/ Institute of Technology Ireland – ESTIP Project
Working group programme /

ESTIP Programme Development – ICE Breaker Case Study

'Roscommon IT Leisure Centre'

Tutor Notes

This exercise is designed to be used at the start of several programmes to act as an ice breaker and get participants to start thinking about planning in a practical way. It is simple and does not require pre course reading. It is designed to take about 45 to 60 minutes depending on how much time the tutor wants to allocate to discussion.

We have chosen a semi commercial organisation, operating within an Institute of Technology, as the subject. This should ensure that no one in the group will be an expert or will be inclined to get absorbed in unnecessary detail.

The exercise is introduced by the tutor using and distributing a handout. (File ‘Programme 6 – Case study – Ice breaker)

The scenario – summary

The case is about a multi use sports centre set up within an IT campus nearly two years ago. It is used by students, schools and the public and is required to break even or make a small profit with revenue from these three, or other, groups.

The centre manager produced a basic strategic / operating plan when the centre first opened and has since produced budget statements. There was no consultation with stakeholders or staff. There was very little market research, and no competitive analysis.

The first year of trading produced a small profit but the centre is running at a loss this year. Staff are being laid off as revenue declines across the board. There are some emerging opportunities but no work has been done to validate these.


The class is split into groups (target 4/5 per group). They are asked to analyse the situation using the material provided, and produce recommendations on how to improve things. They are then asked to identify the processes required to produce a new strategic plan for the centre. (What information do they need, who should be consulted, how they should proceed?

Key Learning Outcomes / messages

Planning (strategic and operational) is vital in every organisation – and common sense. Need to take a wide ranging view of the many, changing factors which affect plans.

Need to consider alternative scenarios and plan for contingencies.

Need good information on which to base plans.

Consult and Involve staff and stakeholders (current and potential) in plan development and change.

People involved in planning need to have the right competencies and skills.

Need to review plan performance.

'Roscommon IT Leisure Centre'

Briefing Sheet (Handout)


The multiple use leisure centre was built in the grounds of the Roscommon Institute of Technology and opened in August 2007. Half of the construction costs were funded by an EU grant and the rest was provided by the Irish government on a long term loan.

The centre was built as a three way partnership for use by the students, local schools and members of the public. The centre generates revenue from these three groups and is required to break even financially or make a small profit to fund future growth.

It is well equipped with a state of the art 50 metre swimming pool with diving area, squash courts, badminton courts, five a side football pitches and two well equipped gymnasiums. There is also considerable space for expansion if the need arises.

Strategic Plan Extract (2007 to 2010)

Mission – to be the leisure services provider of choice in Roscommon.

High level objectives

  • To provide high quality service
  • To operate at optimum capacity (80%) by 2010
  • To generate sufficient profit to fund phase 2 by 2010
  • To support the growth objectives of the Institute.

(Strategic plan was developed by the centre manager personally and has not been updated)

Financial estimates / accounts

Revenue €000 / actual 2007 / est 2008 / est 2009 / est 2010
IoT use / 600 / 500 / 750 / 1,000
Schools / 500 / 450 / 600 / 750
Public / 400 / 250 / 500 / 625
Total Revenue / 1,500 / 1,200 / 1,850 / 2375
Expenses: €000 / actual 2007 / est 2008 / est 2009 / est 2010
Employment / 500 / 450 / 450 / 500
Operating costs / 300 / 325 / 350 / 400
Financing costs / 500 / 525 / 550 / 550
Total Costs / 1,300 / 1,300 / 1,350 / 1,450
Surplus/deficit / +200 / -100 / +500 / +925
Occupancy / 50% / 40% / 65% / 78%

SWOT Analysis – consultant report (November 2008)

Strengths Weaknesses

State of the art facilitiesLow staff morale – losing key staff

Room for expansionReducing public attendance

Well qualified staffReduced student numbers (revenue)

Reduced schools budgets

Opportunities Threats

Potential new academic programmesIncreased competition

Ability to develop new facilitiesRecession – impact on personal finances

HEA potential rejection of academic plans

Local authority budget constraints

Group assignment

You are members of the new Strategic Planning steering group – it is now January 2008. You have been given the task of preparing a new strategic plan for the Leisure Centre.

What needs to be considered when preparing the strategic plan?

Key questions:

What information would you need?

How would you get it?

Who would you ask / involve in the process?

How would you ensure that the plans are achieved?

What challenges are you likely to face?

Programme 6 - Case study - ice breaker (31 Mar 09)Page 1 of 3