/ Application FORM
KI Summer School in Medical Research
(Formally: Summer Course in Medical Science-1QA017)
Name (Last name, First name):
SwedishPersonalIdentityNumber (personnr):
Postalcode: / Postaladdress:
Phone number: / E-mail: N.B. Important info will be delivered via e-mail!
Which undergraduate program at KI (grundutbildningsprogram) are you currently enrolled in: / Term:
When did you start your undergraduate program at KI (mm/yyyy): / Accumulated course credits to date within this program:
Credits from other higher education programs, professional experience, if any:
Researcher with whom you have been in contact with and who is willing to supervise you during the summer:
Phone number (Researcher): / E-mail (Researcher):
What research areas are you interested in?
Specific reasons for applying to this course.Please motivate why you would like to participate.N.B. This partis very important for the overall evaluation of your application!
What are your future plans (studies, work, etc)?
Place and date: / Signature:

Enclose to the Application Form:

  1. A Certificate of your completed course credits (Extract from LADOK). Please provide an explanation if you have any missing credits in your extract, e.g. if you have been away on exchange and have points not yet registered in the system.
  1. Documentation, if any, of previous research activity (e.g. reference letter from a supervisor, certificate of scientific accolades, publication list, conference contributions, project description, etc.) Please, be brief!

The Application Form and any additional enclosures must be printed and submitted in one copy.The document must be printedsingle-paged. Please do not staple the pages. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Submitted documents will not be returned to you, so do not send in any precious originals!

The deadline for application is February 12, 2018.Your application must reach the KI Registrar’s Office (Registrator på Karolinska Institutet) at the latest, on the above date. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. Applications should be mailed to the KI Registrar’s Office at the address below:


Karolinska Institutet

171 77 Stockholm

Mark the envelope ”Dnr3-4639/2017”

(N.B. You can also drop off your application directly at the Reception desk at the central administration building at KI, Address: Aula Medica, Nobels väg 6, Solna)


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