Room 36 Classroom Rules & Consequences

  1. We respect ourselves, others, and school property.
  2. Cooperate with your teachers and your classmates.
  3. Carry out student responsibilities.
  4. Keep track of your own books and assignments.
  5. Start your work on time and allow enough time to finish.
  6. Ask for help when you need it.
  7. Do your own work.
  8. Turn your classroom work and homework in on time.
  9. Follow the Bulldog Behaviors.

Room 36’s discipline model is based off a card system. Each student has a green, yellow, and red card in their desk. Each day your child will mark down what type of day they had on their calendar in their Take Home Folder. Every night, please look at the report. Please keep this calendar in your child’s Take Home Folder for the entire month. At the end of each week, there is a parent signature section on the back of the calendar for the parent to sign. This should be signed every weekend and returned on Monday. This will be considered a homework assignment. It is your child’s responsibility to keep track of this report.

Green Card

Each child will start with all three cards. If they follow the rules, their cards remain on green and they have done a wonderful job for the day. If a student remains on green for the entire week, they will receive a special treat.

Taking Away Green Card

If an unexpected behavior occurs after a formal warning, I will ask for their green card. The move will be recorded on their daily/weekly report. UNEXCUSED MISSING HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS ARE CONSIDERED AN AUTOMATIC MOVE TO YELLOW AND RECESS TIME WILL BE TAKEN. An excused missing homework assignment is granted only if a child has a note from a parent/guardian that explains why the homework was not completed. Please understand that forgetting homework at school or having baseball practice are not legitimate excuses. We cannot excuse missing homework for reasons such as these, even with a parent note.

Losing Yellow Card

If unexpected behavior continues, a child will be required to move to yellow. This move will be recorded, but this time the student must explain in writing why the behavior has continued. The child’s explanation will be stapled to their monthly calendar. Ten minutes of recess time will be taken from any student who loses their yellow card.

Losing Red Card

All recess privileges are taken for the day and contact with a parent/guardian will be made. Losing the red card is a rare occurrence and will be considered a serious matter. The children in our classroom can expect a safe a positive learning environment at all times. If a child’s behavior becomes so disruptive or destructive that we are not able to ensure safety and comfort, action from the office will be necessary. Consequences for the inappropriate behavior will be determined by the principal.

At the end of the month, if he/she has not moved their card from the green more than once and have their monthly report to show it, they will receive a prize.

I believe it is important to reward the entire class for good behavior achieved as a whole group. Students do this by working hard to follow the classroom/school rules and becoming “star students”. Each time students work together and follow instructions/rules, are courteous, or even receive a compliment from another teacher or staff member, a star (maybe several) will be put on the board. Once we fill our goal chart, (50 stars) the students will have earned a behavior party. After our party, we will begin again to become even greater star students!

With your help, I feel our room will have a very successful and rewarding year! Please discuss the above plans with your child and sign below, indicating you have done so. Please have your child return the slip to school by Wednesday, September 2nd. If you have any questions, please let us know.


I have discussed the classroom discipline plans with my child.

Parent SignatureDate


Student Name