Movie Maker Tutorial
Adding video to the storyboard/timeline
When you import video to your pc, windows movie maker automatically segments your video footage into clips, so they are more manageable and ready to edit.
You can preview each clip by selecting it and pressing the play button, double clicking, or space bar in the collections area
- Once you've found the clips that you want, you simply drag them onto the storyboard in whatever order you like
- To rearrange your clips just drag and drop them to a different location on the storyboard.
- Once you've dragged and dropped all the video clips onto the storyboard, hit play to see how they look together
Don't worry if you need to go back later to add or delete parts of the clips
Deleting clips
If there are clips that have footage that you don't want, WMM makes it easy for you to edit them further:
- First click on the show timeline button
- Then click on the clip you want to trim, move up to the preview window and scroll to the point that you want to start editing
- On the clip menu, click Set Start Trim Point
- Then go back to the preview window and scroll further into the clip at the point where you want to stop the clip
- On the clip menu, click Set End Trim Point
The clip is now edited to the desired length
Adding Music/Audio to your movie
Now you're ready to add music to your video:
- Go into the capture video section of the tasks pane and click on import audio or music
- Navigate to the music you want
- Double click on it or just click the import button
- Movie maker will automatically import this song into your collections view
- Click on the song and drag and drop it to the audio/music portion of the timeline
- If the music is longer than your clips, click on the right hand side of the music track drag it to match the length your video
Adding effects
Windows movie maker lets you make movies like a pro using professional looking transitions:
- In the task pane, click on View Video Transitions under Edit Movie
- Close the task pane
- Click on a transition and click play to preview it or double click on it
- Once you've selected the transitions you like, drag them onto the storyboard in between clips
- Once you have them down on the storyboard, press play to preview your clip with the transitions included
Titles and Credits
Windows movie maker lets you add professional looking titles and credits just like movies:
- In the task pane, click on make titles or credits
- If you'd like your title to be at the beginning, click on add to the beginning
- Type in what you'd like your title to say - maybe Product commercial...
With WMM you can also change the title animation. There are a variety of animation styles you can choose from:
- You can preview them by double clicking on the style and it will show in the preview window
- Once you find the one you like you can change the font and background colour of you title. Any font available on your system is available to movie maker
- Once you're done, click Done, add title to movie
Video Effects
- In the task pane click on View Video Effects
- You can preview the effects by clicking on them, pressing play or double clicking them
- There's a variety of effects including ageing your film, adding film grain, changing the colour to grey scale, or flipping the picture upside down
- Once you've selected the effects you'd like to use in your movie, simply drag them down to the lefthand portion of the clip you want the effect to begin at in the story board
- Once you've added all you effects to your whole movie, you can press play in the preview window to see how it looks
How to share your movie
- To save your movie to the PC, go to the task pane, and click on save to my computer
- Enter the name of your movie and also specify where you would like to save to M: /
- Click next
- WMM also recommends the compression settings that are best for saving to your computer
- Click next, and movie maker will save your movie, this takes some time
- Once your movie is saved, you will have the option of playing it in Windows Media Player. If you'd like to, click finish and your movie will play in Windows Media Player.
Other options to share your movie (in the task pane):
- Send your movie by email - if you have outlook set up on your computer
- Post to a website
- In the task pane select send to the web, enter in the name of your movie, click next, windows movie maker will automatically select the settings that are best for viewing on the web.
- Click next and windows movie maker will save your movie,this may take a few moments
- There are currently 2 partners that will allow you to upload directly from windows movie maker but they require that you make an account.
- Once you enter your info, click next and your movie will be posted to the website.
- Burn your movie to a CD, not available for use at school
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