

DIRECTIONS. Romans 1:18-32 sets the stage for understanding the revealed righteousness from God (v17) by painting a picture of the current state of sinful men. It’s a brutal assessment of the natural consequences of rejecting God, but it’s important not to de-personalize it. A wise man once said that the sin we should be most concerned about is the sin in the mirror. And if we love God, we’ll feel the same way He feels about people wrapped up in their sin. Keep that in mind as you wrestle with this. Read the passage above and use whatever other resources you have at your disposal to answer the following questions in your journal. You may type or write by hand, but be sure to answer each question in such a manner so that I can read your response and have a general idea what the question was.

  1. At the end of vv 18-20, Paul states “men are without excuse.” To what great evil is Paul referring, and why aren’t there any excuses? (3-sent.)
  1. What sin does Paul describe in vv 21-23? Give an example and reference of where Paul experienced this personally in his journeys.
  1. In v24 and v26, the phrase “God gave them over...” is used. To what did God give them over and what were the consequences? Give three examples that might qualify as “due penalty for their perversion” (v27).
  1. Former slave-trader John Newton wrote the words: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost; ‘twas blind but now I see.” I once was, but now I am... it’s a song of rescue describing how God redeemed one man’s life and changed his ways. I wonder, as you read vv28-32, do you see any things you once were, but by God’s grace have been changing? Compose FIVE “once was ___ but now am __” statements. EX: “I once was envious, but now am content.” Feel free to insert your own term if you can’t find one in the verses that you are looking for.
  1. What is “God’s righteous decree” mentioned in verse 32?