February 2, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President June Karjalainen.

Members: Ballard, Bresette, Correll, Gnesotto, Jordan, Karjalainen, Munoz

Welcome comments and introductions made for Anthony Gnesotto, a new Board member.

There were no public comments.

The agenda was approved with a motion by Correll and support by Jordan.

The January minutes were approved with a motion by Bresette, and support by Correll.

Connie Allen, representing the Friends of the Library, reported that the final touches are being made for the annual Wine and Beer Tasting Event. About 35 baskets have been made and donated for the event and craft beer from many breweries will be available.

There was no secretary’s report or correspondence.

The Treasurer’s report was presented and a motion to accept and file was made by Bresette with support by Jordan.

A motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Bresette with support by Jordan. Approved by roll call.

There were no committee reports.

The acceptance of the Director’s report was made with a motion by Jordan with support by Munoz.


A discussion was held entertaining the idea of a possible expansion to the library. The consensus of the Board and the Director was the timing is not right for that, even though the library would benefit from additional space. The idea of expansion will be discussed at some time in the future.

The process for Board appointments was discussed and procedures clarified. It is understood that the Village and townships are the ones to advertise in a decent amount of time when there is a vacancy and present Board members should not attend a meeting when the governmental agencies are discussing Board replacements. It was suggested that the Director place information on the library bulletin board with current Board members’ names and their terms of appointment so that the public is aware of who is representing them and when a possible vacancy might occur.


Due to a misunderstanding from an insurance agent concerning an amount to be paid to a staff member for maternity leave, the Board voted unanimously to approve payment to the staff member to make up the difference between what the insurance provider claimed and what will actually be covered. This is a one time circumstance and a new agent will be involved in the future. The motion for this decision was made by Jordan and supported by Bresette.

An extra debt payment of $20,000 will be made on the principal of the library loan. The motion was made by Correll and supported by Gnesotto. Approved by roll call vote.

It was decided that there will be computer classes (including Apple) quarterly at the library. Anthony Gnesotto will be teaching the classes for a fee of $1200 forthe four classes. A motion was made by Bresette and supported by Correll to hire Anthony. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote with Anthony abstaining from the vote.

Staff member Colleen thanked the Friends of the Library for the Christmas gifts and lunch.

The meeting was adjourned with a motion by Jordan and support by Ballard.