RooseCommunityPrimary School

Information for Parents

Newsletter September 2016

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome back to school for the new academic year.As always it is lovely to see the children again after the long summer break and to hear about their holidays and adventures.

Almost 40 new children started at Roose this Septemberand we were heavily oversubscribed for Reception. It looks like this will be the same for September 2017, so if you know of any children who don’t attend Roose Nursery, but would like to come to school here, please suggest to them that they call school to put their name down to receive an application pack later this month.

I would also like to remind all parents of children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 that they need to apply for places in Reception by 15th January 2017. Online applications open this Friday, 9th September. The link to the County Council website is pasted below:

Secondary school applications for places also opens online on Friday 9th September and the closing date for applications is 31st October 2016. The link to find the online application for this is:

School lunches

As you will know school meals are now free for all infant children. This applies to the children in Reception, year 1 and year 2. The amount of money that this will save parents is quite considerable. It costs £11.00 per week for school lunches at the moment. If this is multiplied by the number of weeks in the school year this amounts to £440.00 per child.

School meals cost £2.20 per day (£11.00 per week).Please could lunches be ordered and paid for on Mondays whenever possible as this helps with administration. Lunches can be ordered for separate days as well as weekly. Extra copies of the three week menu can be obtained from the office and weekly menus are displayed on the front door.

If you are eligible for free school meals please continue to apply for this benefit – as it triggers more money for school to offer extra assistance to the children in classrooms. This is called the Pupil Premium Grant and information on how it is spent can be found on our website: . It is very important that families of infant children apply for this because of the extra funding it brings into school. Please ask at the office if you are unsure if you are eligible.

If your child is eligible for free school meals you should also be eligible for clothing grants. Forms to apply for these are available either from the website or from the school office. A form is also attached to this newsletter – if your child has just started school and you think you might be eligible please complete the form and return to school.

Fruit and Milk

Infants are given free fruit or vegetables for morning break. The older children may purchase fruit for 20 pence per piece from the fruit stall. This is a non-profit making scheme as the money is collected to pay for the next week’s fruit.

All children may receive milk in school. This is free for children under 5, but needs to be paid for after a child’s fifth birthday. The milk is provided to school by a company called “Cool Milk”. Parents need to register on their website and pay for the milk. This is then delivered to school three times weekly. The website is .The children get a 198ml carton of milk each day once registered. The milk is given out to those children just after morning break.


Swimming starts for years 6and 3on Monday 12thSeptember. Year 6 will be swimming at the Park Leisure Centre in Barrow and year 3 will be swimming at Dalton. We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £3.50 per lesson. This pays towards the cost of transport, tuition and the lifeguard. The children will swim for ten weeks. Contributions for swimming can be paid half-termly or weekly. Please make sure children have their kit with them on Monday mornings – this should include a one piece, suitable swimming costume and a towel.

Jewellery in school

Please can all parents remember that jewellery is not allowed in school. This is primarily for the children’s safety. The only exception to this is a pair of plain stud earrings for children who have pierced ears. However these should be removed for PE as soon as the six week limit for new piercings is over.

Please can parents ensure that children who have pierced ears in years 1, 2 and 3 can take their earrings out for PE. Alternatively please could they leave earrings at home on PE days. The Local Authority is very strict about this rule and we do not want children to miss out on sporting opportunities because of earrings.

Medical conditions

Please keep us up-to-date about all medical conditions. We also need to know about food and nut allergies, so that we can keep all the children as safe as possible. Please remember to make sure your child has a spare inhaler in school if they are asthmatic.

Autism Day

Thank you for your support for this special day last term. We raised £180.45 for the National Autistic Society.

After School Activity Clubs

These will start in the week beginning Monday 19thSeptember. A timetable showing what is available is below:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Lunchtime / Sketching
y4 and 5
R – y2
+ y6 helpers / Choir
y3 – 6
y3 and 4 / Reading
R – y2
+ y6 helpers / School Council
After school / Gardening
y5 and 6
Forest schools
y1 and 2
y4 – 6
y3 - 6
Football Teams coaching
y4 - 6 / Barrow AFC Football
y1 – 6 / Gymnastics
y1 -6
Code Club
y2 -6 / Table Tennis
y3 - 6

Please note that apart from the Barrow AFC coaching all other clubs will finish at 4.00pm.

Some clubs will have limited numbers, so places will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. Children who are not successful this time will be given preference for next term.

Football coaching for years 1 to 6, run by Barrow AFC,starts on Tuesday13thSeptember from 3.15 - 4.15pm.Please remember to bring in any forms for this by Monday 12th September.

We are making enquiries about starting a sewing and knitting club – this would incur a small charge, please indicate on the reply form if your child would be interested in attending this.

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival will take place on Friday 7th October at 2.30pm. Please come and join us in the hall. This year we are looking at Harvests around the world. The children will learn about howdifferent countries and faiths celebrate harvest, what they give thanks for and when during the year they have their festivals. The children will share this with you and there will be displays of different aspects in the hall for you to look at.

Our Harvest collection this year will be to provide much needed food for the Barrow Food Bank. Please bring in donations of non-perishable food during that week. Lists will be available showing what foods the Food Bank can accept in school.

Class Assemblies

Each term all classes take a turn at presenting a special assembly. This year these will take place at 2.45pm on most Fridays. Parents and friends are welcome to attend these assemblies. A list of dates is below:

Date / Class / Teacher
23rd September 2016 / 2 / Mrs Bell
30th September 2016 / 5 / Mrs Mackie
7th October at 2.30pm / HARVEST / All
14th October 2016 / 1 / Mrs Redhead
21st October 2016 / 4 / Miss Stevens
4th November 2016 / 3 / Mr Thornhill
11th November at 11.00am / REMEMBRANCE / All
18th November 2016 / 6 / Mrs Carter / Miss Horne
25th November 2016 / Reception / Miss Marwood

Coffee Club

Coffee Club re-starts on Thursday 15th September from 9.30 – 10.30am in the school hall. Please come and join us if you would like to.

Advance warning of other diary dates

Date / Event / Year group / Times
13.09.2016 / Roald Dahl Day / All / All day
14.09.2016 / Karate / 4/5 / Afternoon
15.09.2016 / First Aid Training / 5 / All day
Karate / 6 / Afternoon
16.09.2016 / Chilli Children Assembly / All / 11.00am
19.09.2016 / Swallows and Amazons at Coniston / 5 / All day
21.09.2016 / World Peace Day / All / All day
27.09.2016 / Rev. Robin Hamm assembly / KS2 / 9.00am
Starting a Savings Scheme / 5/6 / Morning
28.09.2016 / “Hey Presto” show at Barrow library / 1 / 2 / Afternoon
29.09.2016 / Macmillan Coffee Morning / Join us in the hall at 9.30am
03.10.2016 / STEM at Furness Academy / 6 / All day
Rocket workshops / 3 / Morning
4 / Afternoon
06.10.2016 / National Poetry Day / All / All day
07.10.2016 / World Smile Day / All / All day
Harvest Festival / All / 2.30pm
17.10.2016 / Parent consultations / All / 9.00am – 4.50pm
18.10.2016 / Parent consultations / All / 3.30 – 4.50pm
20.10.2016 / World Values Day / All / All day
Half term 22.10.2016 – 30.10.2016
31.10.2016 / 2nd half of Autumn Term starts / All / 8.45am
31.10 – 04.11.16 / Children’s book week / All / Various
04.11.2016 / NSPCC Talks / 5/6 / Morning
07.11.2016 / Bright Sparks Workshop / 6 / All day
10.11.2016 / Robotics workshop / 5 / All day
11.11.2016 / Remembrance Service / All / 10.50am
14.11 – 18.11 2016 / Anti-bullying week / All / Various
18.11.2016 / Children in need Day / All / All day
02.12.2016 / Special Christmas workshop / All / Various
08.12.2016 / Children’s Christmas Lunch / All / Lunchtime
Nativity Play / R – 2 / 5.00pm
09.12.2016 / Nativity Play / R – 2 / 2.00pm
13.12.2016 / Pantomime at The Forum / All / Afternoon
Infant’s party / R – 2 / Morning
14.12.2016 / Party for y3 and 4 / 3 / 4 / Afternoon
15.12.2016 / Party for y5 and 6 / 5 / 6 / Afternoon
16.12.2016 / Christingle Service / All / 9.15am
Term ends / All / 2.00pm

This list will be up-dated as more activities are planned.

Yours sincerely

Wendy R Jacobs


Please remember in December term ends for Christmas at 2.00pm on December 16th 2017

Spring term starts on Thursday 5th January at 8.45am

My child would like to attend the following After School Activity Clubs (please tick).

Name of child ______Year group ______

Monday / Sketching (y3 and 4)
Reading (Rec – y2)
Gardening (y5 and 6)
Forest Schools (y1 and 2)
Netball (y4 – 6)
Badminton (y3 – 6)
Football Team coaching (y4 – 6)
Tuesday / Choir (y3 – 6)
Art (y3 and 4)
Barrow AFC Football coaching (y1 – 6)
Wednesday / Gymnastics (y1 – 6)
Code Club (y2 – 6)
Thursday / Table Tennis (y3 -6)

My child will be collected from school Knitting / Sewing club?

My child (from y4 only) will walk home

Signed ______Please print ______


We are very keen to have adults to help in school as volunteers. This may be with reading, art work, sewing etc. Volunteers will need to have a DBS (Disclosure and Barring) check. This used to be called a CRB check.

I would like to volunteer to help in school.

Name ______

Contact number ______

Days available ______

E-mail addresses

We like to keep all our records up-to date. We are just checking that we have the correct email address for at least on parent of every child.

Please could you return this slip with either one or two email addresses?

May thanks for your support with this.

Name of child ______Year group ______

Name of parent (please use block capitals) ______

Email address ______

Name of parent (please use block capitals) ______

Email address ______

Telephone: 01229 838841 Website: Email: