Romsey Opportunity Group AGM Minutes
Tuesday 31st January 2017 at The Appletree Centre, Romsey
Start time: 12.15pm
Helen Rogers (Chairman) welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting of Romsey Opportunity Group (ROG).
- Present
Helen Rogers – ChairDick Hewett – Treasurer
Sue Fisher – TrusteeLiz Bailey – Trustee
Kate Ward - Trustee Mavis Watts – Staff/Ex Offico
Carol West – StaffAngela Brentnall - Volunteer
Anne Hewett – VolunteerMaureen Batten – Volunteer
Sue Jones - Volunteer
- Apologies
Maggie Poland – Vice ChairLyn Bird – Staff/Ex Offico
Cllr Mark Cooper – PatronSue Tippett – Patron
Kelly Chahal – TrusteeDenny Dutfield - Volunteer
- Minutes of Last AGM on 9/11/15
These were approved without amendment.
- Matters Arising
There were no specific matters arising.
Helen took the opportunity to thank Carol for her work in the office, and for developing the informative newsletter.
- Chairmans Report
Helen thanked everyone who has supported the group in the past year, especially the dedicated volunteers. Their dedication was particularly noted whilst Mavis was off sick in the autumn. Annual and regular events are looked forward to, and raise much needed and valued funds for the group. Thanks also to other individuals and groups who fundraise in many different ways.
Over the past few years at the AGM we have highlighted that funding is a real issue. Funds have been low with just enough to cover the next year at the most. This year I am happy to report that the level of reserves is looking very healthy. This is due to the regular fundraisers and also donations from Santander and the Children In Need grant.
This grant brought with it some actions that we needed to undertake which had been on the Trustees’ agenda, but it spurred us on. A review of policies is in hand and a review of Job Descriptions and staff has been completed. This resulted in Mrs Stallwood being given redundancy. We thank her for her past service and wish her well.
Over the next year, things to consider include a further bid for Children In Need money, probably in June-September, and the annual Crosfield Hall Funday, which is planned to take place on 6th May. Volunteers are needed to help organise this, to ensure a positive outcome for everyone. Romsey Lions have offered support.
Finally we very pleased to see Mavis Watts back at work after her illness, and send our good wishes to Lyn Bird, who cannot be with us today.
- Co-ordinator’s report
See attached report (hard copy available at The Appletree Centre).
Lyn was thanked in her absence for providing her report at a difficult time for her personally.
- Treasurers Report
The statement of accounts for the financial year ending 31 July 2016 was tabled.
Dick highlighted key items. Two grants (£10k from Children In Need and an unexpected £4,800 from Santander) were almost sufficient to cover the year’s expenditure of around £16k. Thus most of the other funds received, including £3k from the Mayor’s Charity from 2015, were effectively forming part of the balance being passed across to the current 2016-17 financial year.
Dick wished to particularly thank Jenny and Edward Jewell for their Agapanthus Weekend contribution of over £1k. Total income was just under £25k.
Sue Fisher proposed and Liz Bailey seconded acceptance of the accounts, which were unanimously accepted.
Dick then summarised his expectations for the current financial year, which is likely to bring the overall balance down to around £15k by 31 July 2017. This is still a healthy balance.
- Election of Trustees
Kate Ward had already indicated her wish not to be re-elected, and Helen thanked her for the year she had served as a Trustee, which was acknowledged as having been a particularly challenging period.
Helen Rogersstood down as Chairfor the purpose of the election of Trustees, for which Mavis Watts took over the role of chair. Five of the existing Trustees (Helen Rogers, Maggie Poland, Dick Hewett, Sue Fisher, Liz Bailey) all offered themselves for re-election, and were elected en bloc.
Kelly Chahal had been elected as a Trustee last year but had been unable to attend any meetings due to personal circumstances. These circumstances having now changed, she had indicated a willingness to stand again. The meeting agreed to elect her as a Trustee, subject to confirmation from her that she would be able to attend the daytime meetings which the Trustees held. Action: Dick to resolve with Kelly on Helen’s behalf.
Helen Rogers resumed the duties of Chair
- Calendar of Events
This had been prepared and was available to view.
A key event is the Crosfield Hall Funday on 6th May. Dick re-iterated the importance of having sufficient resource to organise it. He agreed to contact the Lions to see if they could assist, as they had offered. The Trustees will make a final decision about the day at their next meeting.
- Any Other Business
Dick was planning to submit an application from the County Councillors grants fund, and was seeking proposals for appropriate equipment we required. Musical instruments (Liz Bailey), new chairs (Mavis Watts) and a new concrete slope to the gazebo (Mavis Watts) were all suggested. Action: Dick to discuss with Lyn Bird and submit application by 14th February.
Sue Fisher reported that Winchester Ladies Circle were looking to support us again. It was agreed to ask for £450 to fund first aid training on 1st/2nd March for Carol and possibly two others. Action: Carol and Sue to book training.
Dick confirmed that the Romsey Town Mayor had been invited to attend a session. News awaited.
- Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next AGM was not discussed, but will be fixed by Trustees nearer the appropriate time.
The meeting closed at 1pm.