E-Table 3

Up-regulated genes with implicated or putative roles in vascular smooth muscle or endothelial cell function and angiogenesis in FSHD muscle. * denotes genes that were differentially expressed in FSHD versus healthy people, but also showed a slight trend in the same direction for DM1 versus healthy people.

Gene / Role in vascular system / References
Genes implicated in vascular smooth muscle or endothelial cell function and angiogenesis
ACTA2* / Recognized marker of vascular smooth muscle. Most abundant actin isoform in mature differentiated vascular smooth muscle, comprising up to 40% of total cellular protein. / (1)
CCN2 (CTGF) / Required for normal vascular development.
Induces angiogenesis in vivo.
Autocrine actions to promote endothelial migration, proliferation, and function. / (2)
CCN3/NOV / Expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Pro-angiogenic for endothelial cells.
Induces angiogenesis in vivo
(associated with, and activates, Notch 1). / (3-6)
CD9 / Expressed in smooth muscle cells. / (7, 8)
CD44 / Expressed in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells.
Pro-angiogenic for endothelial cells.
Arteriogeneiss is severely impaired in CD44 null mice. / (9, 10)
Endoglin* / Membrane receptor expressed in endothelial cells.
Upregulated in activated endothelial cells.
Considered a marker for neovascularization,
required for normal vascular development. / (11-13)
Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (CD54) / Expressed in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells.
Pro-angiogenic via a NO-dependent pathway.
Arteriogenesis is impaired in the absence of CD54 in a rabbit model. / (14, 15)
Melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM) / Expression marker for smooth muscle and endothelium.
Upregulated by endothelial cell activation in culture and in neovascular endothelial cells in vivo.
Anti-MCAM monoclonal antibody inhibits angiogenesis / (16-18)
Microfibrillar associated protein 5 (MAGP-2) / Component of elastic fibers.
Immunolocalized in fetal muscle to endomysium, perimysium and walls of blood vessels.
Pro-angiogenic via a Jagged 1 pathway. Interacts with Jagged 1 (Notch 1 ligand), and increases rate of Jagged 1 shedding from cells. / (19, 20)
Microsomal epoxide hydrolase / Expressed in endothelial cells.
Upregulated in endothelial cells in response to shear stress. / (21, 22)
Phosphodiesterase 4B / Expressed in microvascular endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle.
Pro-angiogenic via upregulation of endothelial cell migration. / (23-25)
Syndecan 2 / Required for normal angiogenesis in zebrafish.
Expressed in human endothelial and vascular smooth muscle.
Interacts with CCN2.
Putative role as coreceptor to assist in delivery of pro-angiogenic factors to cell surface receptors. / (26, 27)
Transgelin / One of the earliest markers of vascular smooth muscle differentiation. / (1)
Genes with putative roles in vascular smooth muscle or endothelial cell function and angiogenesis
IL-17D / Rhis cytokine (and its cognate receptor) are expressed in endothelial cells.
Upregulated during hyaluron-induced endothelial sprouting. / (28)
Jun D proto-oncogene / Upregulated in response to vascular injury.
Reduces tumor angiogenesis by protecting cells from oxidative stress. / (29, 30)
Profilin 2 / Induced in endothelial cells by shear stress.
Expressed more highly in arteries than veins. / (31)
TIMP2 / Expression increased in injured arteries in rats.
Inhibits endothelial cell proliferation in response to FGF-2 or VEGA-A stimulation in vitro. / (32, 33)
Thrombospondin / Secreted by vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells.
Thrombospondin can be pro- or anti-angiogenic. / (34)


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