
Dear Sir,

Rose Garden is a free hospice for cancer patients at Trichy run by DhanabackiyamGanesanPon memorial trust which is a charitable trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act (Reg. No: 620/08).

Rose Garden is a hub of anti-cancer movement in TamilNadu, conducting its activities in all the three dimensions, viz; preventive, curative and palliative care in the cancer treatment. In its Headquarters at A-9, LIC Colony, Trichy-20, and at Viralimalai village, Rose Garden is taking care of the curative and palliative care of the cancer patients, completely free for the poor patients. The preventive aspect of cancer treatment is conducted through Anti-Tobacco campaign, Cancer Awareness Campaign and free Cancer Screening Camps.

About 75000 women die in India due to cervical cancer every year. This could have been avoided if only the disease was diagnosed in the early stage. In a camp conducted recently at Trichy, 200 women were screened and 2 were found to have cancer in very early stage. These patients have undergone surgery and are now cured. If not for this early detection, they would have developed advanced cancer and the chance of cure would have been very minimal.

For conducting such a camp, about Rs. 3500 is required If you are kind enough to donate this amount for a camp, it will help poor women in our country. Loss of a woman has a lot of impact not only on the family but also on the country. To build a stronger nation, let us join hands to protect our women and avoid sorrow of many children who are the assets of our Nation.

If you want to do something for the country, here is an opportunity. Instead of wasting money on luxurious parties on birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions, Kindly donate for a camp. The camp will be conducted on the day of your choice and you will be honoured as our sponsor and our special guest during the camp and the proceedings of the camp and the follow up details will be sent to you with due reverence. You will be awarded a sponsorship certificate in appreciation of your noble gesture. The blessings of the poor patients who are benefited by such camps will ensure God’s choicest blessings to be showered upon you and your family. You can donate for a camp in remembrance of your loved ones too on their death anniversaries also.

Kindly send the cheque/DD in favour of “ROSE GARDEN” one month before the date of your choice, of course mentioning the occasion (birthday, wedding anniversary, or death anniversary, etc.) and the names of the persons concerned.

Sincerely Yours,

Rose Garden Dr.G.Govindaraj