Poster Title in Title Case (Font: Times New Roman 14 bold)

First Author Smith1, Second Author Jones2 and Third Author Brown3

1 Full address of first author, including affiliation and email

2 Full address of second author, including affiliation and email

3 Full address of third author, including affiliation and email
(use Times New Roman 10 typeface for author’s Affiliation)


This file provides a template for writing poster abstracts for the 9th Saudi Student Conference. Poster abstracts to be considered for the conference proceedings will be submitted in an electronic format. The poster abstract file shall be written in compliance with these instructions. The author is asked to submit the poster abstract in MS word format. If the author need to work with another editor, like Latex, then he/she has to submit the poster abstract in pdf format and the source file of the poster abstract as well.

An abstract should appear on the top of the first page, after the title of the poster abstract and after the names of the authors and the contact information of the corresponding author. There is a page limit of 2 sides (including references) and the length should not exceed 1000 words.

It is expected that authors will submit carefully written and proofread material. Spelling and grammatical errors, as well as language usage problems, are not acceptable in the final submission. Poster abstracts should clearly describe the background of the subject, the authors work, including the methods used, and concluding discussion on the importance of the work. Poster abstracts are to be prepared in English (British or American). Acronyms should be written out at their first appearance. The poster abstract has to be submitted electronically via the SSC9 website. Poster abstracts should use 11-point Times New Roman font. The styles available are bold, italic and underlined.


List of references must follow the Harvard System. Position and style of the references should follow these examples:

Book example:

Parker, C.C. and Turley, R.V. (1986) Information sources in science and technology: a practical guide to traditional and online use. 2nd ed. London: Butterworths.

Paper example

Broida, T.J. and Chellappa, R. (1991) Estimating the kinematics and structure of a rigid object from a sequence of monocular images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13 (6): 497-513

See Harvard Referencing link.