RCC Meeting 2/17/2010

Roll: Cassy, Brooke, JT, JG, Sami, Peter

New Stuff:

Waterpolo- They are FABULOUS. They showed Sami a list of 15 members, and were invited to go to University of Montana Waterpolo compettion. They only have $600 in their account. They would like to spend the money on the trip, $200 for the event registration, might not have enough for the vans, but will look into it. Stott has gotten back to us, and they have open time from 5-7pm, $44 an hour for the pool, and $15 for the lifeguard. $120 for the practice. They would like to have 3 practices before they go. They might be able to have 1 practice week in the stott with the cages, and then use ASRC pool for conditioning. JT WILL LOOK AT OUR BUDGET AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO TO GET THEM IN THE POOL. We will let them know that they could do community service to raise money as well. We will look into using the field reserve money for this as well.

Disc Golf- Tony was part of the old regime. The older leaders still want to be involved and know that they dropped the ball. Sami wants all of them to get on the sam page abou the club. They re meeting on Mon Feb. 22nd. Sami wants the club to get reserected and then we can look at consequences. JT and PK think that the club should have all new leadership, so the same issues do not happen again. They have shown that they do not have the time to be leaders, they can still be part of the club, just not as leaders. Worried that the old leaders may not step up and do what needs to be done. Didn’t get in contact with us till some one else said they would take over. Removing an officer from position is a big deal. Have the club do new elections and let the club make the descion. If they get elected again, then we will have a serious meeting with them. Joe wants to have 5 positions instead of 2, and wants to be the media person not the president. PK is worried about how Monday might go, as he sees it, Tony and Joe are not in contact with one another, and may have different opinions on how the club should go. We funded them $50 per term for zip car. CASSY IS WORKING WITH ATSU TO GET THEM $150

Hockey- they need money, we need to think about what we want them to do. They came to us in November and we said that we would fund them $1,500. After we funded all the new clubs, we would look at what we had left over, and see if we can fund them more. We wont know how deep in the hold they are until March, they should meet with after the statement comes out, and we should meet with them and discuss what we have. We have magic money, rugby money and breakin money. We need to seriously think about how we give them money, Sami think that we should meet with them and hear them out, and they should not just have the money handed to them. Their fundraising efforts were sub-par this summer. They need ice bill paid. We need to figure out how to get them out of the black. Will their league still allow them in with all the problems they have had this year. Uof O will probably never play against them. They need to work for the money, but they had no way of knowing that half their club would fail out of school. They did not hold up their end of the bargin on fundraising. Ryan has really stepped up. The club should meet with the RCC next meeting ( JT WILL EMAIL THEM)

Magic Money- $ 2,541 Sailing (wants to use money for stipend, the magic money will go to the stipend) , $900 Wrestling, $300 Tennis (Cassy will let them know to spend their magic money) , the magic money is in an old SDO accounts

Items that Sami sold- Sold some items to Jessie, there is an expenditure request for it, Cassy will talk to Atsu and Sami to figure out how much we got for it.

Reserve Request- JG contacted Will yesterday about the reserve. Accoding to the SFC meeting minutes, on October 30th, the SFC put $9000 into a reserve account. We need to have put a reserve request into the SFC and have a meeting. $3000 of the reserve is for cycling and $6000 is for field reserves. Sami met with JW who is going to talk to Alex about the field. We my have to use some of the reserve money to pay for field time. It is looking like the clubs will have 8-10pm on the fields, and we would only have 3 days. We need to figure out how much is in there and how to get it out. Will is cool to come meet with some one to discuss the money and reserve accounts. Possibly have home come to meeting. JT WILL GET THE FORM AND FILL IT OUT, THE DEADLINE IS MARCH 1ST)

RCC Forum- It is NOT an “airing of grievances” or a “bitch session” it is a way to be constructive and talk with one another. Answer any questions about the new policies, and the new building. Maybe putting together a plan on how to solve the issues we can. The RCC likes it! How flexible are the new policies? We want them to know that they cant come to us, and expect us to change what they don’t like. We want to explain the why of the policies. It is Mon February 22 1-2pm. Eddie will facilitate it and we will have notetakers. Asks for concerns at the beginning and then go through and discuss them. Do not debate with them, or argue with them


Meeting times:

Wed 10am-12pm (could start at 9am)

Tues 4-6pm

Trophy case: cool!

Office furniture has been ordered.

Stipend evaluations: if it is not a favorable eval, then they will be terminated. RCC needs to be evaluated as well. We are not sure if they will keep student stipends all over campus. The students will be evaluated once per academic year based on the club’s season.

Clubs that have asked for money: we need to hold their hand and make sure they understand . Make them fill out an expenditure request. One month before they want it. Then we will work with them to get it for them if we can.

PK: is going to contact Ultimate and ask if they are going to have the club pay for 50 discs. We need expenditure request.

JT will contact and discuss the clubs decision


Adjourned: 4:48