Level 3 PhysicsText: Glencoe Physics

Unit I: Ch.2 “Representing Motion”

Standards 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, October ‘06

Day 1- Describing Position & Calculating Displacement

After finishing up the Metric Olympics from last unit, we will go over notes on position and displacement. Students will begin to analyze diagrams to describe position using three different types of notation.
To read… / To do…
handout from Hewitt on linear or 1-D motion / questions on handout

Day 2- Introduction to Average Speed & Solving Problems in Physics

We will finish and go over the position activity from last class. Then we will go over the homework to discuss and take notes on average speed and its relationship to distance and time. Next we will discuss solving word problems in physics by doing some examples together.
To read… / To do…
Text p.p. 34-37 / Study for quiz.

Day3-Analyzing Motion

Class will begin with a quiz on converting in the metric system and basic ideas about displacement. Students will do practice problems involving average speed, distance & time.
To read… / To do…
Text p.p. 38-42 / p. 53 #50, 51, 53

Day 4- Start Constant Motion Lab with Toy Cars

Class will begin by going over the homework problems. We will then discuss the lab we will begin and make plans for gathering data. Groups will collect data. If there is time students will begin to graph the results by hand.
To read… / To do…
Text p.p. 43-45 / Write a procedure for the lab and draw the set-up.

Day 5- Graphing Data

We will begin class with an average speed problem. Students will finish graphing the results from the lab. Students will calculate the slope of the best fit line. Groups will graph the data from the lab on the computers using Logger pro. Students will use the computer generated graphs to check their hand drawn graphs.
To read… / To do…
Text p.p. 46-47 / Lab Analysis Questions and Conclusion

Day 6- Graph Matching on the Computers- Position vs. Time Graphs

We will begin class with a sketch graph handout to introduce how different types of motion are shown on position-time graphs. We will take notes on position-time graphs. Next after going over how a motion detector works, students will start the Graph Matching Lab on the computers.
To read… / To do…
website linked to course website
The Physics Classroom Tutorial
Physics Tutorial - 1-D kinematics
Lesson 3- Describing Motion with
Position vs. Time Graphs / Handout with graph problems

Day 7- What is a Velocity vs. Time Graph

We will go over the homework carefully. Students will do part II of the Graph Matching Lab to introduce them to velocity-time graphs.
To read… / To do…
Text p.p. 62-63 / Study for quiz on average speed and position vs. time graphs

Day 8-

Class will begin with a quiz. We will go over converting from position versus time to velocity versus time graphs. I will use the computer and a toy car to demonstrate the area under a velocity vs. time graph is displacement. Students will work in their groups on an area under the curve problem involving two objects in motion.
To read… / To do…
website linked to course website
The Physics Classroom Tutorial
Physics Tutorial - 1-D kinematics
Lesson 4- Velocity-Time Graphs / p. 52 #46-48, 57-58 and p. 81 #74

Day 9-Review

Day 10- Test