January 12, 2017

Minutes of the Town Board of the Town of Catlin held January 12, 2017 at 7pm at the Town Hall.

ROLLCALL: Board Members: David Silvernail, William Collier, Richard Brink and Eugene Unwin

Supervisor LaVerne Phelps

Motion by Collier; seconded by Brink accepting the Town Clerk’s minutes for December 15, 2016 as submitted.


Motion by Collier; seconded by Brink accepting the Town Clerk’s minutes for January 5, 2017 (Organization Meeting) as submitted.

CARRIED: AYES: Collier, Brink, Unwin, Phelps

OBSTAINED: Silvernail


·  Department of Taxation & Finance – sent information concerning re-val and schedule of activity

·  Emergency Management – information concerning PAD (public access defibrillator) – in order to qualify for a PAD on site must have a physician or designated hospital provider; Silvernail to check into this further – Note: Alex Pastrick, Fire Dept. member and town highway employee is trained to use PAD

Motion by Silvernail; seconded by Unwin to receive correspondence and place on file for further action if necessary.


Departmental Reports:

Assessor will hold meetings with those wishing to discuss their re-val between March 5th and March 11th

Highway – Joe presented the board with new equipment replacement plan which goes out to year 2032. The backhoe is 22 years old; Town of Horseheads is replacing their backhoe and Joe can get it for trade in value between $27,000 - $28,000; it is a 2002. This would give us 7 more years before needing to replace it; a new one from Hansen’s is $90,000 and would give us $15,500 trade in for our old backhoe; therefore, should be able to get $15,500 for ours at auction.

Joe also presented the board with tentative list of road repairs for 2017

Discussion took place concerning FabSnipper – limb cutting arm on mower

Motion by Phelps; seconded by Brink to receive Departmental Reports and place on file as submitted.


Budget Modification:

Accountant will submit after he gets final bills entered and AUD done.

January 12, 2017


Motion for Resolution 17-38 by Phelps; seconded by Unwin approving abstracts for payment as submitted.


Beaver Valley Water District:

Discussion took place concerning accident on Route 414 which took out fire hydrant; bill totaling $6,366.82 has been turned into insurance; fire hydrant still needs to be installed.

Discussion took place concerning replacing water meters; TySales – meters for $55 each; can spread purchases out over time; had talked about bonding funds for this project but the water department has enough funds ($157,000 unexpended fund balance) to purchase everything needed and purchases can be spread out so there will be no hardship.

Will purchase software, hand held units and training in February and will begin replacing meters in April.

Bill Collier suggests getting a backup unit

Hearing of the Public #1: Opened 7:28pm No one spoke Closed 7:29pm

New Business:

Motion for Resolution 17-39 by Collier; seconded by Silvernail granting permission to Highway Superintendent to purchase used 2002 Backhoe from Town of Horseheads not to exceed $30,000.00.


Updating LL1 of 2011 (Dogs) - Discussion took place concerning dog issues within the Town; pit bulls on Sawdey Road are gone; Unwin to work with CEO and Animal Control to update Local Law 1 of 2011.

Street Lights - Discussion took place concerning street lights within the Town; Bill questioned Joe what effect will it have on highway crew if street lights were removed. Joe responded he would rather keep them as it helps to see at the intersection for plowing snow. Joe had a list where lights are located.

More research to be done – table till February meeting

Solar Farm – Renovus has submitted site plan and is ready for action from the Planning Board and the Code Enforcer

Motion for Resolution 17-40 by Collier; seconded by Brink referring solar farm plans to Planning Board for further action.


January 12, 2017

New Business Con’t:

Audits – books are ready for audit

Motion for Resolution 17-41 by Phelps; seconded by Silvernail appointing Collier and Brink to audit the Town Records on January 16th at 9am.


Supervisor Phelps amended agenda to include BOAR position – Richard Amisano’s term was up September 30, 2016 at which time he was notified to submit his intent. Mr. Amisano stated he did not wish to sit on the BOAR board; notification was posted in the newspaper of opened position to which there was no response. Mr. Amisano stated he would continue on the BOAR board if needed; the Chairman of BOAR did not feel it necessary for Mr. Amisano to continue on the BOAR board and has chosen to leave Mr. Amisano’s seat open.

Supervisor Phelps checked with Board of Elections Theresa Murdock and found Town Board members may not sit on any other board.

Hearing of the Public #2: Opened 7:58pm

M Pastrick of Backer Rd: Concerning street lights; he requested one at Backer/Kimble due to children waiting for school bus but was denied

R Moshier of Post Crk Rd: The street light at Post Ck/Hibbard was put in due to garbage dumpers; body dumpers and kids gathering. Budget is higher than what lights cost the town; they add a safety benefit

V Petirs of Catlin Hill Rd: Concerned about re-vamping dog laws; know many who have 4-5 dogs and would not want the law to affect them; was assured by the board they would not be affected

Motion by Phelps; seconded by Collier to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm.