COMMITTEE MEETING 18th October 2011

Present: Dave Punshon, Tony Burns, Dave Lungley, Peter Harrison, Barbara Punshon, Dave Roberts, , Lin Salvage, Keith Salvage, Steve Taylor, Larry Teague, Christine Watson.

The meeting opened with the Citation.

Minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2011

The minutes previously circulated were agreed as a true record.

Matters Arising

Amplifier: Joan and Brian Moore had kindly donated the amplifier we had been borrowing from them.

Possible premises: Lin had approached the owners of La Viña who would be agreeable to us using the pool bar. They do not serve food and we had to ensure that people park at the back of the premises. Judith Moon had also identified another suitable premises in Mollina.

Welfare Changes: The Chairman had been in touch with District regarding the branch's reservations about the new welfare arrangements. Also Lin had spoken to Polly Harpin who had agreed that if there were cases that Lin felt would amount to more than €3,000, she could go directly to Donna. Although the new arrangements were not satisfactory, it was felt we had to work within the process as otherwise we would not be kept informed of what happens to cases in our area once they are referred. Additionally, Lin felt the timing of the Welfare meetings would be better for inland branches if they are held in the morning and she would raise this with Polly.

The meeting once again expressed its disquiet about the amount of money that District appear to spend on hospitality and expenses. It was hoped that this could be raised once the year end accounts are published. It was hoped that this year with the new District Treasurer there would be more transparency.


It was agreed to co-opt Lol Moon and Barbara Punshon onto the Committee. Unaninmously agreed.

The Committee confirmed Lol Moon as Standard Bearer and would like Glen Glaves to contnue as Webmaster. Glen would be asked to confirm his willingness to continue.

Other posts and duties were allocated as follows:

Poppy Appeal OrganiserLesley Taylor

Recruitment &MembershipDave Roberts

PublicityPeter Harrison

Books and GiftsPeter Harrison

Welfare Committee:

Welfare ChairmanLin Salvage

Vice-Chairman Keith Salvage

SecretaryChristine Watson

TreasurerSteve Taylor

Social Committee:

Social Secretary Tony Burns

Barbara Punshon

Dave Lungley (raffles)

Dave Roberts (Christmas draw and dinner)

Marty Power (football cards)

It was felt that there was a need to break down tasks and cover the duties as a team. e.g. a publicity team to plan a publicity campaign. Volunteers would also be sought at the next meeting as it was not necessary for them to be branch committee members.

'Shadows' were appointed for key posts as follows:

Barbara Punshon - Secretary

Dave Lungley - Treasurer's

Membership - Lesley Taylor

David Punshon agreed to be the Branch's delegate at the District Annual Conference. Marty Power will attend also.

Dave Punshon is to be our Delegate at the National Conference.

Chairman's Report

The Chairman would prepare a report based on the discussions on welfare and the 3-year plan.

Treasurer's Report

Attached to file copy of the minutes. Total funds currently stand at €1045.10. We are currently in credit with District and London regarding membership fees due to mishandling of our remittance between District and London.

Welfare Chairman's Report

No new or ongoing cases.

Poppy Appeal Organiser's Report

Three more collecting boxes are out. Lesley has booked Friday, October 28th, to stand outside Eroski, in Antequera, and sell poppies, and also, Friday November 4th to stand outside Dia, in Mollina. Volunteers for both days. Eroski, 9.45am to 5 pm and 9.30am to 5pm at Dia. Some committee members volunteered and also more volunteers will be sought among the membership at the next general meeting.

Membership Secretary's Report

As Saydo Hotel were going to charge us €5 for our stand at the Wednesday market, it was agreed that we should man the stand only on the weeks when there was no meeting. The meeting agreed Peter Harrison's suggestion that we should run a football card at the market.

Secretary's Report

There are no nominations for the Membership Council Elections.

The meeting discussed whether the branch could put itself forward for any of the RBL annual awards. A possibility was the Haig and Lister Cup for efficiency and progress. We would investigate per capita income compared to the last year.

Pam Hornby had been in touch concerning the possibility of a barn dance. Tony Burns to investigate.

Motion for Conference

The meeting agreed that the following motion be submitted for consideration for the District Annual Conference

Motion. This branch requests the Annual Conference of District Spain South to ask the District Committee to investigate and negotiate an insurance policy to cover cash held in trust for the Royal British Legion. The premium for this cover to be shared equally by all branches and District Spain South.

The meeting closed at 12.50 pm with the Citation