Romeo & Juliet Production Assignments
All work should be typed, with the exception that blocking, directing and acting notes which are written directly on your script. These are individual assignments, and will be graded as such.
Director’s Responsibilities (30 points)
1. Romeo and Juliet Image Board Assignment. (15 points)
2. Your script with all blocking and directing notes- what a line means, any props you want the actors to use, etc. You should also indicate any cuts you made to the script, and your reason for making those cuts. (5 points)
3. Daily journal (1/2- 1 page, typed) on how rehearsals are going. You will write these each day after rehearsal at school. After your group’s final performance, your journal should answer the questions listed below in the ‘reflection’ section. (10 points)
Lead & Supporting Actor’s Responsibilities (30 points)
1. A 1 page response analyzing your character and his/her objectives and tactics in the scene:
Ø What kind of person is your character? Use 2-3 specific adjectives.
Ø Explain the character wants, needs, thoughts, feelings, or motives.
Ø How do the character’s actions in this scene affect the rest of the play?
Ø Supporting actors (address the importance of your relationships with other characters).
Be as specific as possible and remember that the higher the stakes, the better the scene.
Use at least 2 quotes from your scene to support your answers. (10 points)
2. Lead and supporting actors will score your scripts, with blocking, text notes (paraphrasing, line interpretations, tone, etc.). Supporting actors will also include text notes for the characters they interact with throughout the scene.
3. Supporting actors: A sketch, drawing or collage of a visual image or symbol that you think could represent your character in this scene. For instance, Juliet could be a white dove. Explain in writing (one paragraph) why you chose this image or symbol.
4. A one-page reflection (10 points) of the rehearsal and performance process. Questions to answer:
Ø Were you happy with your role? Why or why not?
Ø How did you share creative ideas with your director and other actors?
Ø How did you learn your lines? Was it difficult?
Ø Were you pleased with your group’s performance? Why or why not?
Ø Did this process help you better understand they play? Why or why not?
All assignments are due on the day of the final exam,
EXCEPT for everyone’s #1, which is due Friday, June 2nd