Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who came to the last skating party we made a donation of over 200 items to the Mountain Top Food Bank! We still have 3 skating parties planned for the remaining of the school year. February 23rd, March 5th and May 24th (our free party!) We will look forward to seeing you there.


The Green Committee (under the leadership of Ellen Chin) have placed containers in the lobby to collect Can Tabs. Please take this opportunity to help our planet and recycle! Annette Weiss

Green Committee Chair


The Book Fair Luau is coming. This year's Book Fair is scheduled for February 27th - March 2nd, with our Family Night event planned for Wednesday, February 29th.More information as to when your child's class will attend will be in the February Newsletter but classes generally attend during their scheduled library time. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us. Thank you in advance for helping to make this the biggest and best Book Fair yet! Mary-Ellen McFarland (868-6467, )Wendy Fenwick ()Annette Mann ()


The sixth grade committee would like to thank all those who participated in the Joe Corbi pizza and cookie dough fundraiser, and a special thanks to Lisa Klusewitz for coordinating. The fundraiser earned a thousand dollars, and some of the proceeds went to supply pizza for the sixth grade winter class parties. Thank you to Uni-Mart for sellling us the pizza at a discounted rate. In January, the second dance will be coming up and students can look for more information to be sent home. We will also be sending out the chaperone list for the winter dance by e-mail. The next meeting will be foll

owing the general pta meeting, at seven in the library on the first Tuesday of the month. Thanks and hope to see you there.


Sport Stacking Club Sport Stacking is an activity that involves using 12 cups to build different pyramids in a sequential order. Kids love to cup stack because it is fast paced and fun and parents love it because it helps with hand-eye coordination, quickness and ambidexterity. This after school activity will take place Mondays, February 6, 13, 27 and March 5 from 3:30 to 4:30pm for children in grades 1 to 6. All children who would like to participate should complete and return a permission slip to their teacher by January 31st. Children should also bring in a note EACH DAY of the club stating that they have permission to stay after school for the Sport Stacking Club. Children can be picked up after the club at 4:30pm. If you would like more information or have any questions about the club, please feel free to contact the club director, Debbie Knorr at 474-0900, 403-6143 or email .


Happy New Year!! I hope that all Rice families had a great holiday break! Time sure flies…. Rice Elementary students have been so busy and so has the PTA! December brought us the eagerly anticipated Holiday Shoppe, where the children have the ability to shop for surprises for their family and friends. The classroom Geography and Spelling Bees were held before winter break. Congratulations to the classroom winners; we look forward to the final spelling Bee and Geography Bee awards presentation in early January! December ended with the students enjoying their Winter Party, with a surprise visit from Santa. Thank you to all of the Liaisons and classroom volunteers- you make the parties special for the children! A New Year's Resolution for our PTA is responsible spending! Any request to the PTA that is in excess of $500 (or is less but is of concern to at least one board member) will be tabled, researched and reviewed prior to the next month's meeting, where it will be voted on by an informed membership. We will have a regular PTA meeting in January, as so much continues to happen at Rice Elementary. January 3 will be the first PTA meeting of 2012. Please join us at 6 PM in the library. We need to establish a nominating committee for next year and will be looking for volunteers. The nominating committee will look for board member nominees and confirm interest in chairpersons for the next academic year. If you ever wanted to get your feet wet as a PTA leader, this is your opportunity for a low commitment (and vitally important) role! We have had great attendance at our meetings this year, and look forward to continuing this trend! We are always looking for your input and creative new ideas! As always, babysitting will be provided and great activities have been planned! Brave the cold and come join us as we look ahead to planning springtime fun! And as always, a huge thank you to Mr. Seyer our principal, Mrs. Cormier our school secretary, Mrs. Jones our head teacher and all of the teachers and support staff, including Debbie and the custodial team for keeping our children safe every day and keeping them engaged in learning at Rice! Wishing you much happiness in the New Year! Annette Weiss

Rice PTA President 868-0245