1.Project Title

Basic Sanitation for Small Rural Owners in Ibiuna

2. Introduction / Introduction

This project involves two themes of paramount importance, basic sanitation and rural areas. Sanitation in Brazil still needs many incentives and the use of efficient and affordable technologies for its implementation throughout the country. In rural areas, more importantly in this project, smallholders rarely have proper treatment of effluents.

In 2013, the NGO SOS Itupararanga obtained approval from the FEHIDRO - State Fund for Water Resources - of the project "Implantation of Biosystems in Small Properties of the District of Carmo Messias and Bairro dos Pires, in the municipality of Ibiúna, in the portion of the Protection Area (APA) Itupararanga "- SMT COB 80, through which it implemented 10 biosystems that enabled 18 families in the Carmo Messias and Pires neighborhoods. The biosystems were built by the OIA - The Environmental Institute, which has extensive knowledge about technology and proven experience in the implementation of biosystems in several Brazilian cities and in the world.

This project aims to implement this sanitation technology in the rural districts of Ibíuna, located in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Ibiúna, in the portion of the Biodiversity Conservation Zone of the Itupararanga Environmental Protection Area. Considering that in the neighborhood are located the sources and tributaries that form the Rio Sorocabuçu, source of public supply of the municipality of Ibiúna, Verava has been selected to benefit from this technology, which will contribute to reduce the inadequate discharge of sewage in rural properties and thus , To improve the quality of the region's water resources.

SABESP - Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo - company responsible for basic sanitation in Ibiúna is implementing a water and sewage network in Verava, but the improvements will not serve the entire resident population in the neighborhood. The region of the neighborhood to be served by this project will not benefit from the public infrastructure of water supply and sewage.


Located in the upper reaches of the Sorocaba River, the Itupararanga Dam is the main source of public supply for the UGRHI-10 - Water Resources Management Unit (Sorocaba - Medio Tietê), and supplies approximately 800,000 people (about 63% of the Basin population). It is formed by the Sorocaba, Sorocamirim and Sorocabuçu Rivers, has 26 km of main channel and 192.88 km of banks. The main users of this source are the municipalities of Sorocaba, Mairinque, Votorantim, Alumínio, Ibiúna and São Roque. The dam also supplies power to the Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (company holding the concession to use the reservoir) and regulates the flow of the Sorocaba river (DE FREITAS et al., 2008). In addition, the dam is an important tourist attraction, being frequented by visitors and sport fishermen of the region. Another important use is the irrigation of the agricultural areas located in its surroundings.

Due to the importance of the reservoir, the APA - Itupararanga Environmental Protection Area was created by State Law 10.100 / 98, whose perimeter coincides with that of the Upper Sorocaba Sub - Basin, covering the municipalities of Ibiúna, Piedade, Votorantim, Vargem Grande Paulista, São Roque, Mairinque, Alumínio and Cotia (District of Caucaia do Alto). The main objective of the APA is to preserve, conserve and recover natural resources, especially the water resources and forest remnants of the hydrographic basin that forms the Itupararanga Dam.

The municipality of Ibiúna has 1,093km² of area and occupies 62.9% of the territory of the APA of Itupararanga. According to SEADE Foundation data for 2010, the total population of the municipality is 71,157, of which 46,245 (64.9% of the population) reside in the rural area, distributed in approximately 70 rural districts , Deprived of basic sanitation infrastructure. As a municipality with a large territorial extension, these rural centers are distributed sparsely and disorderly. This distribution hinders the expansion of the public supply system and the implementation of a conventional sewage collection and treatment network to serve these localities. In the rural area, the supply is mostly carried out by capturing caipira wells, and the effluents are discharged into black cesspools.

The water quality of the Itupararanga reservoir has declined steadily over the past 10 years. Through the IAP Index - Quality Index for public supply, monitored by CETESB, it is observed a drop from 89 to 37 points (scale from 0 to 100). The lack of sanitation in the region, as is the case of Ibiúna, is the main factor responsible for the current situation of the reservoir. In rural areas, where the majority of the inappropriate disposal of sewage in black cesspools or directly in soil and water courses is imminent the risk of contamination of groundwater and superfical waters and soil, The health of the population.

Table 1 presents the current rates of sewage treatment in the Municipalities of APA Itupararanga.

Basic Sanitation in the Municipalities of APA Itupararanga
Municipality / Sewage Collection% / Sewage Treatment%
Ibiúna / 55 (urban area only) / 100
Vargem Grande Paulista / 24 / 0
Caucaia do Alto Cotia / 45 / 0
Mairinque / 72 / 0
São Roque / 61 / 0
Alumínio / 86 / 0
Votorantim / 98 / 82
Piedade / 64 / 79

Source: CETESB Report - ICTEM – 2014

In the Municipality of Ibiúna, the water supply and collection, treatment and removal of sewage is carried out by the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo - SABESP. According to the Municipal Sanitation Plan of Ibiúna (2009), only 40% of the population has sewage collection and, because it does not serve many rural areas, there is a high risk of contamination of the water due to the inappropriate disposal of the sewage in black or directly In the bodies of water.

According to the Plan, "there are many rural settlements located in the area of ​​Ibiúna that may be served by the Sabesp network in the future, since they are now supplied by individual wells. It is very important to highlight that the existing ETA can meet the end-of-plan outflow, provided that a serious loss reduction program is in place, according to the indexes previously mentioned in this report, in such a way that the necessary end-of-plan flow To serve the urban population of the city's Headquarters does not exceed 109.13 l / s, as shown in table 3.1. "

This management tool also refers to the diagnosis of the sanitary sewage of the municipality, and cites "In the rural area there is no coverage of exhaustion, and the dispersed households are depleted through individual solutions, especially the use of septic tanks and black cesspits "And indicates as nuclei to be attended, Vargem do Salto, Cupim, Salto, Saltinho and Claudios, Rosarial, Una, Sorocabuçu (Gabriel), Hangover, Carmo Messias, Figueira, Small Paiol, Red Sand, Una River, Sorocamirim, Pires, Rodrigues, Verava, Veravinha, Paiol Grande, Goes, Lageadinho, Puris, Waterfall, Paes, Dois Córregos, Campo Verde, Murundu, Black Cat, Soares, Pintos, Rabbits, Mato do Gado, Morro Grande, Cocais, Regi, Tavares , Vieirnha, Finches, Lageado and Prestes.

The management of APA Itupararanga also occurs through the implementation of the Action Programs foreseen in the Management Plan of this Conservation Unit. In its Article 44, the Plan defines the objectives of the Water Resources and Biodiversity Management Program, and among them, it is important to encourage the implementation of environmental sanitation and the recovery and conservation of the quality of natural resources.

Another important instrument of management of the APA is the Basin Plan of UGRHI - 10, which establishes among its goals:

A Sanitary sewage of Ibiúna

A Diagnostic development to subsidize prioritization of environmental sanitation actions - collection, removal and treatment of sewage;

A Diagnostic development to subsidize prioritization of environmental sanitation actions

Based on this context, it is understood that the implementation of alternative sanitation systems in the rural area of ​​the Municipality of Ibiúna is of fundamental importance for the reduction of the discharge of domestic effluents in the watercourses of the Itupararanga drainage basin, allowing the improvement Quality of this strategic public supply source for the region.

The technology to be implemented:

Biodigesters are hermetically sealed equipment and are used to treat organic waste. They are able to reduce up to 70% organic matter and therefore are coupled to biofilters that increase their capacity to remove organic load, and can reach 90% efficiency. The biodigestors have three stages of fermentation: acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic. The latter is responsible for the production of biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon that can be used as a source of heat, fuel, energy. The biosolid resulting from these fermentation processes is of high nutritional value for the plants and the liquid generated in the effluent can be used for fertigation and cultivation in general.

They can be used from a residence, a rural community or even an entire city. Agricultural properties can enjoy free energy from the installation of biodigesters. The literature informs that its fermentative processes are able to minimize the classic enteropathogens, to reduce in 99% the eggs of schistosomes, making them very useful in the control of pathogens, all of this allied to the processes of Environmental Education and Sanitary Education.

Some aspects of this technology have been applied for centuries in many parts of the world and are being adapted to meet the challenges of today, such as water pollution and loss of fertile soil.



To contribute to the improvement of the quality of the water resources of the Sorocabuçu microbasin, especially the Verava neighborhood, through the implementation of an alternative system of treatment of domestic effluent in the rural properties of the Municipality of Ibiúna.


• Implement biosystems in the neighborhood;

• Raise awareness among rural owners of the importance of rural sanitation;

• Contribute to the reduction of the launching of organic loads in the watercourses of the Sorocabuçu River microbasin;

• Promote improvement in rural sanitation

• Contribute to reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases due to water pollution.


5.1. Deploy biosystems in the neighborhood;

5.2. Diagnosis of the disposal of domestic effluents in the neighborhood Verava;

5.3. Empowering owners on the importance of rural sanitation.

6. Methodology

6.1. Meeting to present the project

A meeting will be held with beneficiary owners who have already made their commitment to the project in order to present the proposed activities, the technical team responsible, the implementation stages and also the planning of the technical visits to the properties.

Target Audience

Direct Beneficiaries

Project Participating Owners

6.2. Diagnosis of the disposal of domestic effluents in the neighborhood

From the topographic survey and with the first planning meeting, it will be possible to map the destination of domestic effluents, as well as their main composition. This information will support the preparation of the individual project to implement the biosystems in each property to be served.

6.3. Biosystem Implantation

From the topographic survey and the diagnosis of effluents it will be possible to establish the ideal place for the implantation of the biosystems in each property. With this, will begin the process of construction of the biosystems, this construction of masonry that lasts approximately 20 working days.

7. Evaluation

Throughout the project, visits and interviews will be carried out with the target public, allowing the monitoring of individual biosystem implementation processes, as well as interviews to verify the effectiveness of the work.

8. Expected Results

• Perform the implementation of the biosystems in the project properties;

• To promote the awareness of the various actors in the region of the enterprise's scope regarding the importance of rural sanitation to the populations directly and indirectly involved with the microbasin;

• Publish the results of this project to the APA and CBH-SMT Management Council;

• To subsidize the revision of the Municipal Sanitation Plan of Ibiúna;

• This project will also subsidize the Itupararanga APA Management Council, the Sorocaba and Meio Tietê River Basin Committee and the Ibiúna City Council in the decision-making and planning of rural sanitation in Ibiúna.

• Final report

9. Budget

Price for the construction of 1 biodigester

- Labor (mason) $ 500

- Labor (master of work) $ 2000

- Material (cement, brick, stones and pipes) $ 3000

- Operational costs (travel, food, tools, project, ...) $ 2500

11. Bibliography

Fundação para a Conservação e a Produção Florestal do Estado de São Paulo (Fundação Florestal). 2009. Plano de Manejo da área de Proteção Ambiental Itupararanga

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). 2006. Censo Agropecuário.

Coordenadoria de Assistência Técnica Integral (CATI). 2008. Levantamento Censitário de Unidades de Produção Agropecuária LUPA -

Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT). 2006. Plano de Bacia da Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos do Sorocaba e Médio Tietê (UGRHI 10). Relatório Técnico no. 91.265-205. Relatório Final. Centro de Tecnologias Ambientais e Geoambiental – CETAE.

Plano de Saneamento Básico do Município de Ibiúna. 2012.