
Attachment A

CEASD Annual Business Meeting

Kansas City

April 10, 2016

Business meeting called to order at: 4:21pm

President Jamie Tucker requested to move the nomination/election item to the top of the agenda and asked Peter Bailey to run the election process

Approval of MinutesE. Bosso

(Tacoma, WA 2015)

Motion to Approve: J. Bravin Second: D. GeeslinPassed

President’s ReportJ. Tucker

Priority will be to select a new Executive Director for the organization. The search process will be further explained during the new business portion of the meeting. An electronic survey to assess organization needs will be conducted. There will be a proposed By-laws amendment for transfer of power and role of executive committee.

Treasurer’s ReportP. Bailey

Joe Finnegan (for Peter Bailey) shared financial report highlights.

Government Relations Liaison’s ReportB. Raimondo

Barbara presented her report during the conference.

Jamie Tucker shared a reminder about “Call In Day”

Executive Director’s ReportJ. Finnegan

CEASD Members are important to the financial health of the organization and to the students and families we serve. Please take action regarding your dues when you receive the reminder. Also consider adding associate members in addition to your voting members.

Communications are all electronic…please keep your email address current. Sometimes people unsubscribe from chimp mail system and do not receive important information from the national office.

Joe share his thoughts on upcoming “retirement” as the CEASD Executive Director stating he is looking forward to a life with less stress and indicated the job has become increasingly more stressful. He will continue to run his businesses so he is not really “retiring”. Joe indicated that it is very difficult to think about the end of his time with CEASD after 42 years of membership and service.


2016 Annual ConferenceL. Barron

Luanne Barronthanked local committee, Sandra Edwards and interpreters for their hard work and an amazing conference.

2017 Annual ConferenceJ. Bravin

In 2017 ASD will celebrate its 200th Anniversary. The CEASD conference will be April 19-21, 2017 (Wed, Thurs, Friday). Saturday will be the grand opening of the Deaf history museum and there will be a large Gala Event.


Nominations and ElectionsP. Bailey

Nominations for Officers:

Pres-Elect: Jeff Bravin (CT), David Geeslin (IN)

Both candidates shared thoughts/comments as to why they should be selected.

Secretary: Stacy Katz Shapiro (GA), Donna Sorenson (MT)

Candidates introduced themselves and shared brief background

Treasurer: David Geeslin (IN), Mindi Failing (DC), Michelle Tanner (UT),

Don Galloway (NY)

Candidates introduced themselves and shared brief background

Elected Officers:

Pres-Elect:David Geeslin (IN)

Secretary: Stacy Katz Shapiro (GA),

Treasurer:Mindi Failing (DC) Note: Run-off votes between Tanner and Failing

Nominations for Board: Class of 2019

Francis Boganoff (NY) Chris Kurz (NY)

Rayburn Boland (AR)Greg Mendenhall (OH)

Shauna Bilyeu (WA) John Serrano (TX)

Bert Carter (MA)Scott Skelton (NC)

Janet Dickinson (AR)Donna Sorenson (MT)

Martin Keller(WV)Michelle Tanner (UT)

Kim Krause (IN)

Elected Members: Class of 2019

Shauna Bilyeu (WA)

John Serrano (TX)

Michelle Tanner (UT)

Revisions to By-LawsJ. Tucker

Jamie Tucker presented a summary of recommended changes which included:

Transfer of Power effective immediately following conclusion of annual conference and formalizing the Executive Board and authority

Motion to Approve: David Geeslin Second: J. PrickettPassed

ResolutionJ. Prickett

Jeanne Prickett read the resolution to the membership recognizing the conference planners, host school, interpreters and support staff.

Motion to Approve: E. BossoSecond: M. KelerPassed

Executive Director Search S. Edwards, Chair

Sandra noted that this is the first time in history CEASD has to conduct a search for an Executive Director. The Board set a vision for the position and will post the position on various websites and begin the process of committee screening and selecting a candidate for interviews and final selection.

Other New Business

Mark Carlson, (Beverly) – shared his background as the only non-deaf educator in the room and co-chair for org of private schools for the deaf. He shared that WPSD was involved in some social media issues and the private schools group wants to make sure the strategic planning process includes a clear understanding of vision and mission. Private schools run differently and have challenges from a business perspective. Concerns about communication between member schools and CEASD were shared. Mark stated he is confident that there will be a more proactive approach in supporting all schools in the future.


DiversityJ. Serrano

John Serrano shared information regarding the diversity committee’s efforts in the following areas:

  • Updated accreditation guidelines/indicators to reflect diversity
  • Mini-grants program
  • CEASD recommended best practices

Honors and AwardsS. Katz-Shapiro

To be presented at the banquet

AccreditationC. Bugen

Deferred to banquet

Student LifeP. Bailey

Peter Bailey shared information from the committee: Residential Certification Program is being reviewed and no action as of this date. The process will be handed off to the next Treasurer

Government RelationsB. Raimondo

Barbara presented her report during the conference.

OutreachL. Barron

NOC and CEASD have decided to possibly not continue the back-to-back conferences

CEDJ. Finnegan

Council on Education of the Deaf until recently was a five member organization. CED Board decided to seek new members and now has two new members (ASLTA, OPTION Schools). Focus on teacher certification and college and university accreditation.

Adjourned 6:00pm

Respectfully submitted by Ed Bosso, CEASD Secretary