Rotary Club of North Canton
Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes
Beyesly’s Restaurant
Date: July 19, 2017
Attendees: Paul Beinlich, Brent Fatzinger, Dennis Huffman, Sandi Lang, Emily Levitt-Iero, Dave Mathie, Jeff Pelot, Jeanine Shambaugh, Chaz Price
I. Minutes from last month’s Board meeting:
a. Motion to approve - Emily Levitt-Iero, 2nd – Paul Beinlich, Motion Approved
II. President’s remarks:
a. Vice President - Paul Beinlich is considering taking on the position. He will let us know
b. Upcoming Meeting Discussion
i. Jul 20 - Dan and Harrison LaHaie Mission Trip
ii. Jul. 27 - Officer Installation
iii. Aug. 3 - Madelyn Sweeney-Wishes Can Happen
iv. Aug. 10 - Rick McQueen CAK Airport- Reschedule due to Chamber Golf?
v. Aug. 17 - Hoover Historical Center Tour
a. Tour Schedule & Food
vi. Aug. 24 - District Governor’s visit
vii. Aug 31 meeting not canceled
c. Project Status
i. Fly the Flag - no updates
ii. Spaghetti Dinner Changes
Dave Mathie updated the Board on his progress. Price increased to $7.00 suggested.
III. Treasurer’s Report (J. Pelot):
a. Motion to approve - Jeannine Shambaugh, 2nd - Emily Levitt-Iero, Motion Approved
b. Budget for 2017-2018 - Jeff reviewed the proposed budget and explained how much of the club’s revenue was available for un-earmarked donations.
c. Motion to approve - Emily Levitt-Iero, 2nd - Chaz Price, Motion Approved
IV. Avenues of Service:
a. Club Service:
i. Membership
· Discussion of current prospects.
V. Old Business
a. Community Service Fair - Planning is proceeding
b. Leadership Stark County Scholarship
i. Discussion of the number of scholarships the Board would like to offer. Consensus was to first inquire about number of Leadership Stark County graduates that would be interested
VI. New Business
a. Board meeting with DG after the club meeting
i. Gift - History of the Rotary Foundation Book for the Library
b. New board members
i. Brian Bober was nominated for the open Board position. Chaz Price agreed to approach Brian
c. City Membership
i. Members of City Government have expressed an interest in joining Rotary under the Corporate Membership Model. Jeff Pelot and Sandi Lang will draft a letter explaining the obligations of a Corporate Membership and send it to the interested party.
VII. Next Board Meeting: August 16 at 7:30 AM
VIII. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn - Emily Levitt-Iero, 2nd - Jeannine Shambaugh, Motion Approved.