MilroySchool PTO Craft/Bake & Vendor Sale

103 Prospect St, Milroy, MN 56263

Saturday December 7th, 2013

9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Milroy PTO invites any interested crafter, baker or vendor to participate in our 4th Annual Winter Craft/Bake & Vendor Sale. This will be held on December 7th 2013 from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Table space will be issued on a first –come, first- serve basis when registration forms are received. The PTO will provide tables. If you need electricity, please bring an extension cord with you. We would like to have a raffle and would welcome any crafters/vendors donations, just check the space on the registration form. All exhibitors need to be in place by 9:00 a.m.

Non-Refundable Registration fees:

Fees are due prior to set up on the 7th of December. (By 8:30 am the day of)

_____1 table - $20

_____2 table - $35

_____3 table - $45

Type of Vendor______

_____Yes! I am willing to donate an item for the raffle

_____Yes! I need electricity or special location. (No Guarantees)

Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______


Telephone Number: ______E-Mail: ______

I agree that MilroySchool and the Milroy School PTO will not be held responsible for any injury to myself or anyone in the booth area (table display area). Nor will they be responsible for any loss of merchandise from my booth during the period of the show, including set-up and move-out. I understand that children under the age of 12 will not be allowed behind the booth area during the period of the show, including set-up and move-out, unless they are supervised by an adult at all times. I also understand that I must remain for the entire period of the craft show (9:00 am until 1:30 pm).

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please send your registration/liability form and check/money order to above address (AttentionLori Duscher) (made payable to Milroy PTO).By Nov. 7th.2013

The PTO will confirm your registration and give you your space assignment. Exhibitors can move in on Saturday morning from 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m. The show will be held in the school gym. If you prefer to bring your own table that is fine but the registration fee will remain the same. All spaces must be cleared after the event. There will be a small concession stand at the event for drinks and a lunch (Each Vendor will receive a free lunch ticket). This is a Smoke-free campus. If you have questions please call or email Lori at 507-215-0860 or . Forms can be sent and received via email. This event will be advertised in many ways.

Thank you for supporting Milroy PTO and School.