Instructor: Mrs. Hammer

Room: #508 Work Phone#: 348-5491


Course Description

This course fulfills the literature elective. It is for all students who wish to gain a fuller understanding and lasting appreciation of poetry. A wide range of poetic forms, styles, content and poets will be studied. Instruction encompasses metric and rhythmic devices, figurative language, blank verse free verse, classical and contemporary forms. Students will be required to read aloud and share original poetry during Writing Celebrations as well as submit these original works in Poetry Portfolios. (Cappuccino consumption is optional.)

Course Outcomes

1.  The learner will recognize a variety of poetry from wide ranging time periods and poets.

2.  The learner will demonstrate the ability to understand and appreciate what poetry is, what it says, and what it means.

3.  The learner will recognize, understand, and be able to emulate types of figurative language, poetic forms, and structures, rhyme, rhythm and meter, and other poetic conventions.

4.  The learner will participate in all phases of the Poetry Writers Workshop: rehearsals, editing, and final performances.

5.  The learner will compose, share, and read aloud original poetry during Writing Celebrations.

6.  The learner will compile a Poetry Interactive Notebook consisting of original and published works and all class lessons.

7.  The learner will memorize various poems by famous poets.

8.  The learner will evaluate poetry through comparative and critical analysis in order to discriminate among levels of

poetic quality.


Our primary text will be The Heath Guide to Poetry, beloved old blue and Western Wind You will be assigned a text book #, but the books cannot be checked out of class! You may finish reading after school or during homeroom. In addition, will utilize Ralph Fletcher’s What a Writer Needs as well as a variety of teacher-generated material.

Primary Methods of Instruction

Instruction encompasses lecture, group discussion, literary circles, writing workshops, conferencing, written analysis,

Readers workshop, cooperative groups, Socratic Seminars, oral presentations, computer writing lab, library research, and visual media.

“Some people react physically to the magic of poetry, to the moments, that is, of authentic revelation, of the communication, the sharing at its highest level . . . A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape and significance of the universe. It helps to extend everyone’s knowledge of himself and the world around him.”

-Dylan Thomas (1913-1953)


You will be expected to bring the following materials every day:

1)  Pen and Pencil 2) Two packages of sticky notes (two different colors) 3) a highlighter 4) interactive spiral notebook (college ruled) 5) Textbook 6) Free Reading Novel 5) G.W.H.S. Student Planner 6) flash drive

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

-Mahatma Gandi

Student Responsibilities

1.  It is critical that you prepare yourself daily by reading the assigned literature. Class discussion based on the homework is a vital component of this course.

2.  You will have quizzes of both the announced and “surprise” variety—be prepared.

3.  You will be expected to complete all study guides for each unit.

4.  There will be assessments over the major units and poetic terms/conventions.

5.  You will be expected to memorize poetry.

6.  Each student will need to complete a Poetry Poetfolio Interactive Notebook and perform original works at all Writing Celebrations.

7.  You will be asked to work on small group projects and presentations.


You are expected to complete all quizzes, tests, papers, and projects. Every assessment, minor and major, significantly impacts your overall grade. All makeup assessments will be taken during the next ACCESS following an absence. If Mrs. Hammer is gone, make arrangements to test in the library or come to the next scheduled homeroom when Mrs. Hammer is present. The test must be made up at the next homeroom. No more than two assessments can be made up at the end of each 9 week grading period.


The attendance policy of Greeley West High School as found in the Student Planner will be followed strictly. Daily attendance is crucial to your success in this class. As for the tardy policy, all students are expected to arrive to class on time. This means you should be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. Anyone arriving after the bell will need to sign the Tardy Clipboard and will be expected to stay 5 minutes for each unexcused tardy after school. More than two tardies will result in parental contact of the Hammer variety and appropriate remediation.

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is."

--Albert Einstein
Grading Procedures

Students must have an overall cumulative average of 60% to pass this class. You will take a final exam. It will be 10% of your overall semester grade. The final semester grade will be calculated from the cumulative scores from the three major categories:

1) Assignments/Quizzes/Assessment 2) Participatio 3) Final Exam=10%

Grading Scale

Students will be graded using the standard A,B,C,D,F scale. *No class credit will be given at the end of the semester if the student has not attained a minimum cumulative average of 60%.

90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69% = D 59% & Below =*

Homework Policy/ Participation

You will have homework which is due at the beginning of the class unless otherwise stated. Late papers, projects, and homework must be turned within two days of the absence for grading consideration. Unexcused late work will earn 50% of the earned score.. You are expected and encouraged to participate in class. I expect you to be here; ABSENCES WILL BE A PROBLEM IN THIS CLASS. Participation is crucial to your success.

Makeup Policy

Excused Absences:

§  Work due on the date of your absence is due at the beginning of the next class block you attend.

§  It is your responsibility to check the make-up binder for the assigned work on the date of an absence.

§  Missed tests must be made up on the day of return unless prior arrangements have been made.

“Hammer Time” during Homeroom

**Mrs. Hammer is available during all homerooms as well as after school until 3:30p.m. Make arrangements if you need help.

Final Examination

There will be a final exam which reflects what you have learned this semester. It will be worth 10% of your overall semester grade. There are NO EXEMPTIONS from the final exam,” The great and powerful OZ has spoken!

Behavior and Consequences

Remember three basic rules during “Hammer Time”:

1.  Be on time.

2.  Be prepared

3.  Be polite.

You may do anything you choose in this class EXCEPT interfere with you classmates rights to learn and participate. You must accept the responsibility and consequences of your choices, actions, and decisions.

Cover Sheet Contract

Each student and his or her guardian must read the Cover Sheet and share it with his/her parents. It is mandatory that the student and guardian sign the Cover Sheet Contract & return it promptly to Mrs. Hammer the first week.

Student/ Parental Grade Viewer

The best day and time to obtain a reasonably up to-date grade is Friday afternoon by 4:00.

Help Availability

Mrs. Hammer is available for extra help at all “Hammer Time” homeroom blocks. If you need some extra help, do not wait until the last minute. See me during homeroom or after school. Please feel free to visit with me about your grade or any concerns you might have. I welcome your visit!

Score ______/ 8 pts. Name ______

Block # ______Date ______

“To See a World in a Grain of Sand”
William Blake

'To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour'.

Interpret each line below:

Line 1: ______

Line 2 :______

Line 3: ______

Line 4: ______

Theme of Poem: ______


Draw a picture of the images from the poem:



Student Name: ______Grade: ______Points _____/10 pts.

Block: ______Due Date ______Class: Poetry Teacher: Mrs. Hammer

Please sign the student portion of this form, share the information in the cover sheet with your parent(s)/guardian(s), and have a parent/guardian sign the bottom of this form. Return this signed page to me by the first week of class and keep the remainder of the cover sheet in your notebook.


I have read and understand the information on the cover sheet for this class. I agree to adhere to the policies set forth for the class and acknowledge that I am aware of the penalties for not doing so.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______


Circle the appropriate response to each statement and then sign and date at the bottom.

I have read the cover sheet for this course and will provide any support needed to assure that my son/daughter will succeed both academically and behaviorally.

Yes No

I understand that cell phones are not to be in use during class time. I will leave voice messages for my child which can be listened to at a more appropriate time, or in the case of an emergency I will contact my child through the main office. I understand that if my child uses his/her cell phone in class, it will be confiscated until a parent or guardian claims it.

Yes No

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

You must turn this form into Mrs. Hammer to receive credit!