Student Organization Information Guide
Table of Contents
1. Farmer Bob’s Rules of Order………………………………………………... 3
2. Leadership Tips………………………………………………………………. 7
3. Registration………………………………………………………………….. 13
4. Agreement for Agency Accounting Services………………………………… 16
5. Advisor Guide………………………………………………………………… 17
6. ASI Account Application & Agreement …….……………………………… 21
7. Business Services……………………………………………………………... 22
8. How to read an ASI account report…………………………………………… 23
9. How to read an Agency account report………………………………………. 24
10. How to Complete a Budget Request………………………………………… 25
11. Line Item Explanation………………………………………………………. 26
12. Response to Questionnaire…………………………………………….…… 28
13. ASI Annual Budgeting Process……………………………………………… 29
14. Financial Guidelines and Stipulations………………………………………. 31
15. Mileage Reimbursement Form……………………………………………… 35
16. Purchase Order Request……………………………………………………... 36
17. Event Scheduling Procedure………………………………………………… 37
18. Outdoor Scheduling Reservations…………………………………………… 38
19. Food Sanitation Program……………………………………………………. 46
20. Request to Serve Food Form………………………………………………… 48
21. Campus Policies……………………………………………………………... 49
Farmer Bob’s Rules of Order
Some Common Terms:
Chairperson-the presiding officer of the meetings is ordinarily the President or Chairperson of the organization.
Expunge-to delete from the minutes of the meeting
Pro Tem- Latin meaning “temporary”, the president might appoint a “Chairman pro tem” to oversee a meeting if he/she is going to miss the meeting
Proviso-a statement attached to the By Laws, but not part of them, that describes temporary rules.
Proxy vote-a person allows another person to vote for them
Acclamation- adoption of a motion with no vote because there are no objections
-A vote MUST be taken if anyone objects
-This is commonly used to approve minutes of a meeting
-E.g. “A motion has been made and seconded that we adjourn. Are there any objections to adjourning? (PAUSE…this is your chance to object and force a vote) Since there are no objections, the meeting is adjourned.
Voice Vote-for votes when the chair is relatively sure that most members present feel the same way about a motion
-“All those in favor of _____say ‘Aye.’ (PAUSE to listen)
Other Things to Know:
· Calling the Question (to end continued debate)
Must be on speakers list
Chair “Are there any questions?”
· Extending time for Question or debate
- Motion to extend for amount of time
- Motion to extend for number of people on speaker’s list (end of list) and create new list if needed because other questions generated.
- 2/3 votes to pass
- If time expires again, can move to extend
· Legislation
- Presentation of legislation
- 5 minutes (yes/no/non-debatable questions, no comments)
- 10 minute debate –all opinion and persuasions
- The person presenting the legislation has final speaking privileges
· Redundant Discussion (how to end it)
- Call them out of order because that question has already been asked. (e.g. “Please keep your answer/info related to topic at hand”)
- Set time limit for debate, or guest speaker’s questions
· Utilizing a Speaker’s list
- This is if you don’t use “yielding” of time with speakers
- Create two lists: 1st list- for people who haven’t spoken yet, 2nd list- for people who have already been recognized and had the opportunity to ask a question
- All speakers must be acknowledged/recognized by the Chair to speak
- Anyone can do point of clarification (e.g. Stand and say, “Point of clarification. (Receive recognition from the Chair.) Who is on the Speakers list?” and this can be interjected into debate and the person will be recognized “outside” of the list
Step 1: Opening the meeting
The presiding officer opens the meeting by saying:
“Do I have a motion to call the meeting to order?”
Member raises their hand or placard and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
Upon being recognized the presiding officer then states:
“Thank you…Do I have a second?”
Another member then raises their hand or placard and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
The presiding officer then states:
“Thank you…The meeting has been officially called to order at _:_ _ p.m.”
Step 2: Approval of Minutes
The presiding officer calls for an approval of the minutes from the previous meeting by saying:
“Do I have an approval of last meeting’s minutes?”
Member raises their hand or placard and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
Upon being recognized the presiding officer then states:
“Thank you…Do I have a second?”
Another member then raises their hand or placard and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
The presiding officer then states:
“Thank you…All those in favor?”
At this point, if there are no objections, acclamation may be called for by any member. If a member calls for acclamation the presiding officer then says:
“Acclamation has been called for, is there any dissent to acclamation? Abstentions?”
If no member indicates any dissent the presiding officer then states:
“Seeing no dissent, the motion passes”
Step 3: Agenda Changes
The presiding officer calls for agenda changes by stating:
“Do we have agenda changes?”
If there are any changes to be made a member may raise their hand and wait to be recognized by the presiding officer. Upon recognition the member states the change they would like made.
The presiding officer then states:
“Please add discussion item….to the agenda”
Step 4: Open Forum
The presiding officer invites anyone to speak on matter not on the agenda by stating:
“At this point, I’d like to open the floor to anyone who would like to speak”
Step 5: Discussion Items
If any discussion item is a matter that needs to be voted upon (e.g. legislation or budgetary items) the presiding officer may entertain a motion by stating:
“At this point, I’d like to entertain a motion”
Member must raise their hand and wait to be recognized by the presiding officer. Upon recognition the member then states:
“I move discussion item x to action item a”
The presiding officer calls for a second by stating:
“Do we have a second?”
Another member raises their hand and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
The presiding officer then states:
“It has been moved and seconded that we move discussion item x to action item a”
Step 6: Action Items
The presiding officer opens the floor to discussion. If there is any lull in discussion the presiding officer may entertain a motion.
Parliamentary Basics:
Obtain the Floor
All remarks should be addressed to or through the presiding officer. In general:
Raise your hand
Wait to be recognized
SAY: I move that…OR I wish to comment on…
Process the Motion
After requesting the right to speak and being recognized by the presiding officer, there are six other steps to completing the motion.
1. Making the Motion “I move that…”
2. Seconding the Motion (by another member)
“I second the motion.”
3. Restating the Motion President says:
“It has been moved and seconded that…”
4. Opening the Motion for President says:
Discussion “Is there any discussion?”
5. Putting the Question After discussion seems to have reached a lull or time is expired, the president repeats the motion and “all those in favor say AYE, opposed say NAY…”
6. Announcing the vote Hearing the results of the vote, the President says, “the nays have it, the motion is defeated.”
Step 7: Adjourning the Meeting
The presiding officer closes the meeting by stating:
“Do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting?”
The presiding officer opens the meeting by saying:
“Do I have a motion to call the meeting to order?”
Member raises their hand or placard and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
Upon being recognized the presiding officer then states:
“Thank you…Do I have a second?”
Another member then raises their hand or placard and waits to be recognized by the presiding officer.
The presiding officer then states:
“Thank you…All those in favor?”
Acclamation may be called for at this point. If a member calls for acclamation the presiding officer then says:
“Acclamation has been called for, is there any dissent to acclamation? Abstentions?”
If no member indicates any dissent the presiding officer then states:
“Seeing no dissent to acclamation the meeting is officially adjourned at _:_ _ p.m.”
Becoming a Leader that People Want to Follow
Regardless of whether you believe leaders are born, and not made, or you believe true leaders develop through experience, there is always room for improvement in one’s leadership skills.
True leaders understand that leadership of people is a transformation process that will better both you and your team. As the old military saying goes, “If you take care of your troops, they will take care of you.”
Here are some tips on how to enhance your management abilities:
· Communicate better by keeping your mouth shut. Effective leaders know when to be quiet and listen. It is only after employees have a chance to say what they need to say that they become open to anything that you may have to offer.
· Become more involved with your team. Eat lunch with your team, visit with them in their offices or cubicles (on their home court advantage), ask about their interests or hobbies, and show genuine interest in the information they want to share with you.
· Increase your tolerance for opinions and views that are different from yours. While you may not agree with everything a person says, you need to respect his or her right to an opinion.
· Write hand-written notes. Take the time to hand-write a note (pen and paper, not email) of recognition to someone for a job well done. While hand written notes are rarely used in today’s fast-paced world of technology, they are still one of the most effective ways to boost morale.
· Recognize the value of life-long learning. Great leaders recognize that changing times demand increasing skills and knowledge, and they seek out the opportunity to learn…not only through continuing education, but also with the help of mentors.
· Think of others’ needs first. Leaders should always be thinking about their team, including employees, vendors, customers, and their family.
· Become more flexible. Just because you have never tried doing something a different way doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t.
· Learn from your mistakes. Every leader makes mistakes. The key is to learn from your mistakes and use them as a guide for similar situations in the future.
· Laugh and enjoy yourself. While leaders obviously hold a very important position, they also need to laugh and enjoy the lighter side of life.
Student Organization Registration Procedure
2014-2015 Academic Year
Existing Clubs:
All student organizations must register on an annual basis. In order to register your club/organization for 2014-2015 academic year, complete all the steps outlined below by September 2, 2014. For additional information, contact the Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers (OSLCC) at (909)869-2841.
Registration Deadline: September 2, 2014
Below is the process to register your Club/Organization. You MUST complete EVERY step in the process. Once you have completed every step and submitted your registration we will review it. All registration steps are input and completed in myBAR.
To access myBAR go to, go to the middle of the page and select click here to access the myBAR Club Registration website.
· Log into myBAR using your broncodirect information
· Click on the Organizations link
· Locate your Organization
· Click the link that says "Register this Organization"
· Submit all information and complete all steps
· Read and Submit the Non-Discrimination Statement
· Read and Submit the Hazing Policy Acknowledgement
· Input organization's entire Executive Board
· Input organization’s community service activity
· Select an Advisor, and upload the signed and completed Advisor Application
· Register and attend the Bronco Club and Organization Registration Conference (see dates below)*
In addition, GREEK ORGANIZATIONS need the following:
· Update chapter roster on myBAR (including any new members from Spring 2014)
· Fall calendar, including recruitment events, to be uploaded into myBAR
· Copy of updated insurance (must be current) to be uploaded into myBAR
· Input the name and contact information for your organization’s off-campus advisor to myBAR
· Input your organization's tax payer ID number to myBAR
Bronco Registration Club and Organization Conference:
We are excited to announce the Bronco Club and Organization Registration Conference. The purpose of the conference is to give you all the information that you will need to successfully run your club/organization. We will offer all of the required workshops that need to be completed in order for your club/organization to be registered. Plus we will offer free lunch!
Presidents, treasurers, schedulers and the Risk Managers (Greek Organizations only) are required to attend, but all members of your executive board are welcome. Click Here to register for the Bronco Registration Club and Organization Conference, registration is required.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 8am- 4pm ~Bronco Student Center - Centaurus
Monday, July 28, 2014 8am-4pm ~Bronco Student Center - Centaurus
Monday, August 11, 2014 8am-4pm ~ University Library - 1808
Monday, August 25, 2014 ~ Bronco Student Center - Centaurus
Thursday, August 28, 2014 8am-4pm~ Bronco Student Center - Centaurus
You will receive an email confirming your club status as Registered for the year. Once you have officially completed all steps in the registration process, you may access your funds and reserve rooms.
Club/Organization Registration Deadline is Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Step 3: Submit Advisor Application Form
· The Advisor Application (document linked below) confirms that the officers of the organization have selected the advisor(s), that the advisor accepts the role, and that the advisor's department are aware and approve of this
· Review the Advisor Application with your Cal Poly Pomona Faculty or Staff Advisor(s)
· Please print legibly, do not abbreviate the name of the organization
· Obtain original signatures
· You may have 1 or 2 advisors listed on the application
· Submit the Advisor Application to OSLCC