St Mary Church – Ottawa SS Group’s name : …………………………………………….. – Grade : 4-5 Girls
Preparation date / Service date / Septemeber 18, 2011Lesson’s title / Bronze Serpent
General purpose / ( *) Love / (*) Faith / (*) Hope
Specific purpose
Verses of the lesson / “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you.” – Numbers 21:7
References / 1) The Holy Bible.
2) SUS curriculum
illustration tool / Powerpoint presentation
Psalm of the week
Personal meditation
Introduction / - Today will learn how God takes care of His children
- First I would like to as you who have been to a restaurant before? Who had a good meal?
- Did you know that God gave the Israelites (the people who followed Moses out of Egypt) really good food?
- Do you know what He gave them? He gave them manna a sweet honey tasting flakes and quails which is meat. It was like eating at a restaurant everyday and not having to pay for any of the food.
- They would walk and walk everyday and that meant that they were getting closer to the land that God had promised them. God took good care of them and gave them all that food.
- What do you think? Were the people happy and content with the food they got or where they unhappy? They were not happy. They didn’t like what they had.
- They started complaining to Moses. They became impatient, tired of waiting, didn’t like their food, wanted more and complained about God.
- They didn’t realize what God has given them. What did God give them?
- God gave them food (manna and quail). He also gave them water that came form a rock. He also cared spiritually about them by giving them Moses the tablets of the covenant (10 commandments). He even protected them from wild animals and snakes that were found in the desert. God gave them all this yet they did not thank Him.
- The Lord decided to teach them a lesson. He sent poisonous snakes into the camp. The snakes bit the people and many of them got sick and even died. The people knew from that moment that they needed God’s help to protect them. They knew that they had been wrong in complaining about how the God took care of them.
- The people started asking Moses help. They told him that they were very sorry for the complaining that have been doing. They wanted to ask God for His forgiveness and they all started to repent.
- Moses went out to pray to the God about the snakes.
- Do you think the Lord answered Moses’ prayer?
a- The Lord took away the poisonous snakes? Or
b- The Lord did not take away the poisonous snakes?
- How do you think the Lord answered His prayers? A or B
- These people had a problem. Their problem was the snakes and they wanted to get rid of those snakes because they were deadly. God did not take away their problem right?
- Well same with us. Sometimes we have a problem and we pray to God to take it away because it is really hard to deal with it. God sometimes will not take it away but He will get you through it.
- It will all depend on how you respond to God’s solution.
1- The wrong way would be to keep complaining, fight back, etc
2- The right way and the one that will help us grow spiritually would be to constantly keep our eyes, hearts and hope on Him. We need to listen to him. As soon as we look away from Him and His Cross we go back to doing the wrong way.
- Why do you think He doesn’t take away our problem in an instant? Why did he keep the poisonous snakes around? He is God almighty. He has power to do anything.
- It’s because He wants to teach us a lesson through these struggles and sufferings.
- Learning this lesson will help strengthen our faith and make us always depend on the Lord.
- Also it doesn’t mean that we have a problem we only talk to God and when this problem is solved we start drifting away from Him. No, we need to continuously keep God involved in everything that we do.
- So went we are hurting remember that
- 1- God loves and cares for all of us
- 2- He will never leave us (although sometimes we do).
- 3- Look up to Him and ask Him not only for help but also to make it clear for you what He wants you to learn from the difficult situation you are facing.
- God commanded Moses to make a snake out of a shiny metal called bronze
- He then told him to put the bronze snake on a pole so all the people can see it
- Anyone bitten by a poisonous snake that looks at the bronze serpent will be healed
- This will help them remember that He will take care of them
- Every time we are in trouble or going through hard times we need to look up to God just as the Israelites looked up to that bronze serpent and were healed.
- God wanted all the people to look at the Holy Sacrifice which is our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on the Cross and anyone who believed in Him and looked at Him would be saved in body and in soul.
Lesson/Conclusion / - What do you think the people learned? And what can you learn from the people?
- A- God takes care of His people
- b- Only God could make them well
- c- To be happy and content with the things the Lord gave them
- d- Not to complain about the Lord’s gifts
e- Look at up to Him and they will be healed
f- If you were far away from God, He will accept you always. Repent, confess and He will forgive you.
The Cross in our lives
- Ask yourself did you sin in the past? Did you just sin? Is the devil about to fight you? If you answered yes to any of those questions well you better hurry and look at the cross and say: “My crucified Lord, have mercy on me”.
What does the bronze serpent represent?
- Jesus saved us on the cross and whoever believes in Him is saved from being in hades for eternity.
What does the cross represent?
- The cross is a sign of our salvation. When we wear it is not just for looks it is to remind us of God’s love for us. He died for us on the cross.
- It is important that we take the time to make the sign of the cross whenever we are about to start our day in the morning, before we eat the meals that God has blessed us with, before we start studying so that God will give us wisdom to understand what is in front of us, before we go to bed to thank God for having protected us and guided us throughout the day, etc.
Lesson application / Try this week that whenever you face a problem or whether you are scared of something take the cross and look at it and remember that God is with you and He will take you through it. Open your eyes, heart and listen to Him. When you pray don’t forget to say “My crucified Lord, have mercy on me”
Homework / Write in your journal how you felt when after you prayed and looked at the cross.
Weekly report / # of kids : / Atten. : / Commun.
Personal notes / Confes. Date : / Commun. ( ) / # of visited kids :
Bible ( ) / Spiritual book :
Notes of servant’s servant