Updating the WFD 111 2a Screening tool for assessing the passability of riverine barriers to fish movement


Thursday 12 May 2016. 10am – 1pm

Room 4U5, Cottrell Building , University of Stirling , Stirling , FK9 4LA

Workshop organiser: Colin Bull , 07736644192


In 2008, SEPA commissioned a method for assessing the passability of obstacles. The overall objective of the SNIFFER Fish Obstacles Porosity project was to:

·  allow the authorities with responsibility for implementing the Water Framework Directive to classify water bodies according to the potential impacts of obstacles to fish migration on fish populations using a consistent methodology; and

·  provide a methodology to allow agencies and fishery managers to identify the obstacles that have the greatest impact upon fish migration, both upstream and downstream.

The project was completed in 2011 and related documents, including the manual and recording sheets can be accessed at http://www.sniffer.org.uk/knowledge-hubs/resilient-catchments/water-framework-directive-and-uktag-co-ordination/fish-obstacles-porosity/

The assessment method is commonly referred to as the “SNIFFER” method, and has been used by organisations involved in river and fisheries management activities.

The need for the workshop.

I have now been asked by SEPA to carry out a brief review and suggest revisions to the current WFD 111 fish barriers assessment tool. As part of this process I am convening a half day workshop, inviting current users of the methodology to share their experiences and contribute to the development of modifications/ improvements. The output from this workshop will be integrated into a proposal for revising the methodology.

You are invited to attend this workshop session on Thursday 12 May 2016. 10am – 1pm at the University of Stirling : Room 4U5 in Cottrell Building , University of Stirling , Stirling , FK9 4LA.

I would very much welcome your participation and views on how we can make improvements to the method. If you plan to attend, please can you email me on c.d.bull@stir.,ac.uk to allow me to confirm numbers?

Centre for River Ecosystem Science

Biological and Environmental Science

University of Stirling

Stirling , FK9 4LA

Phone 01786467869 email