


Agency and

the Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis

for the

Program on Law and State Government

Advanced Government Externship

Spring 2014


The educational objectives of the Advanced Government Externship include offering students the opportunity to [AGE student to edit as applicable to proposed AGE]:

a.Continue to build on knowledge, skills, and experience gained during prior, successful completion of Program on Law and State Government course and placement, [AGE student to describe prior PLSG placement here] ;

b.Continue to learn about the practice of law with [AGE student to describe current or prospectivePLSG placement here and how the externship experience should advance his or her learning about the law, governing, or governance];

c.Use and test skills of legal research, legal writing, case analysis, and statutory construction in the context of a government legal office;

d.Communicate legal conclusions and recommendations of legal work to supervising attorneys and policymakers;

e.Observe how various agencies carry out statutory mandates, create regulations, defend agency actions in administrative hearings, and comment to drafted legislation;

f.Experience how the ethical, policy, and legal issues of the governmental process entwine to affect government and the practice of law within government; and,

g.Continue to develop their ability to learn from experience and to manage their own education.

h.[AGE student to add 2-4 more specific educational objectives here]


To reach the educational objectives, the two-credit Government Externship has four components:

  1. A required number of hours at the externship placement or doing externship activities and related work (60 hours per credit hour sought, therefore, 120 hours per semester);
  2. At least three individual meetings between the externshipstudent and the faculty advisor during the course of the semester;
  3. Time logs accounting for student time at the externship placement and working on externship activities and related work; and
  4. Successfully completing reflective learning assignment developed in conjunction with faculty advisor.


The three main participants in the Advanced Government Externship are: the supervising attorney, the PLSG student, and the faculty advisor. Success in reaching the educational objectives of the advanced externship depends on the main participants and the interrelationship among them. Outlined below are the responsibilities of the participants.

a.Supervising Attorney is responsible for:

1.Orienting the externship student to the office during the first week of the externship;

2.Assisting in the skills training of the externship student by assigning challenging and appropriate legal projects to the externship student;

3.Providing to the student a variety of challenging tasks that draw on the student’s legal skills throughout the course of the externship;

4.Meeting regularly with the externshipstudent to discuss matters pertinent to the student’s work and understanding of the legal process; at least one of these meetings should include the faculty advisor (this meeting to be arranged by the externship student);

5.Giving specific constructive feedback to the student regarding the quality of their legal work, their professionalism, and their professional development;

6.Allowing the student, when feasible, to participate in, and not merely observe, the strategic decision-making process;and,

7.Evaluating the externship student’s performance and work product in writing at the end of the semester.

b.Student is responsible for:

  1. Drafting this agreement and submitting signed original with the Faculty advisor.
  2. Spending one hundred and twenty (120) hours, sixty (60) hours-per-credit sought, during the semester in externship activities and related work. Externship activities and related work include, e.g., being present at the assigned field placement, addressing the legal assignments from the supervising attorney, preparing for and attending individual meetings with the faculty advisor, and completing the reflective learning assignment;
  3. Completing the reflective learning assignment developed in conjunction with the faculty advisor;
  4. Preparing for and attending three (3) individual meetings with the faculty advisorduring the course of the semester; at least one of these meetings should include the supervising lawyer.
  5. Submitting accurate time logs accounting for time devoted to working on externship activities and related work to the faculty; and,
  6. Coordinating time to review supervising attorney’s written evaluation with supervising attorney and submitting completed written evaluation to faculty advisor at conclusion of externship.

c.Faculty Advisor is responsible for:

1.Overall coordination and administration of the advanced government externship, including the development, monitoring, and maintenance of the agreement between the law school and the field placement;

2.Coordinating individual tutorials;

3.Maintaining communication among the law school, the PLSG externship student, and the supervising attorney;

4.Reviewing the student’s time logs;

5.Meeting with the student on an individual basis at least three (3) times during the course of the semester; and,

6.Assessing whether the student earns a passing or failing grade (based on doing satisfactory work at the placement, providing accurate time logs, preparedness and participation in three (3) individual tutorial meetings, and satisfactory completion of reflective learning assignment).

  1. Pass/Fail grade -- 2 credits. A grade of S (satisfactory) or F (failing) will be given by the faculty advisor based on whether the advanced government externshipstudent satisfied all of the requirements of the externship, including whether the student met or failed to meet the number of hours required to be spent at the field office and doing externship activities and related work.


Attorney’s NameCynthia A. Baker, Director,

AgencyProgram on Law and State Government,

TitleClinical Professor of Law, and

and Supervising AttorneyFaculty Advisor




Student’s name

PLSG Advanced Government

Externship Student



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