Rotary Club of EstesPark
Membership Plan 2007-2008
- To have an active club membership of at least 151 on June 30, 2008.
- This is plus 1 from June 30, 1007
- Normal attrition for all reasons is 10-15 members per year
- Target recruiting 15-20 new members to show positive membership growth
- Create an atmosphere that fosters and encourages guests and new members
- Successfully transition newly inducted members from weekly Rotary Meeting attendees to Rotarians within the first year of membership
New Member Profile:
- Professional, business or community leader (current or retired)
- Discretionary time available
- Community service oriented
- Capable of meeting financial obligations of Rotary
- Year-round resident of EstesPark area
- Target individuals in Generation X, but exclude no one
Gathering Information:
- Survey the club membership
- General information, age, years in Rotary, gender
- Why did you join Rotary?
- Why did you stay in Rotary
- What do they like about the club?
- What do they dislike?
- Who in their field (or related fields) should be in Rotary?
- If the Rotary Club of Estes Park were your business with declining demographics, what would you do?
- Which community leaders, not currently in Rotary, should be?
- What businesses or classifications in town are not represented in Rotary?
- Who would be the best representative from those businesses or classifications?
- Also collect data on business name and address to expand club database
- Meet with all new members in the club (since January 1, 2006)
- What did you like/dislike about the process of joining Rotary?
- What was the biggest roadblock?
- Did the new member orientation kit do its job? What would you add or drop from the kit?
- What role did/should your sponsor play?
- Cross reference data to determine who is in Rotary and who isn’t
- Club Rosters from both EP Rotary clubs
- Business License List from town
- Chamber of Commerce membership roster
Membership Committee:
- Build an active Membership Committee of 10-12 Rotarians
- Develop committee job description
- Meet monthly (September through May)
- Invite all new members to be on the Membership Committee
- Use the expertise of all Past Presidents as ex-officio members of the committee for their knowledge of the club and community
- Primary recruiting months
- Sept-Nov
- Jan-Mar
Action Plan:
- Develop a definitive list of 30-40 prospective members
- Include name, occupation, source of name, and two-three people in Rotary who know the individual
- Divide the list into three groups
- Only work on recruiting the top 1/3 of prospects
- Move prospects up the list as individuals join or decline
- Recruit Rotarians to be sponsors.
- Ask specific Rotarians to ask specific individuals to join Rotary
- Develop tracking plan for all prospective new members
- Track all guests of Rotarians (excluding out of town visitors, spouses, and children) at weekly meetings as potential new members
- Review, revise, or develop as needed, all membership materials and procedures
- Rotary member job description (What is expected of Every Rotarian)
- Attendance
- Committee Involvement
- Commitment to sharing Rotary
- Financial obligations
- Participation in club activities/fund raising events
- Social participation
- Sponsor/Mentor job description
- From invited guest through induction
- Orientation
- Year-round mentoring
- New Member Proposal form/check list
- Membership Application
- Tent cards on membership recruiting on tables at weekly meetings
- Membership minute at each weekly meeting, repeated in The Spoke
- Encourage Rotarians to bring guests
- Work cooperatively with the Sunrise club on development of membership materials, orientation of new members, and getting potential Rotarians into the club that best works for them
- Develop business card with club information for members to hand out to friends and prospective members
- Develop recommendations for board action from member survey on retention of membership
- Reduce time period between application for membership and induction
- Develop meaningful induction ceremony
- Invite spouses, if appropriate
- Recognize Sponsor (Sponsor pin presentation)
- Club assembly dedicated to membership development (January)
- Demographic overview
- Review club membership plan
- Review results of club survey
- Explain roles of Sponsors and Mentors
- Groups of three, responsible for recruiting one new member, sponsoring and mentoring
- Marketing—Getting the Rotary Brand visible in the community
- Coordinate with other service clubs in EstesPark (Sunrise Rotary, Kiwanis, Quota, Lions, Optimists)
- Organize an Estes Park Service Club networking group
- “Get involved in your community—Give something back” campaign
- Newspaper ads
- VisitorCenter handout
- All service clubs working together to provide opportunities for people in EstesPark to choose which service organization matches their style and schedule
- Service Club meeting signs at entrances to town
- Service Club table at Estes Park Heritage Festival
- “got Rotary” campaign
- Ongoing “got milk” type campaign showing wide variety of Rotary service projects both locally and internationally
- Provide opportunity “for more information, call. . .”
- “Rotary Meets Here” sign upstairs outside Country Store (with both clubs meeting times)
- “Be my guest” business cards for members to hand out
- UseRI PSAs for Radio, Television, Newspaper
- UseRI “Rotarians are YOUR Friends” table cards
- Coordinate all public marketing efforts with the Sunrise club.
- Use Rotary Office (Hobert’s) as contact number
- scripted response for Marsha to use when people call for more information
- Small information packet for Marsha to mail out
- Follow up name/address/phone number on all inquiries
- New residents moving into EstesPark
- Provide information on all service clubs at WelcomeCenter
- Advertise in Newcomers Club newsletter and at September annual meeting
- Identify Rotarians moving into town
- New business licenses
- Names from newspaper
- Marketing campaigns goals:
- Raise awareness in community of all service clubs
- Provide opportunity to find out more information
Membership Materials
- New Member Application kit (Readily available for all members to use to invite potential members
- Rotary Club of Estes Park brochure “Want to be a Rotarian?”
- Application
- Timeline for processing applications
- “This is Rotary”
- New Member Orientation kit (reviewed and given out at the orientation)—this is a separate kit from the kit given at induction (below).
- Blue RI folder for New Member information kit, including
- Basics
- ABC’s of Rotary
- RI Theme brochure
- Welcome to Rotary
- Foundation Facts
- Foundation Reference
- Every Rotarian, Every Year
- Two Needs, Two Ways
- Member Responsibilities & Expectations
- Sponsor/Mentor Job Description
- List of committees, with chairman phone number/email
- Committee sign up form
- Calendar for current club year
- Club constitution
- Club bylaws
- Club budget
- EP Rotary Foundation Brochure
- Ernie Altick Fellowship Flyer
- Memorial tribute trust fund flyer
- Paul Harris Fellowship application
- Rotary Club of Estes Park organization chart
- New Member Induction kit (presented at induction—not the orientation kit, see above)
- Letter of Welcome from Club President
- Sponsor and Mentor contact information (including websites, club number, etc.)
- Complete Club Roster (with photos) (including this new member’s data)
- New Member Kit (from Russell Hampton, includes:)
- Four Way Test frameable certificate
- Object of Rotary frameable certificate
- Four Way Test pocket certificate
- Rotary Lapel pin (1/2”)
- Reflective Decal
- Certificate of Membership (large)
- New Member ribbon
- Red Badge
- Catalog of Rotary emblem merchandise (Russell-Hampton one page flyer)
- Order form from III for Rotary Club of Estes Park shirt/hat, etc.
- Blue Badge criteria
Club Budget considerations (see spreadsheet)
- Sponsor Pins
- Application Kits
- Orientation Kits
- Induction Kits
- Decals (for current members)
- Brochures from RI
- Meal costs for prospective members after first visit
- Marketing
- Signs for highways and in front of Otherside Restaurant (or on corner of Moraine Ave and Mary’s Lake Road)
September 5, 2007Page 1