Mrs. Rodriguez’s Class Syllabus
8th Grade Algebra
- Prentice Hall Algebra 1 California Edition
(Keep at home)
- Prentice Hall Algebra 1 Workbook
(Bring to school every day)
Materials Suggested for Success:
- Pencils (math should be done in pencil)
- Red pens
- Paper
- Notebook with dividers
- Highlighter
- Scientific Calculator
(May use on tests after chapter 5)
- SSR book
Classroom Code of Conduct:
- We will be polite at all times.
- We will work quietly and not disturb others.
- We will listen courteously when others are talking.
- We will be friendly to fellow classmates.
- We will be truthful and honest.
- We will respect teachers and other adults.
- We will be prepared for class everyday.
- We will arrive to class on time.
- We will cooperate with others.
- We will always do our best.
Classroom Rules:
- No gum
- No food/drinks
- No messes
- No electronical devices
- No packing up early
- No missing assignments
Warm Ups:
- In class assignment collected every Friday.
- Each warm up entry will be 5 points:
1.Title (name, warm up #)
3.Show all work
4.Corrections in red pen
5.Signify answer
- Anything on the board or in a power point should be written down.
- There will be a notes quiz at the end of every chapter to ensure good notes are being taken.
- Able to use notes
- No re-takes
- Cannot use Math Bucks
- Talking or cheating = 0
- No notes allowed
- 1 re-take per quarter providing there are no missing assignments for the chapter
- Re-take will be averaged with old test score
- Allowed to apply up to $3 Math Bucks
- Talking or cheating = 0
- Grades are weighted as follows:
Useful Resources:
1.School Website:
This website will give you information on important activities at school. Each teacher also has their own page. My page will have a link to my teacherweb.
2.Parent Portal:
This website allows you to view student progress. You will need a login and password to enter the site, which you should have received at registrations. If you need a login or password please contact the office. I keep grades updated on Parent Portal often so please utilize this great tool!
This website is specific to my class. You will find announcements, homework for the week, helpful links, some handouts, power points for each chapter, and my e-mail.
Parent Contact:
There are several ways to reach me:
- E-mail –
- Phone- (909) 594-1657
- Parent conferences- scheduled through the counseling office
I will respond as soon as possible. E-mail is usually the quickest way of contact.
I am looking forward to a great year! Please sign, detach and return acknowledging you have read this syllabus.
Date: ______Period: ______
Student Name Printed: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent(s) Name Printed: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent’s Phone Number(s): ______
Parent’s e-mail address: ______