This section serves as a summary of the annual report. The summary is separated into sections directly related to the City of Pittsburg Stormwater Management Plan.
There weresevennew development and redevelopment projects that were under review or received entitlements during FY 2007 – 2007 that were subject to provision C.3. Three of these projects are being reviewed for the flow control condition of the permit in addition to the standard storm water control plan requirements. The City continues to monitor four development projects that were subject to provision C.3 when they were deemed complete in FY 2006-2007. These projects are fully entitled and in the plan review or construction phase of implementing their storm water control plans.The City did not have any capital improvement projects subject to provision C.3 during this reporting period. The following projects were subject to the C.3 requirement during this reporting year, and have submitted Storm Water Control Plans:
- Carion Commercial Center[a]
- TransBay Cable
- Pittsburg Civic Tower[b]
- United Spiral Pipe
- KFC Long John Silver’s
- Delta Gateway Extension
- Pittsburg Plaza Apartments[c]
A total of 549 rainy season inspections were conducted during the reporting period for new development projects under construction. There were 38 (11 written, 27 verbal) enforcement actions taken for projects in this category. The City also monitored construction BMPs for eight capital improvement projects underway during the rainy season, a total of 111 inspections were performed for projects in this category. There were three enforcement actions (one written and two verbal) enforcement actions taken for capital improvements projects. The Cityhas taken advantage of a new permit system to improve tracking of projects and required inspections and looks forward to implementing advance features of the Engineering Department and Building Division’s new permit system next fiscal year to streamline the tracking of inspection activities and provide an electronic database for illicit discharge and other violations. During FY 2008/2009, the City will continue to configure the new permit tracking system to track data from these inspections and to continue to create a schedule for regular inspection of these sites.
Below is a summary of the types and amount of PEIO materials distributed by the City in FY 07-08:
“Clean It” Safer Housecleaning Methods that Really Work Guides / //
“Get Rid Of It” A Painter’s Guide to Storage, Disposal and Clean-Up of Paint Waste Brochures / //
Used Oil Recycling Program:
Mr. Funnelhead Coloring Books (English Version) / //
“Used Oil” Funnels / //
Certified Oil Collection Centers Information Sheets / //
Mr. Funnelhead School Education Brochures / //
Mr. Funnelhead Public Education Brochures / //
“Recycle Oil, It’s Right” Brochures (English Version) / //
“Recycle Oil, It’s Right” Brochures (Spanish Version) / //
Mr. Funnelhead Magnet 2003 / //
Mr. Funnelhead Magnet 2004 / //
Mr. Funnelhead New Magnet 2004 (only had 6) / //
Mr. Funnelhead Erasers / //
Mr. Funnelhead Pencils / //
Mr. Funnelhead Tattoos / //
Mr. Funnelhead Carrying Bags / //
Promotional Items:
Handy Caddy / 5
Dust Pans / 4
Poppy Seed Packets / 0
Water is life. Rescue it. Gator Clips (Magnetic) / 0
“Grow It” The LessToxicGarden Guides / 15
A Kid’s Guide to Backyard Bugs / 35
Coloring Books / 40
Flashlights / 20
“Recycle” Rulers / 800
Lady Bug Cards / 35
Other: Plant Pride Seed Packets (poppies & cucumbers) / 800
Other: Kirker Creek Watershed Posters / 2
General Information:
“TIPS to Protect Our Restaurant & Keep Our Water Clean” Poster / //
“TIPS to Protect Our Restaurant & Keep Our Water Clean” Brochures / //
Don’t Set a Table for Pests! Restaurant Brochures (English/Spanish Version) / //
Water Pollution Prevention Tips Booklet (English)
Water Pollution Prevention Tips Booklet (Spanish)
Water Pollution Prevention Tips Booklet (Chinese)
BASMAA's "Yes/No" Cards - Paint / 25
BASMAA's "Yes/No" Cards - Saw-cutting / 25
BASMAA's "Yes/No" Cards - Cement / 25
BASMAA’s “Our Watershed” Brochure / 0
Presentation Folders: Contra Costa Clean Water Program Folders (Water is life.) / 0
Pool & Spa Brochure / 75
Commercial Cleaners:
Mobile Surface Cleaners Brochures / 8
Carpet Cleaning Brochures / 12
Pest Management/Pesticide Use:
Controlling Ants in Your House – English and Spanish versions / 0
Controlling Aphids / 0
Controlling Snails and Slugs in Your Garden – English and Spanish versions / 0
Controlling Yellowjackets Around Your Home – English and Spanish versions / 0
Finding a Pest Control Company / //
How to Control Weeds / //
Keeping Cockroaches Out of Your House – English and Spanish versions / 0
Keeping Fleas off Your Pets – English and Spanish versions / 0
Keeping Mosquitoes Away / //
Naturally Managing Pests With a Healthy Garden / 0
Pesticides and Water Quality / 0
Tips for a Healthy Beautiful Lawn – English and Spanish versions / //
Safe Use and Disposal of Pesticides – English and Spanish versions / 0
Living with Spiders The Helpful Hunters – English and Spanish versions / 0
Wonderful Roses / //
Media Outreach:
Outdoor Billboards / Program
BART Rail Boards / Program
Bus Shelter Posters / Program
Bus Boards (Also used Oil program with County) / Program
Theater Advertisements / Program
Public Service Announcements (Radio):
Specify Station: Branding Campaign – Water is Life. / Program
Specify Station:
Specify Station:
Public Service Announcements (Television/Cable):
Specify Station:
Specify Station:
Specify Station:
Public Service Announcements (Newspapers/Periodicals):
Specify Publication:
Specify Publication:
Specify Publication:
Newspaper Advertisements:
Specify Publications:
Specify Publications:
Specify Publications:
Community Newsletters:
Specify Publications:
Specify Publications:
Specify Publications:
Radio Advertisements:
Specify Station: Program Developed / Program
Specify Station:
Television/Cable Advertisements
Specify Station:
Specify Station:
Measurement/Research Activities:
Public Opinion Surveys: Program Developed / Program
Focus Groups: Program Developed / Program
Specify Subject: Composting / 3
Specify Subject:
Specify Subject:
Public Outreach:
1-800-No Dumping Telephone Calls / Program
Public Speaking Engagements:
LosMedanosCommunity College
BASA – Battery Recycling / 2
Number of Storm Drain Inlets Stenciled or Stamped By:
Volunteers / X
Municipal Staff / 95
Contractor – New Developments / 25
Fish Door Hangers Distributed / //
Amount of Household Hazardous Wastes Collected: (Pittsburg’s portion)
Motor Oil (gallons)
Marina BOA(low – gas prices high, not much boat usage)
Transfer Station / 2355
Household Paint (gallons) )
Marina BOA
Transfer Station / 6492
Pesticides (gallons)
Marina BOA
Transfer Station / 850
Miscellaneous (gallons) (e.g., acids, antifreeze, batteries, etc.)
Marina BOA
Transfer Station / 10664
Transportation Management
Number of Public Agency Vehicles Using Non-Polluting Fuels / 0
Number of Public Employees Using Public Transportation / unknown
Number of Education Materials Encouraging Public Transportation Use / 4 + email notifications
City of Pittsburg Oil Filter Bags / 500
Mercury Brochure Residential (English & Spanish) / 325
Mercury Business Brochure / 500
CESQG HHW Business Brochure / 500
HHW General Brochure (English & Spanish) / 400
DHHWCF Door Hanger Magnet / 40
Illegal Dumping Brochure (English & Spanish) / 175
Battery Recycling & You (English & Spanish) / 550
Battery Buckets (1/2 gal & 1 gal.) / 325
Keep the Delta Alive. Stop Storm Water Pollution (English & Spanish) / 100
Creek Care Guide / 6
Don’t Plant a Pest - Trees / 50
Don’t Plant a Pest - Plants / 75
In FY 07/08, there were five planned PEIO events: Creek Cleanup (one hosted by Partners for the Watershed; three community service cleanups coordinated by the EnvironmentalCenter; Public Works Day; Earth Day at SmallWorldPark. In addition to these five events, the City distributed spills kits at the Marina, held monthly meetings with the Partners for the Watershed group, worked through the City’s Neighborhood Improvement Team program to reduce illegal dumping, and promoted anti-litter and clean water through street banners. In between these events, smaller engagements occur such as presentations to organizations and to schools and at neighborhood meetings. The remaining balance of PEIO materials distributed occurred at public counters.
New developments requiring stenciling of new storm drains are referred to the Engineering Department for overseeing the installation of thermoplastic fish signs at storm drains. The Engineering Department estimates that 25 new stencils were installed for 5 new developments in FY 07/08. In addition, the Public Works Department replaced / added 95 stencils during this reporting period.
The mercury program which was created by the cities of East Contra Costa and DHWWCF which was adopted as a pilot campaign by the CCCWP in conjunction with Orchard Supply Hardware. Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) stores collected approx. 4,500 pounds of fluorescent bulbs and 15,000 pounds were collected by DHHWCF. The amount of bulbs collected indicated a change in behavior with the volume collected by residents. The modified hours of operation at DHHWCF have been favorable by residents. Hours of operation are Thursday through Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. DHHWCF continued collecting e-waste and decided not to charge for e-waste in 2008. As a result, the facility collected 59,851 pounds of materials. The facility expansion will start this year and also assist with better management of e-waste materials.
Residential streets were swept at least twice a month during the reporting period, and as reflected in the quantitative results and budget for this FY, is an integral part of the City’s ongoing effort to public facilities to minimize stormwater pollution. Overall, there were 5,246 miles of residential street swept, which collected over 788 cubic yards of debris; commercial street sweeping efforts covered over 6,750 total miles of street and collected over 935 cubic yards of debris. Data for this reporting period was collected from April 2007 through April 2008.
During the reporting period, the City activated the “Rain Master” irrigation control system for all irrigation lines throughout the City. The system serves as an essential best management practice for reducing non-point source pollution where situations arise where sprinkler heads, pipes, or mains break. In these instances, the control system will take corrective measures to prevent water runoff into the city’s storm drain system, bypassing the inoperative station and continuing with the watering cycle.
Table 1 below summarizes the estimated amount of copper, lead, zinc, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and oil and grease (sediment) removed through street sweeping.
Table 1:
Street Sweeping Totals for Copper, Lead, and TPH
(lbs) / TPH
(lbs) / Total oil and grease (lbs)
Total / 217 / 79 / 4219 / 9206
Table 2 below summarizes the estimated amount of copper, lead, zinc, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and oil and grease (sediment) removed from storm drain maintenance activities.
Table 2:
Success of Storm Drain Maintenance for Removal of
Copper, Lead, TPH and Sediment
(lbs) / TPH
(lbs) / Total oil and grease (lbs)
Total / 47 / 110 / 3177 / 3818
During the reporting period, 2,001 storm drain facilities were inspected and cleaned. A total of 766 cubic yards of material was removed with the inspection and cleaning of these facilities. The City has targeted areas deemed to have a higher concentration of debris and/or automobile parking that prohibits efficient street sweeping. The police department has stepped up parking enforcement efforts and has allowed for more efficient street sweeping and debris removal. This past year the City targeted heavy “leaf pick up” sweep events to track quantitative data. This data reveals that an additional 472 cubic yards of material was collected and tracked in 07/08 in addition to the material reported with the normal street sweeping schedule.
Chronic “Hotspot” locations of illegal dumping have been identified over the past few years and staff found funds to target these areas. A significant amount of dumping has ceased due to cameras being installed this year at these locations thus reducing manpower costs and waste accumulation. The City spent more money in FY 2007/2008 to install more cameras at hot spot locations to further discourage dumping. Signage with illegal dumping and fine warnings were added at other locations where funding was not available for cameras. The City Neighborhood Improvement Team is a community outreach effort making information available to the pubic for reporting illegal dumping and has been a successful program for engaging residents to be pro-active in cleaning up the community. Residents are encouraged through this program to call and report dumping and are offered a $250 reward for the report and conviction of individuals caught in the act of illegal dumping. The addition of the government outreach website ( pittsburg/) has provided a web-based system for receiving and tracking illegal dumping complaints from the public.
The City continued to contract with Delta Diablo Sanitation District (DDSD) for inspection services during FY 2007/2008. During the reporting period, a total of 56 facility inspections were conducted. Out of the 56 inspections, 20 were initial inspections and 36 were reinspections. The types of businesses inspected included auto repair shops, service commercial and light industrial uses such as printers and painters, restaurants, gas stations, and auto repair. There was one written enforcement cases during the reporting period.
In order to improve the effectiveness and responsiveness of the City's IDCA program, in 2007/2008 the City continued to implement the revamped administrative procedures for handling illicit discharges to streamline coordination between office and field personnel and City departments. These new procedures have improved the response time for illicit discharge corrective action. Introduction of the new procedures (see the IDCA section) also served as a refresher to existing employees on the proper procedures for responding to illicit discharges and a formal opportunity to train new personnel to the City in the proper procedures for handling illicit discharge incidents.
The City eliminated a total of 13 illicit discharges/connections this past fiscal year. Two were found in industrial areas, and seven in residential areas. Out of those 13, twowere related to construction materials, five were related to wash water discharge, four from automotive fluids, one from yard wastes, and one from pool draining. Each of those illicit discharges/connections resulted in some type of enforcement action taken, whether it was verbal or written. These illicit discharge eliminations do not include the materials picked up almost daily by Public Works and recorded on a "Straight Bill of Laden".
Summary Page 1 of 9
[a]Subject to provision C.3 flow control measures