Minutes of meeting held at 17.00hrs Monday 9th June 2014,

The Artillery Arms, Pound Street, Stonehouse.

Present: Neil Moffatt (Chairman), Ray Crockett, Jason Armitage, Paul Davey, Francis Douglas, Steve Maltby, Chris Harman (Minutes)

Apologies: Ray Bailey, Roger Irvine.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2014 were approved.

2. RNSA Recruiting Strategy:

The Recruiting Strategy was discussed and it was agreed that more could be done to increase membership from the younger serving RN/RM personnel and also Reserves.but that there this could be improved and effected by:

·  Targeting RN/RM recruits and exhibiting at local RN/RM establishments. We may be able to do something in conjunction with The Camber.

·  Better advertising of what is on offer and the benefits of membership

·  Establishing closer links with RNR and possibly even the Sea Cadets

·  There are also many older ex RN/RM sailors in the area that shouldbe targeted.

We should ensure that this element of the Plymouth Branch strategy is considered before funding is agreed for any activity.

ACTION: ALL to present any new recruitment ideas and NM to draw up and complete.

3. Treasurer’s Report:

PD reported:

·  Income £8622; Expenditure £7054; Cash Flow to date £1568; Total Cash £22145 of which £16002 is available to spend.

·  The Skipton bond matures shortly

·  RI would like a video camera for training purposes. SM said Central have four of these and we should be able to borrow one.

·  NM proposed that our financial balances needs recycling to provide benefit to members as Central are likely to be unsympathetic to bids while we have £16k available to spend. Development of a sound financial plan that supports our objectives is key to the future bidding process.

·  We need to seek clarity from Central of the rules and process for bids.

·  The Bull Point sub-committee need to develop a plan to re-invest the current surplus that is ring fenced from the rest of the branch account.

·  ‘Red Alert’ sale monies are to be split between the original contributing charities but we have been asked to retain the Woodcock Fund share (£250) pending a decision on the J80.

4. PPSA: Bart’s Bash to be held in September by combined Clubs.

5.Offshore Secretary’s Report:

·  St Peter Port Race went very well with good feedback which was all positive

·  Suggestions for prizes included RNSA Battle flags, competitors’ plaques and varied suggestions set around events rather than objects.

·  A combined race may be arranged in 2015 for Plymouth, Portsmouth and Portland Branches.

·  Trebeurden Race. Organised by Yealm YC. 13 boats signed up for race on 26th June.

·  Dartmouth Race – 19th July. RC has contact in Dartmouth for this race.

·  Roscoff Race. RPCYC wanted to organise this Race but so far there has been little response. RC will chase it up.

6. Single-handed Secretary’s Report:

·  6th June Race to St.Mawes held in challenging conditions with 19 entrants and 18 starters. On arrival Paul Edge (from his donated legacy berthing money) stood all competitors a drink!

·  Handicap system needs to be more aggressive and based on fewer races. In future FD will carry out alignment exercise before next race. HALS (?) benefits frequent competitors. [PMN: On review it has been decided to update annually]

·  Roscoff Race. 22nd June; 15 entries; 12.00 hrs start.

·  Fowey Race. 9th August ; 25 boats are positive.

·  Dartmouth Race. 12th July; 09.30 start. Moorings available on BRNC buoys for RNSA/ RN/RM boats. NM suggested a local yacht club would be best venue for a social on arrival.

7. Dinghy Secretary’s Report:

·  RI’s email to all committee members was read and discussed.

·  It was agreed that sailing equipment/kit will make better prizes but the committee was keen to remain within a similar prize budget to last year.

8. Establishment Yacht:

·  JA reported that ‘Ocean Dragon’ was being well used with some cancellations but vacancies have been filled.

·  £4,500 income has not met the money spent yet.

·  Taster sails on 10 Wednesday afternoons and 1 week-end have been successful.

·  A glow-plug has been changed on the engine.

·  Commodore Farrington is keen to use ‘Ocean Dragon’ for sea training under the ‘Sea-sense’ scheme using RNSA instructors and using 2-day slots to train up service personnel. He wishes to avoid competition with the Camber but thinks Ocean Dragon would be good for wives and girlfriends of service personnel.

·  Jupiter Point. ‘Sea Shanty’ (Bavaria 36)was reported as ‘near derelict’. There are rigging issues and work is proceeding at Jupiter Point but boat will not be ready until end of Summer.

·  ‘Cornish Air’ (ex Culdrose) which is at Raleigh should also be considered.

·  RC says he will put an invitation on Facebook for people wishing to race in the J80. ACTION: RC to speak to Commodore Farrington about this suggestion.

9. Moorings, Trophies and Social:

·  RWYC has been booked for reception on 19th June and bill will be sent to RB for settlement.

·  Little interest has been shown but will go ahead anyway.

·  There has been a low take-up of tickets for the reception on 19th June at RWYC.

10. Cruising Secretary’s Report:

·  No volunteers have yet come forward to take over as Cruising Sec. DBR will continue to keep it ticking over.

·  Website will be used to attract an applicant and advertise fixtures but there is a general lack of support. It may be the case that fewer events may attract more support.

11. Bull Point:

·  Applications need to be in by 1st July.

·  Lift-outs will be in October.

·  There is now a waiting list for berths at BP

·  The proposal for steps to be constructed from the yard to the utilities on the top of the bank is with Iain Petty.

12. Any Other Business:

·  Devonport Challenge on 11th June. RI is Race Officer. This is an opportunity for RNSA to get involved in a well established event and raise awareness among serving and non-serving sailors. The committee agreed 6 bottles of wine with RNSA stickers attached as Devonport Challenge prizes.

·  RNSA Cruising members have made enquiries about moorings at Jupiter Point. ACTION: RB to clarify the status of RN moorings at JP.

·  The Branch website needs updating to show the new mooring off RWYC. ACTION: NM to update.

·  JA suggested a fee reduction for RNSA members entering RNSA-run races, however, these are already very low but consideration could be given to subsidising berthing at the end of the race. For consideration.

13. Date of next meeting: Monday 14th July.

CJH 7/7/14