Roskruge Bilingual Magnet School
School Council Meeting
October 19, 2016
Date: November 16, 2016
Time: 4:30 pm
Meeting Site: Roskruge Bilingual Magnet School, Library
1. The meeting was called to order at 4:42.
a. The members present: Grace Contreras, Zulema Felix, Nora Jaramillo, Carina Kennedy, Dale Lopez, Christina Madrid-Castro, Sarah Mc Craren, and Rita Verdin
b. The members absent: Manuel Avila, Ricardo Gomez, Maria Gudino, Cassie Martinez (alt), José Olivas, Monica Sanchez, and Nina Womack-Rangel
2. Call to the Audience
a. Nothing was shared.
3. Minutes
a. Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed.
b. Mr. Lopez noticed an error in the minutes. Under 4.a.ii the minutes named Ms. Bly making the motion. It should read “Ms. Contreras made a motion...”
c. A motion was made by Ms. Jaramillo to accept the corrected minutes. Ms. McCraren seconded the motion and the corrected minutes were unanimously approved.
4. New Business
a. Proposal for Camp Cooper/Undesignated Funds
i. Mrs. Kennedy informed the council of two Camp Cooper overnight trips that need funding through tax credit monies for families who cannot afford the $60 fee. Mr. Flewelling needs up to $500 for his group and Mrs. Kennedy needs up to $700 for her group. We will first utilize tax credit monies designated for Field Trips, if possible.
ii. Mrs. Kennedy made a motion to move an amount not to exceed $1200 from undesignated to be used for Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. Flewelling’s Camp Cooper trips (pending use of monies already designated for field trips). Ms. Verdin seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
b. Proposal for Camp Cooper/Undesignated Funds
i. Ms. Contreras is taking a group of art students to Camp Cooper and requested funds for families who cannot afford the $60 fee. She will first try to utilize tax credit monies from the “Fine Arts-General” fund.
ii. Ms. Verdin made a motion to move an amount not to exceed $1340 from undesignated to be used for Ms. Contreras’ Camp Cooper trip (pending use of monies already designated for fine arts-general). Ms. McCraren seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
c. Discussion about Air Conditioning
i. Mr. Lopez mentioned that a parent, who works in the air conditioning business, expressed concern to him that turning the AC off at night is less efficient. Dale mentioned that he thinks the AC is turned off at night due to a neighbor complaint from years ago and most likely said neighbor does not live there anymore.
ii. Ms. Jaramillo mentioned that we have chillers rather than AC units.
iii. Mr. Lopez will type out an email for Nora to forward to facilities management regarding this concern.
d. Discussion about DEAR
i. Mr. Lopez updated the council on what DEAR is. It stands for Drop Everything And Read. It was started two years ago this January at Roskruge. It was a time set aside for all students to read for enjoyment. They were to start reading once they entered class in the morning until announcements came on.
ii. Mr. Lopez would like to start it back up in January. He will bring it up for discussion at December’s staff meeting. Ms. McCraren mentioned that it should become part of the school culture, being mentioned regularly at assemblies, on announcements, in the newsletter, etc.
e. Principal’s Update
i. Ms. Jaramillo updated the council on staffing:
· Kirsty Tsosi has started as the new library assistant.
· Ms. Choyguha has started as the new band/orchestra teacher for middle school, as well as 4th and 5th grade.
· Two TA’s for science and social studies have been hired, but waiting on district for them to start.
· Priscilla Olea, the monitor, is on medical leave.
· Dale Lopez is the long-term magnet coordinator sub.
· We have on CCS position that is unfilled.
· A student success position for after-school folklorico has been hired, but waiting on district for them to start.
ii. District benchmark testing through School City is going on right now. Students are using laptops to take the test.
iii. Student surveys of teachers is coming up next month.
iv. Math Night was on Tuesday November 15th. Ms. Contreras mentioned there was a good turnout.
v. Science Night is a possibility for next semester.
f. Next Site Council Meeting Date
i. Next meeting is scheduled for December 21st at 4:30 pm in the library.
5. Motion to adjourn by Ms. Verdin, seconded by Ms. Jaramillo at 5:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Carina Kennedy
Facilitator, Roskruge Bilingual K-8, School Site Council