The regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council for the Town of Addis was called to order by Mayor Toups at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 2, 2015. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mr. “Fish” Kershaw.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Toups; Councilors Acosta; Gauthreaux; Kelley; Parrish

Absent: Councilor Cazes

Minutes: The minutes of the November 4th meeting were approved, as mailed, on a motion by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Acosta and adopted.

Additions to Agenda: Bids for new police units; Chief’s old unit and other old police unit; and the annual Christmas lunch were added to the agenda on a motion by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Parrish and adopted.

Public Comments: Mr. Tom McCormick, who is running for Judge of the 18th Judicial District was recognized and spoke on his candidacy for this position.

Correspondence: Mayor Toups announced that a special meeting on the 2016 Budget will be held on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

Open Container: A request from Christy Falcon for an open container permit to hold a benefit for Joshua Morales on December 12th from 11am to 6pm was approved on a motion by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Kelley and adopted.

2015 Audit Engagement Letter: A motion was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to authorize Mayor Toups to sign the 2015 Audit Engagement Letter presented by Mrs. Kathleen Beard. The motion was adopted.

2015 Louisiana Attestation Questionnaire: A motion was made by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Parrish to authorize Mayor Toups to sign the completed Louisiana Attestation Questionnaire for the 2015 Audit. The motion was adopted.

Parish Council: Parish Representative Randy Mouch thanked the Council for working with him during his 12 years as the town’s representative on the Parish Council. He introduced Mr. Kirk Allain who will replace him on the Parish Council and asked the Mayor and Town Council to give Mr.Allain the same type of cooperation that he has received.

Mayor Toups and the Council thanked Mr.Mouch for his service to the Town and wished him well in his future endeavors.

Mr. Chris Kershaw who represents the Sugar Mill community in Addis was introduced. He advised that the new fire station is in the 2016 budget and should be completed in that year. He advised Mrs. Evelyn Miller

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Regular Meeting – December 2, 2015

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who was a former Commissioner on the Town of Addis Planning & Zoning Commission passed away on Saturday. Mr. Kershaw thanked those who responded and helped at the time of Mrs. Miller’s death.

Police Report: The police report for the month of November, given by Chief Anderson, included 27 traffic citations issued; 8 misdemeanor arrests; 2 felony arrests; 3 vehicles crashes. The misdemeanor arrests were: 4-domestic/disturbances; 1-traffic; 2-warrants; 1-aggravated battery. The felony arrests were: 1-aggravated battery; and 1-carnal knowledge of a juvenile.

Sewer: The sewer report, read by Mayor Toups, included 57 equipment failures; 16 jammed pumps; 1 leak; 1 tank relocation and 1 discharge line relocation. Four pumps were changed, and there were four tie-in inspections in Sugar Mill.

Planning & Zoning Commission: Mrs. Karen Younger was recognized and again asked for permission to install mo-dads for sewer on lots 2, 4 and 6 in the Younger’s minor subdivision. Councilor Gauthreaux advised that he feels a minor subdivision is like a regular subdivision and should be connected to the public sewer system. Further discussions were held. Councilor Kelley moved that the Youngers be allowed to install the mo-dad sewer systems on lots 2, 4, and 6 of the Younger’s minor subdivision with the stipulation that anything in the future will be tied into the public sewer system.

Councilor Kelley’s motion failed due to the lack of a second.

More discussion followed. Councilor Acosta advised that he feels the minor subdivision should be on the town sewer system. Mr. Randy Mouch asked about the possibility of shared cost of installing the sewer between the property owner and the Town. Following more discussion, a motion was made by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Kelley, that the offer is that the property owner will purchase the sewer grinder pumps and material to run the force main line, and the Town will take the burden of the installation of the lines to service lots 2, 4 and 6 of the Younger family’s minor subdivision. The motion was adopted on the following roll call vote: Yeas; Parrish; Kelley; Gauthreaux; Acosta. Nays: None Absent: Cazes Abstaining: None

Mobile Home Ordinance Update: No report due to absence of Chairman Cazes.

Police Vehicles bids: One bid was received – Gerry Lane Chevrolet: 2016 Fleet Chevrolet Tahoe - $35,563.00. Chief’s Unit - $36,833.00.

A motion was made by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Gauthreaux to accept the two bids for two units from Gerry Lane Chevrolet, as presented. The motion was adopted.

Five-Year Plan: Mayor Toups asked the Council to review the 5-year plan and be prepared to update and/or adopt at the special meeting on December 16th.

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Regular Meeting – December 2, 2015

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2015 Revised Budgets: Mayor Toups reviewed the 2015 revised budget for the General Fund. He then opened a public hearing on the proposed revised budget and Ordinance 2015-17 which adopts the budget. There were no comments from the public. The public hearing was closed and Mayor Toups turned the revised budget over to the Council for its discussion and/or action.

A motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Acosta to accept Ordinance 2015-17 which

adopts the 2015 revised budget for the Town of Addis General Fund. The motion was adopted on the following roll call vote: Yeas: Acosta; Gauthreaux; Parrish; Kelley: Nays: None Absent: Cazes Abstaining: None

Mayor Toups reviewed the proposed 2015 revised budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund. He then opened a public hearing on the proposed revised budget and Ordinance #2015-17. There were no comments from those present and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Toups turned the proposed 2015 revised budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund over to the Council for their discussion and/or action.

A motion was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Parrish to accept Ordinance #2015-17 and the proposed 2015 revised budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund. The motion was adopted on the following roll call vote: Yeas: Acosta; Gauthreaux; Parrish; Kelley Nays: None Absent: Cazes Abstaining: None

Committee Reports: Finance: A motion was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to pay bills which are found in order. The motion was adopted.

A motion was made by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Parrish to expend funds for the annual Christmas lunch to be held on Wednesday, December 23rd at Noon. The motion was adopted.

Police: A motion was made by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to declare Chief Anderson’s old vehicle, the 2009 Tahoe – Vin #3455, is damaged too extensively to repair and is of no further use to the Town, and it will be disposed of. The motion was adopted.

A motion was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Acosta to sell the 2008 White Ford Crown Vic. – Vin #6461 for scrap asit was not transferred to the Constable’s office as planned and no bids were received on the vehicle. The motion was adopted.

Sewerage: None Personnel: None

Drainage: Mayor Toups advised that John Artigue is in need of a small track hoe. A quote was received from Crawler Supply

A motion was made by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Parrish to purchase a track hoe from Crawler Supply Company for a quoted price of $34,432.71 on the State Contract, and in accordance with the description of the equipment noted in Crawler’s quote. The motion was adopted.

Streets, Roads, etc.: Several locations on First Street will be looked at for repairs.

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Regular Meeting – December 2, 2015

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Some of the roads which were discussed for repair in 2016 were Missouri Acres; River’s Edge; Horseshoe by park; the back street and two side streets in Sunset and Fitzgerald.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. on a motion by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Gauthreaux and adopted.

s/ David H. Toups

s/ Vera T. LucasDavid H. Toups

Vera T. Lucas Mayor

Town Clerk
