Active dissemination of environmental information in relation to the Nature Directives
Active dissemination of environmental information in relation to the Nature Directives
Personal details
Name / Click here to enter text. /Position / Click here to enter text. /
Organisation / Click here to enter text. /
Email / Click here to enter text. /
Country / Click here to enter text. /
Please describe your field of work in relation to the Birds and Habitats Directives / Natura 2000(Please choose from the following list (preferably only one but maximum three options)
☐Research – policy
☐Research – survey and monitoring (species)
☐Research – conservation biology, restoration ecology
☐Data management
☐Land use planning
☐Spatial planning
☐Conservation / restoration planning
☐Site management
☐Housing, Industry, Infrastructure development
☐Juridical enforcement
☐Policy development
☐Environmental Impact Assessment
☐Appropriate Assessment (for Natura 2000)
☐Other:Click here to enter text.
I mainly work at the following level: / ☐European
☐Regional (supra-national, e.g. Baltic, Black Sea, Balkan,..)
☐Regional (sub-national)
My answers to this questionnaires apply to: / ☐DE / ☐ES / ☐FR / ☐HU / ☐IE
☐NL / ☐PL / ☐RO / ☐SE / ☐UK
Access to relevant information
Main portal
What do you consider being the main portal for accessing Natura 2000 related information in your country? Please also provide an URLClick here to enter text. /
A comparative analysis of what the project experts considered to be the main information portal regarding the Birds and Habitats Directives for each of the 10 Member States included in this study[1] is presented on pages 31 to 44 of the report. Details of the analysis are presented in the annexes.
For my member state, the findings of the report concerning the main information portal for the Birds and Habitats Directive are correct. / ☐I fully agree☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
Click here to enter text. /
Information sources(pages)
On the following pages you will find seven tables, one for each of the seven themes used throughout the report and its annexes to structure the main survey findings.For each of these themes, we kindly ask you to inform us about:
- Your personal experience:
- The theme’s relevance to your work in relation to Natura 2000
- The ease of finding online information
- The main sources of online information
- Your views on the findings of the report, and especially the information presented in the annexes (Appendix C: Page review factsheets, starting on page 82)
- Whether they reflect your experience of understanding
- Whether there are any mistakes in the findings
- Whether there are any omissions in the report
- Whether you have any views on how information provision could be improved
Legal and policy aspects of the Birds and Habitats Directives implementation
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explainyour choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if thereare any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Conservation objectives, measures and management plans
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explain your choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if there are any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Financing Natura 2000
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explain your choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if there are any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Impact assessments and compensation related to Natura 2000
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explain your choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if there are any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Scientific research, monitoring and surveillance related to Natura 2000
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explain your choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if there are any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Providing public information and participation
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explain your choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if there are any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Juridical aspects of strict protection, court rulings and derogations
A.1. Importance of this theme in your work (please select one of the options) / ☐None
☐Very high
A.2. Your experience with finding and accessing (online) information related to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐Impossible
☐Moderately difficult
☐Very easy
A.3. Please explain your choice in A.2.
Click here to enter text.
A.4. Main online source(s) of information for this theme (max 3 URLs)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
B.1. The report findings correctly reflect information dissemination in relation to this theme (please select one of the options) / ☐I fully agree
☐I partly agree
☐I partly disagree
☐I fully disagree
☐I don’t know
B.2. Please explain if there are any findings or conclusions for this theme that you do not support?
Click here to enter text.
B.3. Please inform us of any important (still missing) sources of online information for this theme that should be included in the survey.
Click here to enter text.
B.4. Any additional general comments on this theme?
In particular: how can information provision for this theme be improved?
Click here to enter text.
Additional questions
Are you aware of any market applications based on re-use of Natura 2000 datasets (e.g. services based on user-friendly visualisation of data)? If so, please describe and provide URLClick here to enter text.
Do you think there is potential for data-driven innovation and development of a market for services based on such re-use? Please explain.
Click here to enter text.
Do you think there is room for more interaction with the public, e.g. engaging the public to use on-line tools?
Click here to enter text.
A workshop on information dissemination in relation to the implementation of Natura 2000 is planned for 24th October 2014. Which issues would you like to be addressed in the workshop?
Click here to enter text.
Is there an official policy with regard to dissemination of online environmental information in place?Click here to enter text.
Are there future plans and strategies for online information?
Click here to enter text.
Do you consider the IT resources your competent authority has available as sufficient in order to cope with the current obligations regarding dissemination of Natura 2000 information (including INSPIRE)?
Click here to enter text.
What is your opinion on administrative burden and cost-effectiveness of information systems? (please provide data if available)
Click here to enter text.
Which are the relevant obstacles and constraints to expanding online information provision?
Click here to enter text.
What is your opinion on the usefulness of EU financial and other assistance to reinforce capacities to deliver online information?
Click here to enter text.
Survey questionnaire – please return by 12 September 2014 to
[1]DE, ES, FR, HU, IE, NL, PL, RO, SE & UK