Barnes, Imaging Research Nurse, Hammersmith Hospitals Trust

Professor A D Edwards MA, MB, BS, FRCP, Weston Professor of Neonatal Medicine, ICSM

Dr D N F Harris MD, DA, FRCA, Senior Lecturer of Anaesthesia, ICSM

Ms A Jacklin Chief Pharmacist, Hammersmith Hospitals Trust

Mr P Jankowiak Head of Information, Hammersmith Hospitals Trust

Prof El-Nasir Lalani MBChB, B.Sc.(Hons), MRCPath, Ph.D. , Reader in Cellular and Molecular Pathology, ICSM

Dr M J Myers BSc, PhD, ARCS, FInstPSM, Honorary Lecturer Medical Physics and Radiation Protection Advisor, Hammersmith Hospitals Trust

Professor T R Rogers MSc, FRCPath, FRCPI, Infectious Diseases, ICSM

Dr S Shaunak PhD, FRCP, FRCPE, Infectious diseases, ICSM

Lay Representatives

Lady Riddell (Vice-Chair)

Ms F Freedland, BA

Mrs J Lundie BA

Statistics Advisor

Mr P Bassett


Mr Clive Collett, BSc., PGDip. (Healthcare Ethics)

Appendix 2(a)

Studies “approved in principle/not approved” in previous year given final approval in 2000/2001

Studies "approved in principle" in previous year given final approval

LREC Ref 1999/5547-M

Study Title A study to compare the use of conventional Oral

Melphalan (M7) with intravenous intermediate

dose Melphalan and Dexamethasone in patients

aged 65 years or older (MREC (1) 98/16)

Title Dr.

First Name Jane

Last Name Apperley

LREC Ref 1999/5558

Study Title Occult Form of Infiltrative and Hypertrophic

Cardiomyopathies Characterised by a Novel

Echocardiographic Approach - Myocardial

Velocity Gradient

Title Dr.

First Name Petros

Last Name Nihoyannopoulos

LREC Ref 1999/5632

Study Title Quantification of Sympathetic Innervation of the

Myocardium of Patients Suffering from

Brugada-Syndrome and Idiopathic Left Ventricular

Fibrillation using Positron Emission Tomography

Title Prof.

First Name Paolo

Last Name Camici

LREC Ref 1999/5635

Study Title Dopamine D2 receptor function in depressed

patients and normal volunteers before and after

antidepressant treatment, assessed with positron

emission tomography and 11C-raclopride

Title Dr.

First Name Paul

Last Name Grasby

LREC Ref 1999/5647

Study Title Magnetic resonance monitored focussed

ultrasound ablation of prostate carcinomas:

correlation of magnetic resonance changes with

histopathology at varying energy doses.

Title Mr.

First Name P

Last Name Abel

LREC Ref 1999/5649

Study Title Experimental therapeutic intervention in

Huntington’s Disease: the effects of foetal striatal

cell implants.

Title Prof.

First Name David

Last Name Brooks

LREC Ref 1999/5685

Study Title The role of lung water in the development of

respiratory disease in the neonate.

Title Prof.

First Name David

Last Name Edwards

LREC Ref 1999/5702

Study Title Assessment of myocardial alpha 1-adrenoceptors

using 11GB67, a new radioligand for positron

emission tomography

Title Prof.

First Name Paolo

Last Name Camici

LREC Ref 1999/5705

Study Title DMP 115-203 - A phase II open label,

non-randomised, multi-centre trial to determine the

ability of DMP 115 to improve the detection of

prostate cancer in subjects referred for

transrectal ultrasound of the prostate

Title Prof.

First Name David

Last Name Cosgrove

LREC Ref 1999/5706

Study Title A non randomised, open labelled, phase II study

investigating the tolerability and efficacy of

CAELYX (tm) in patients with advanced

carcinoma of the bladder

Title Prof.

First Name Jonathan

Last Name Waxman

LREC Ref 1999/5718

Study Title The effect of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) in the

healing of venous ulcers

Title Mr.

First Name NJ

Last Name Standfield

LREC Ref 1999/5720

Study Title Investigation of the pharmacokinetics of prolactin

releasing peptide (PRP) and its effect on pituitary

hormone secretion

Title Prof.

First Name SR

Last Name Bloom

LREC Ref 1999/5721

Study Title Extension to clinical protocol study No: 99103 -

Open label study to assess the safety and

efficacy of daily doses of 400mg cizolirtine citrate

in patients suffering from neuropathic pain

syndromes during a 6 month period following a

clinical phase II study

Title Prof.

First Name Praveen

Last Name Anand

LREC Ref 1999/5724

Study Title A study to investigate the mechanisms of

recovery of speech comprehension following

stroke, using positron emission tomography and

behavioral measures

Title Ms.

First Name Jennifer

Last Name Crinion

LREC Ref 1999/5727

Study Title Evaluation of the safety, tolerability,

pharmacokinetics and effect of GI181771, a

CCK-A agonist, administered orally on gallbladder


Title Dr.

First Name W

Last Name Svensson

LREC Ref 1999/5735