Room 206 Informational Letter 2017-2018

Dear Fifth Grade Parents,

Welcome to my classroom! I am so excited to be teaching your children here at Middle Paxton! We have a busy, fun-filled, learning-packed year ahead of us. This is your child’s last year of elementary school, and your role is still very vital to their educational success. I encourage participation and support to ensure your child’s success this school year and beyond.

This letter should answer many questions you may have. If you need any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Thank You,

Mrs. Brumfield


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child. You can call me at the school and leave a brief message with a contact number, and I will return your call either before or after school hours, or during a special or recess if possible. I can also be reached by email at: . Please keep confidentiality in mind when corresponding about personal student matters. If you are sending a note in from home, please send it with your student in a sealed envelope. I will be sure to show the same respect in keeping all students’ matters private.


Studies show the impact of high expectations lead to high performance. For this reason, positive behaviors will be rewarded with Winning Way Tickets which are entered into a weekly drawing in which students can receive a variety of classroom privileges. In addition, the district is implementing the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.

Behavior Plan

Students are given opportunities to make appropriate choices. There is a Minutes Board in which warnings and losses of recess minutes for infractions of class expectations in increments of five minutes are recorded and served during recess. They are permitted to walk during the minutes and have exercise at the same time. Minutes are not served during Band, Orchestra, or Chorus which are held during recess. In more serious cases, parents are called, or students write notes home explaining the situation, and parents are asked to sign and return the notes.


Homework completion, producing quality products, and developing good study habits are vital elements of a student’s academic success in fifth grade. I will do my best to prepare your child for middle school, and homework plays a crucial role in this readiness. Please ensure that your child has sufficient time and a quiet place to complete homework, and encourage quality work.

Most homework assignments are a review/reinforcement of what is accomplished in class, so students should be able to complete homework independently and neatly. However, please feel free to check for accuracy, give pointers, and have students make corrections if needed. Please feel free to demonstrate using problem-solving methods you are comfortable with if your child is having difficulty; however, using the calculator is cautioned except for checking work. Students must make a concerted effort to complete homework assignments. Please encourage your child to seek extra help during class and recess if needed when experiencing difficulty with a concept. Homework Slips are distributed to keep you abreast of student failure to complete homework. Please do not sign the homework slip unless the student has completed the assignment.

If your child requires more than 45 on-task minutes of time to complete homework, please call to discuss this problem. Please remember that there is a vast difference between struggling to complete or understand homework assignments and being unwilling to exert effort or make homework assignments a priority. I believe there is a direct correlation between consistent completion of homework assignments and academic success and confidence within the classroom.

At least twice a day, students are directed to take fifth grade responsibility to post homework and overdue class assignments into their assignment books and complete them.


Students need to learn to take initiative and responsibility for their academic success. Normally, students do not pass tests without studying, and projects and products must be of a high quality, so they must be started early and done well - not completed in a rush the night before the due date. Typically, rushed projects and products are inferior. Due dates are given and points are deducted from late projects and products. No extra credit work or test retakes will be given to make up for inferior performance. Zeroes will be assigned for work not submitted in a timely manner. Students need to learn to do their best on assigned work and tests and respect due dates – not try to make up for it after the fact. Consistent completion of homework and class work, and seeking help during class and recess will help with academic success. Please note that those students who do not know their basic multiplication, subtraction, and addition facts, or do not know how to add and subtract with regrouping are set up for great difficulty in math. Please work with your child on these skills which were to be mastered in third grade. On my school website, there’s a list of free websites for students to practice their multiplication facts.

In most subjects, grades are composed of classwork, class participation, class notes, projects, and completeness of the notebook/folder, projects, quizzes, study guides, graphic organizers, and tests. Normally, students must study to pass tests.


Please see suggested supplies list distributed handout.

Friday Folder

With the exception of short school weeks, a folder will be sent home on the last school day of the week containing a Verification sheet listing graded assignments and scores as well as additional pertinent information. Corresponding graded papers will be included; however, the absence of papers usually indicates papers have not been completed and submitted and are recorded as zeroes Please take the time to check, sign, and return the signed Verification Slip with the folder on the first day of the new week.


With the exception of illness, please insist upon your child attending school. Absences are detrimental to learning and grades. Our program moves briskly and missed instruction causes students to fall behind. If appointments must be scheduled during school hours, please try to do this at the beginning or end of the day.


If you wish to send treats for your child’s birthday, please limit treats to simple, individual portions that do not need to be cut or washed. Please do not send in treats containing nuts. You may drop off treats in the office with your child’s name and room number for distribution by students at the end of lunch. Please do not send drinks.

Thank you so much and again, feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns

Room 206 Cycle DaySpecials Schedule:

Day 1 Computer Lab 2:10-2:50 *A flash/thumb drive is very useful!

Day 2 Music 2:10-2:50

Day 3 Physical Ed. 2:10-2:50 *Sneakers are required.

Day 4 Library 2:10-2:50

Day 5 Art 2:10-2:50

Lunch 12:20-12:50

Recess 1:05- 1:35


Room 206 General Schedule: Except for Specials, Lunch, and Recess, these times are tentative

8:45- 9:05 Students arrive and begin seatwork

9:05 - 10:35 Math Bathroom Break

10:40- 12:20 Language Arts & Content (Science or S.S.)

12:20- 12:50 Lunch- Room 206 & Bathroom Break

12:50- 1:05 LA

1:05- 1:35 Recess

1:35- 2:10 LA

2:10- 2:50 Special classes Assemblies prevent attendance to specials

2:50- 3:35 Skills Groups

3:40- 4:05 Dismissal

To be determined: RTI Days 1,2,3/ Days 4 & 5 Guided Reading

Revised 8/22/17