Question: The selection criteria refers to providing the past 3 years operating for housing projects we have completed. Do you only want student housing, a sampling of projectsfrom recent years, or all. Some developers may own large portfolios of multifamily properties.
Response: A sampling of housing projects with an emphasis on student housing. Relevance to our project is more important than volume.
Question: Are developer agreements excluded from the bidding process since they are acting on behalf of owner to develop the project as developer fees would exceed $20,000?
Response: Yes. In this RFP, the respondent is considered the developer. The response should include the identification of all partners to the response, including architectural services, developer services, financing, etc.
Questions: Many owners/developers will come into real estate projects with a long standing working relationship with an Architect firm. Since the Architect is providing a service it appears they must be procured through a formal notice and bidding process (as their services will likely exceed $20,000). Does Minnesota West have a preference for how owners and developers approach this process? Should the procurement occur before the RFP is due as the college would want the Architect already selected that will be working on project or can owners/developers identify a preferred Architectural firm in the RFP and then go through the formal process after RFP selection?
Response: The architect is part of the respondent’s team and should be identified in the response to the RFP. See response to prior question.
Request for student enrollment data - Unduplicated headcount:
Worthington Degree-seeking / FY16 / FY15 / FY14Attended one or more courses on campus / 555 / 617 / 608
Entirely online-home within 50 miles / 268 / 293 / 284
Attended one or more courses on campus / 555 / 617 / 608
Full-time / 454 / 473 / 493
Part-time / 101 / 144 / 115
Question: Will a payment and performance bond be required by the college?
Response: Yes