Roton School Governance Council

Minutes – April 6, 2017

Meeting start time: 4pm

Meeting adjournment: 5:20pm

Attendees: Fran Blackman, Stefanie Bronner, Michele Capece, Lori Given, Audra Good, Michael Kolman, Peter Korzenik, Diana Mazzello, Diana Revolus, Jody Sattler, Heather Schneider, Robert Sefarian, Joe Velluci, Guest: Craig Creller - NPS

·  School Budget – 2017-2018

o  Middle School Redesign (Small Learning Communities)

§  Focused effort on Math and ELA intervention blocks (at 20% current avg vs. 33% goal)

§  Reading intervention priorities

§  Demonstrated success with this model – top 1% nationally, 4x the national average

§  2 “houses” (originally planned for 3 “houses” – would have cost 930k more)

·  Reviewed block schedules for the 2 houses

·  Guidance dept. will be split between the houses

·  Science and Soc. Studies teachers teach both 7th and 8th

·  Plan to have SPED teacher for each house

·  Encore/Enrichment classes built into existing schedule/budget

§  Class size Increase:

·  Average class size 25 (subject to change based on math classes/scheduling)

·  Average class size in 8th grade – 28 students

·  168 student maximum (if more, over 28 students per class, breeches contract)

·  Mr. V working on re-routing out of district students

·  Advised class size would be the same if re-design not implemented

§  Staff Impact:

·  Additional staff: Sys 44, Reading 180, Math 180

·  Reduction in staff: 1.5 Science, 1.5 Soc. Studies, 1.5 ELA, .5 Technology/Computer

·  Craig advised no system-wide reduction in force – teachers will be placed elsewhere

·  SPED, Instructional Aides, ELL – budgeted by Central Office

§  Additional Challenges:

·  Conflicting schedules inhibit the ability to attend intervention classes (i.e. languages, music, chorus, band, PE)

·  Students who don’t qualify for Math 180, for example, where to place them?

o  NPS working on program tailored to students who don’t qualify for Math 180. “Math Solutions” program, funded by SPED, can be offered to non-SPED students

·  Budget

o  if voted on, agree that caveat should be included that if class size increases, we have the ability to request/renegotiate funding

o  Total Budget: $3.85M

§  Planning for 465 students (budgeted for 478)

§  $7658k per year per student

§  Reviewed budget line items

o  Opportunities for SGC:

§  Discuss current electives, etc. and determine if changes can take place within same budget

o  Budget Vote

§  Committee agreement to submit budget with the aforementioned caveat re: ability to request additional funding, where applicable

·  Next Meeting – April 27 4pm

o  Send Mr. V. and Diana agenda items in advance of the meeting